Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
.: Is This A Deck Party Or A Sex Party?? :.
*girl at back left in bikini being eaten out.
* black dude in yellow top screwing womans ass.
*woman being screwed in ass sucking off guy in white top.
*woman sat in the middle she is obviously on the blob LOL
*man behind her is touching colored girls gash and other girls boob.
*man to the right of her is going in for a boob as well.
Guy with the blue top in front left just orgasmed and the woman is about to take his load.
i love these pictures
i want some give it to me fuck me i want sex so bad i wish i wa the girl sucking dick yumm
Oh Christ, its all one big subliminal sex orgy! Dx
the guy on the right with blue shirt HAS A FUCKING HOLE ON THE BACK OF HIS HEAD
i want to have sex now. FUCK ME!
made me horny
This picture is wrong to a LOT of degrees O.O
i wanna be at that party
i count at least five sexual innuendos... at least
"the guy on the right with blue shirt HAS A FUCKING HOLE ON THE BACK OF HIS HEAD" Now we need to insert a plug into it so he can go into the matrix.
the black cihick looks like beyonce
No, this picture is RIGHT on so many levels
maybe there`s a sex party?
this is gonna be my wallpaper for the next century
I don't see anything RIGHT with this picture x]
I have it, if you in the background, you'll see a monster figure!!
lol theres alot here :]
swingers party!
OMG LADY GAGA!!! far right! oddly enough, the "captcha" thing i had to fill out to post this said "you are what you eat"...
There are about 6 sexual innuendois in this picture. Simple.
woman in middle missing leg ROFL
Orgy Orgy ! haha ! and also the girl on the right side i think she's taking a BLOWJOB haha !
OMG! Bricks, Bricks everywhere!!!
Suggestive picture...
Blowjob is missing a- no, that's not right.
lol girl in the middle is just like, God damnit not again. Why do I never get sex?!
dude fukn orgy lol
I was at a party like that. Bent over to pick up my cigarette and woke up with a sore butt.
the girl in the bottom left corner loos like she has a cut on her chest to me
OMG LOL when i saw one i saw another and another then i clued into the scheme of the picture LOL
There gas to be pedobear somewhere in this picture
They are gettin luckyyyy :) Captcha:Herpies minumum
gettin' it...
I shat many brix... :[
like a porn scene haha
ROFL porn SFW!
Question is, why is the girl in the back topless
this should be on porn SFW aswell
Blowjob party niiiicceee.....
am i the only one that realises that Lady Gaga is in the pic
OMG The miserable-looking girl in the middle... The back of her neck is just the guy's T-shirt. Weird.
.: Is This A Deck Party Or A Sex Party?? :.