Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
the girl is missing a finger....5 actually
I know her. She's a really nice person. Who unfortuanetly born with no fingers and half a hand.
Not only is the girl missing fingers, but inbetween the two men on the left is a levitating cup. No one's holding it.
Her right hand seems to be undeveloped... Poor girl.
R Kelly is still trapped in the closet. Trying to peek out / Jesusdonmedia @ utube
Yall are all crazy.. It is obviously the scary lookin eye in the floor on the left side! GOSH!
Now we have all learned that if u drink pepsi and not sprite its a 100% chance for not losing your fingers!
1 - Eye in the ground (left corner below) 2 - Someone in the closet 3 - Right guy's hanging belt in an unfortunate location 4 - Girl has no fingers whatsoever 5 - Girl has something between her boobies 6 - Levitating beer between the 2 left guys
lets all give that girl a hand
looks like the man at black shirt is a look a like of zac farro from paramore! (drummer) or is that him?
http://bit.ly/gSUN89 and she is missing 5 fingers.. -.-
whos holding the cup next to the guy on the left with glasses?
she has the "stroger hand" like scary movie 2 lmao
She has absolutely no reason to be smiling.
Am i the one who's seeing the girl's head is detach to his body. OMG she has no neck!
"ok people theres two things i gotta say... 1. im sorry you guys dont have the maturaty to relize stuff like this happens all the time... thers nothing wrong with her condition!! 2. that cup is stuck between the two guys legs its not levitating you just to stupid to accept that not all pics have ghoast or scary crap like that!!! i <3 ruban!!! -ashley" You's a ho.
here.. take my strong hand.
look at the guy with the TB hat, have you seen his pants??!
I dont see it...oh its in the closet, OMG WTF IS THAT?! KILL IT KILL IT!!
Heh. I actually said out loud: "Well... Nobody's missing any fingers.. EXCEPT FOR HEEER! :O d:
Three douchebags and some hot chick?
She's cute, fingers or not.
OMFG look at her hand :O
my cousin has that hat. lol
The girl has a fucked up hand, levitating cup between the two men, guy on rights belt looks like a dick.
there is nothing wrong with her she was born with it like that. so just deal and don't make fun of people jeez!
black hand in the shades of the window
she isnt missing a finger you idiots, her pinky is on the right side of her chin HERRRPDEEEP
Anyone else notice the guy's got his pecker out?
dont really see anything but the guy on the right by the closet is kinds cute =P
Black guy in the closet.
shoes and carptets dont mix?
whose holding the blue cup?!
Oh, the wonders of photoshopping...
ummm, shes missing 5 fingers, she has a broken neck, and theres a floating cup!
All I see is 3 super duech bags and a a bitch with no fingers on one hand (well, she only need one if u know what I mean
Floating cup beteen the two guys
dude on right.... dick hangin out....,just sayin'
Missing a finger and shes doing the 'i lick pussy' sighn
there is a huge tool in the far right
hello does anyone else see it except me. at the very left on the screen
It's the blue cup not the girls' deformity.
1. she has no fingers on her hand with the soda 2. her left leg is turned backwards
the girl is too hot for all 3 douches...even without any fingers on her right hand
The girls left hand is backwards
She's actually Rick Renstrom's sister, look at google!
Pedobear is in the can!
207 the cup is on the corner of a table.
dude has a huge boner
In the closet, where a pallet has broke there is a man's face.
did anyone else see the guy with no pupils?
Is that an urn in the background?
I thought the guy on the right had whipped out his junk, and he has a Stewie Griffin wang.
hand coming out of the closet?
that guy with cap has a long dick
hmmmm... the guy on the right's crotch?
Is that an urn in the back ground?
look at the guy on the left his belt resembles a penis
Gimpy hand!
the first one has five fingers lol
There's a floating cup in the two guys on the left/
Poor girl with a clubbed hand.
looks like an eye looking through a zip, bottom left
dude noooo dumbasses!!!! the guy in da back has a baby penis lolz!!!
I think her fingers are just wrapped around the can. Her forearm on the other hand....
We found stubby
Lmao. Eye on the floor, bottom left. And girl missing five fingers. <3
ok people theres two things i gotta say... 1. im sorry you guys dont have the maturaty to relize stuff like this happens all the time... thers nothing wrong with her condition!! 2. that cup is stuck between the two guys legs its not levitating you just to stupid to accept that not all pics have ghoast or scary crap like that!!! i <3 ruban!!! -ashley
so nobody else sees the hand pokin thru the closet door shutters on the right?!
It's a powerpuff girl
Theres an orange alien hiding in her cleavage.
stumpy hand :D How does she hand job/ hold the beer
And not a single brick was shat that day
It's a powerpuff girl
who the fuck is holding the blue cup between the 2 guys on the left?
Brazzers :D
she has the hand from scary movie 2............ "My Germs"
who's holding the blue cup? O.o
LOOOOOOOL is a bird in the closet
The guy in the middle is holding a ping pong ball. Somone was playingg beer pongg(:
look ay the closet there is a finger
404 Error: Hand not found. Check your anus.
oh i thought it was the dildo between her boobs
The missing finger is meant to divert you from the fact there is a face between her tits. whoever said there isn't anything scary in the pic is a fucking moron.
my friend has a hand like that and she is so cool
Thing in closet behind douchebag.
ok theres 3 things in this one, first in the bottom left, something looking through the floor, secondly, the girl is mission 5 fingers (for once that isnt used as a crappy joke) and thirdly, the closet blinds, theres a pari of eyes looking through the broken/bent down one
Ah, Well yeah, I guess it is the lack of fingers on her hand. I thought it was what was sticking through her cleavage.
Guy on the right looks like he has his dick flopped out
theres something in between the girls boobs
Nobody else noticed that the guy on the right looks like he has an incredibly small penis hanging out?
I don't think people should be trollin about this
Damn, she can hold a beer.
ohh i know the guy on right!! hes a cool guy
haha its so funny to read all of your comments the real deal of this photo is the mid guy who has the big penis.. check his pant!!! lol
or who' s holding the cup between the 2 men on the left?.... the hand thing is a birth defect .. happens more then u think
And she can still hold a beer!!! Now thats a true women!!!
now don't make fun of deformed people!
what's this about some hand all I see is a belt that looks like a penis
there is a black guy in the closet
What is holding that one cup between those two guys up!!???
I know her and she fists me sooooo good, she even pulls on my dangle with the other hand (ass is pulsating now!!)
Tiki torch is inside the house.
awww thats sadd
the big guy. he has bunny ear. two finger kind. very llight.
hand in shutters
that is my uncle in the back!
wtf's in between her boobs?
the guys wearing a hollister shirt, gay!!!!!!!
Look in the crack in the closet door.....theres something coming out of it!!!
1. she has no fingers on her hand with the soda 2. her left leg is turned backwards
Sorry sweetie but that's the worst Popeye impression I've ever seen.
there is an eye in the left down corner, hay un ojo en la esquina inferior izquierda :D
look at her right arm
UMMMM lets see beside the fact that shes missing her fucking hand!!! the guy with the hat looks like a fuckin retard
who the fuck is holding the cup behind the big guy? O_O
-girls right hand has no fingers -cup next to the dude with glasses is levitating -in the bottom left hand corner there is an eye -theres a hand coming out of the closet -guy on the rights wiener is out ha
The belt of the right guy looks like dick
Who wants a hand job? oh wait.....
peek a boo!
dude on right NO jus.. jus no.
it's not a dick, it his belt...
Oh...i thought it was the guy on the right's belt....Dirty minded me ;)
the boy with glasses have 6 fingers.
look close, a bunch of fags
Someones in the closet looking through the blinds..
levatating cup, girl missing fingers, coke in boobies, green thing in closet, yea did i miss any
The girl has a can of coke in between her boobs.
no handjobs for them unforunatly
Hey da hell is she holding her beer? OH MY GOSH Jiiiiipppppsssssy!!! JIPSY WHORE KILL IT BEFORE IT MUTATES!!!!
If youll notice the douche in the middle is holding a tampoon
the girl is missing all her fingers
am i the only 1 who sees the dude in the white shirts pants are slightly down and somethings under that shirt
the guy with the glasses has something that looks like a dick going up his ass.
She's drinkin dew! =D
That kid with the TB hat had his belt strap hangin down lookin like his dick is hangin out
The floors broken on the bottom left and there's a guy's eye there, OMG A BLACK GUY!
haha its so funny to read all of your comments the real deal of this photo is the mid guy who has the big penis.. check his pant!!! lol -mharlhowne
The fingers is missing a bitch
Are you kidding the cup between the 2 guys is being held by the air, either that or the fingerless chick is using esp.
the girl haven't a right hand
This is easy, its three desperate guys who obviously met this chick online
The cup isn't levitating there is a table there. An it a little fucked up to be making fun. She was born that way. Its not funny.
The guys DICK IS Hangin out!!!!!!!!!!!
who gives a shit about the deformed bitch
there is a fucking eye in the lower left corner
There is thingers in the closet!
wait whos holding the blue beer cup?
Fuckin retards look between the ladys boobs there is a cocacola cano in there
This picture just makes you shit more and more bricks when you notice all that stuff.
the guy in the far left has a peice of wood shaped like a dil-do goin up his ass
the guy on the far right.... hiz belt... gee iwonder ..
gang rape
Uh, the girl has no hand. You know, sometimes that just happens. Sometimes people suffer accidents or have birth abnormalities, it's not really shit brix-worthy.
girl missing fingers guy on the right has a dick magical cup between the two guys eye on the floor
There's a black guy behind the fingerless freak
the girl is missing a finger….5 actually
see between the boobs
NUB GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The guys long belt pen0r
I count everyone's fingers before commenting
i bet she gives the worst handjobs
he's missing a fing.... HOLY SHIT ANOTHER ONE!!! SHE IS MISSING A FINGER! SHE IS MISSING A FINGER! SHE IS MISSING A FINGER! SHE IS MISSING A FINGER!... oh and she's also missing a thumb. And here comes the irony of it all: my captcha says "hunky dory"
The girl is a Zombie =_=
What is holding that one cup between those two guys up!!???
The girl can give only ONE HANDJOB at a time.
Fix your belt, you crazy man!
1. The cups between the two men is falling down, they bumped into it, yeah? 2. Yes the girls has no fingers 3. Seems like she has a bottle in her cleavage too?
The guy in the middle is holding a ping pong ball in his right hand.
Dude on the right is puttin his belt dick on the girl
in the window over the guy to the rights shoulder it looks like someone is looking at them through a crack
air guitar
The cup on the left is on a table and one of the dudes is knocking it down while posing for the pic... retards
check out dude's awesome pager
THe guy on the right's got a boner.
That girl is missing a finger...well...a hand. I think that guy to the right has his dick out of his pants and there is something coming out of the closet door. :]
OMG ! That's my FRIENDS!!!!!!! LOL
And she's a righty
okay shes missing fingers and if you look in the blinds, you can see like a rat or a face or somethin like dat.
the girl has a penis between her tits... the guy in black also got one between his fingers
there's a dick in the ass of the guy in left
theres a dildo in between her tits
the ghost cup!!!
Goatse in the lower right corner.
Nah. -
girl missin 5 fingers and the guy w/ the hat peed his pants
you guys are fucking stupid, theres something soming out of the closet
omg! those arent actually jeans! theyre fakers! omg!
she has something between her tittehs
theres something poking out the closet about to eat striped -special person- on the right
My cousin has no fingers on one hand.
i actually know someone with no fingers, hes really cool, but not very handy when i comes to hard work...=/
whos holding the cup??????
I bet no one noticed the floating blue cup between the two guys.
I mean, she clearly has trouble holding things with that nub, but she compensates by booby clamping. Wtf is that anyway ?!
1. the chick has something down her shirt. 2. i'm not even gonna answer about the dude on the right's belt. 3. floating cup. 4. chick has no fingers. 5. there's an eye in the floor.
omg...i know her...she is such a sweet person i cant believe someone put this up as a mindfuck...insensitive assholes...should i make fun over your sensitivity handicap
Pedo bear is coming through the blinds to the right.
see a dick in her cleavage O_O
teh girl has penis in the arm..:))
theres a pole up the guys ass on the left
theres a dildo between her tits
the blue cup is floating!
There are 2 black dildos on the left.
mann she cant jackoff!!
Floating cup inbetween those two fags
handicapt fistporn ftw.
weed pipe in her bra
"Watch it, it's a flipper."
guy missing a cock
there is a frigging eye on the floor people jeez! leave the poor girl alone about her hand. i 'm sure everyone commenting on her hand is one of the many jack asses that stare at disabled people in the street and wonder why the y don't get laid.
well, isn't there a face hiding through window ?
no one is holding the blue cup
3 gay guys and a lesbian
The dude on the left is a fuckin dick! He's showin off moves with his right hand that he girl will never be able to pull off.
its her hand
This isn't a mindfuck. This girl's hand just wasn't formed right in the womb. Woah big shit... get a life.
No, you guys are stupid, it's obviouslt that the guy on the far left is wearing a Tampa Bay Devil Rays hat and let's be honest, who the fuck would be caught wearing a D-Rays hat?
Grab a beer !
shes not in the kitchen
dude,theres a cup in his pocket...BRILLIANT!.... (now i dont have to hold it all day) -cody
Did everyone miss the bulging Penor behind farthest left guy's leg?!?!?!
man people are stuipid
anyone else notice the floating cup?
The dude on the far right has his dick hanging out but its really his belt LOL
There's a snake hand at the left bottom part of the picture ._.
She could teach a class on fisting for beginners.
need a hand with that ?
weed pipe in her bra
look down in the corner where the tall dude in white is... black guy!!!!!!
My germs!!
am i the only one who noticed that the guy on the left's belt looks like his d**k is hanging out?
an eye on the floor
I wonder how she masturbates. o.O
HIGH FIVE!!!!! Haha u can't with that stub
is it just me or is there a penis in her clevage??!?!
Wait, wait...........Who the FUCK is holding the Blue Cup?!!?
The boys belt looks like a penis
the girl is missing a finger....5 actually