Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Holy crap a swastika! Must be obama's headquarters. obama, like his predecessor hitler, is nothing but a filthy, lying, power-hungry, anti-semitic, fascist demagogue who has swayed a bunch of idiot sheeple with some half-way decent speeches (only thanks to his ever-present teleprompter) and is destroying the economy, the ecology and our liberties. The world beat hitler. Now we must unite to defeat obama!
Look! Nazis in San Diego! :D
He wasn't Jewish, you stupid shit, he just wasn't arian. He was Roman fucking Catholic. And he didn't use the Buddhist symbol. Duh. If YOU had paid enough attention in history, he flipped the symbol. With the Buddhist symbol, the arms face the other direction. *slaps you on the forehead* You shoulda had a V8.
Yeah, it is a military base. They are changing it soon because of retards and their idiocy over it. There are also two building to the left of it that are "planes" shooting it down. Anyhow, before the Swastika was defiled by Hitler and the Nazi party, it was a symbol used by various cultures and religions dating all the way back to Medieval times, perhaps further. The building itself was mostly designed with ease and mobile convenience in mind. It will be a sad day when a terror-inflicting future leader decides to use another beautiful symbol to represent their misdeeds and create a newer generation of stupid people.
What a fucking ignorant douche do you have to be to compare Obama to Hitler! Hope you dream of dying in a concentration camp asshole!!!
i see a nazi shit....
32.676165,-117.157849 coordinates
He's missing a finger
Oi to the sniveling shitbag whining about comparing hitler to obama. First thing Hitler did was take away the guns, motherfucker. You need to understand what fascism truly is. In Europe the greatest number of deaths related to GUNS was perpetrated upon the civilians by government entities on EVERY side, and this was AFTER taking away guns from civilians using gun registration documents, often executing the people who owned them. Stop blaming Bush for everything you ridiculous BIGOT. Obama isn't trying to fix anything. He has resigned the patriot act twice, and then enacted a bill that is much more invasive and civil rights quashing. YOU ARE THE UNEDUCATED piece of shit. The Obama appointed DOJ has also submitted an argument to the court that even the Bush administration never resorted to, and that is that the U.S. govt can wiretap anybody without a warrant, and they cannot ever be sued for violating privacy laws. They also gave themselves the right to detain & hold FOREVER any individual on the planet without right to counsel. Bush never did that either. READ HISTORY TWAT, talk to the elderly. Many WW2 aged people have stated that Obama reminds them of Hitler.
The Swastika is used as a religious symbol by the Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains, much like the KKK cross is used by the Christians. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkrtLl6rh3I&feature=related Buddhist Symbols: The Swastika and the Shatkona (Star of David) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWqeJGmVyyg The Buddhist Swastika Vs. Nazi Hakenkreuz http://www.flickr.com/photos/49337086@N07/4525274963/ The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit svastika(in ancient India, in Devanagari, स्वस्तिक), meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck. It is composed of su- (cognate with Greek ευ-, "eu-"), meaning "good, well" and asti a verbal abstract to the root as "to be"; svasti thus means "well-being". The suffix -ka forms a diminutive, and svastika might thus be translated literally as "little thing associated with well-being". The swastika symbol is one of the oldest symbols on the Earth and can be found in all religions and traditions, on all continents! http://www.proswastika.org/page.php?2 Used in Asian Countries to denote where Buddhist Temples are located: http://www.flickr.com/photos/59385051@N07/5435812352/ Amitabha Buddha with Swastika Shield http://budaedu.org/book-img/CoverL/BP001.jpg
Yes Obama the nazi. Makes a lot of sense-I always wondered how Mitt got so many votes, apparently 5000 of them come from people on this site. Maybe we need another Bush in office? Start another senseless war? That will fix everything. Propagate ignorance and hate! Throwing around big words doesn't make you smart- it just makes you an educated dipshit.
A swastika is actually a really good design for a building. 4 wings, 4 courtyards and whatnot.
Did nazi that coming
Okay, how did that idiot get over five thousand positive votes? --Snyarhedir
Coincidence or CONSPIRACY!!!!
Man your the biggest fucking idiot on the planet congratulations. I don't remember reading about Hitler trying to give people health insurance. I haven't seen Obama putting people into concentration camps. Nor starting a world war. So do the world a favor shut your fucking mouth you piece of shit.
Holy crap a swastika! Must be obama's headquarters. obama, like his predecessor hitler, is nothing but a filthy, lying, power-hungry, anti-semitic, fascist demagogue who has swayed a bunch of idiot sheeple with some half-way decent speeches (only thanks to his ever-present teleprompter) and is destroying the economy, the ecology and our liberties. The world beat hitler. Now we must unite to defeat obama! "
oh lol swastikas i thought it was that it looked like a bird with a mowhawk
Discovered by the Germans in 1947 it simply means, a whales vagina.
That sign has also been used as a peace sign many years ago. Its all related in this world, mix but yet the same.
Obviously you can see Godzilla in the ocean
Nazi symbol right above the F just keep going up and you'll see it's on the thing
There's an entire city in this picture, so it's safe to assume at least one person who lives there is missing a finger.
A nazi missingno.
To whoever said Hitler can't be Jewish because he is roman catholic, you shouldn't be giving people history lessons because: 1. Being Jewish by religion and being Jewish by race isn't always the same. You can racially be Jewish and follow some other religion. Also, you can be Jewish by faith but have no Jewish heritage. Also Hitler was only 1/4 Jewish, if at all, this is explained in my next point. 2. Hitler's grandfather was probably Jewish. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father when born in 1837 and to this day Hitler's paternal grandfather is unknown. Alois' mother, Maria Schicklgruber, is known to have worked in the home of a wealthy Jewish man, so there is some chance, however small, that a Jewish man in that household got Hitler's grandmother pregnant.
a-ha....... he's good but at last i found waldo
land mass looks like pixel pigeon
He wasn't Jewish, you stupid shit, he just wasn't arian. He was Roman fucking Catholic. And he didn't use the Buddhist symbol. Duh. If YOU had paid enough attention in history, he flipped the symbol. With the Buddhist symbol, the arms face the other direction. *slaps you on the forehead* You shoulda had a V8.
nazi zombie city!!!!!!!!!
Ah fuck. I used to live in Coronado.... Just.... Fuck me... MY DAD WAS A NAVAL OFFICER WHO WORKED HERE WHAT THE FLYING FUCK!?
This is why I'm Communist.
they had to chage the building thats a historical edificacion this university had 40 years
Must be Bush's home.
It's missing a finger!
Cant believe someone took the time to look for this
It looks like a guy going to pick his nose!
Heh, I know exactly where that is. I used to go to school around there.
seems like a vagina
"Holy crap a swastika! Must be obama's headquarters. obama, like his predecessor hitler, is nothing but a filthy, lying, power-hungry, anti-semitic, fascist demagogue who has swayed a bunch of idiot sheeple with some half-way decent speeches (only thanks to his ever-present teleprompter) and is destroying the economy, the ecology and our liberties. The world beat hitler. Now we must unite to defeat obama!" Nonono, that's George Bush. People are just blaming Obama for it.
wtf is up with the anti-obama comments? idiotic racist dickfaces...
Its says San Diego BAY but its an Island............and the only named place in that city.....
looks like a pci graphics card
It's two american fighters attacking a Swastika.
OMG If you google San Diego Bay and look at this the annotation thing is wtf naval base in form of a swastika lmao
i look it up on google maps i saw it and i shat a fuckiing hotel
I actually have a close-up picture of this swastika-shaped US Navy building on my wall. One of the funniest pictures I have seen in my life.
In what fucking world is Obama ANYTHING like hitler? Fucking jackass...
omg i did NAZI that one coming!!!
Oh noes!!! Hitler came back to kill us all.
Holy crap a swastika! Must be obama's headquarters. obama, like his predecessor hitler, is nothing but a filthy, lying, power-hungry, anti-semitic, fascist demagogue who has swayed a bunch of idiot sheeple with some half-way decent speeches (only thanks to his ever-present teleprompter) and is destroying the economy, the ecology and our liberties. The world beat hitler. Now we must unite to defeat obama!