Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
There's baby birds in his hair!
It's a mis-caption
It's meant to read
I wanna know why the fag is wearing a rosary!!!
Russell Brand in the middle of the pic.
All of you are dumb...Theres a ninja star on top of his head :D
I really wanna comb his damn hair!!! >:D
if you look closey in the middle of your screen youll see an example of the term douch bag
i love this guy he is hilarious!!!
There is a white hand in the middle of the picture pointing up... Oh wait, it's my curser.
He isnt fucking some hot chik :P
Need a brush??
If you look closely, there is a faggot right in the middle
furry walls!!!
If you look really closely at the centre of the picture and tilt your head, you'll see RUSSEL BRAND! :O
if you look closely enough you notice that somebody just got laid
this is an EZ one...there is a giant faggot asshole right in the center of the picture
I thought a ninja star was in the back of his head....one can only hope
If you look really closely, you'll see a fucking cunt, who has somehow managed to get with Katy Perry.
Photo-shopped baby birds in the sexpots hair.
Look in his hair
there's a black pedobear missing a finger.
Its miley cyrus!
there is a midget monster in his hair
There is a faggot right in the middle of the screen thats missing a finger.
His hairdresser died. If not, he will soon (when he see this).
BAM! wanker scales off the charts.
Um... is it me or is he lacking ARMS....?
its a black chick in his weave. O.O scared me shitless.
The REAL mindfuck is how a faggot like Russel Brand gets to bone Katy Perry whenever he wants
The mind fuck part is that this guy got famous, and is now banging Katy Perry instead of us.
he's fucking katy perry, thats whats up
there's a hand pointing to his nose....oh wait that's just my cursor
lol theres so many different guess for htis picture since his hair is fucking crazy
There is a panthers head in his hair on his left shoulder.
Russel Brand. <3333333333 Oh, and someone shopped baby birds into that lovely hair of his.
he's sexy? xD
Why Katy? Why?
all i see is a rats nest
One night with Russell Brand and you'd shit bricks.....like they were water.
Not funny... The picture, or the guy? BOTH.
Mindfuck? This guy is just a fuck!
He bangs Katy Perry. That's the problem.
It's My DICK!!
That woman has a beard. Fuck the police.
you guys have got to be retarded... straight up from his left eye, there's a space between his hair where a skull is.
There is a young bird in his hair, idiots.
What? I don't see anything, all I see is Miley Cyrus.
umm wow some idiot.
I can't see the black guy in this one.. Maybe hes hiding in my closet again. D:
In the top of hes head is a gnome sitting with big ears n blowing a pipe, the gnome playing a sad song on the pipe about the ppl today, who are hopelessly out of fantasy and its wear a paper crown with a writing on it: "don't take life too seriously, assholes!".
he's got a missing finger!
does any1 else see amy whinehouse with a beard?
..I just see a sexy man.
"if you look closey in the middle of your screen youll see an example of the term douch bag" Oddly, I had your comment in the center.
must...resist...urge...to beat his face in..with a trout
the bitch who married katy perry......FML!!!
angry bird is back on business ^^, LOL
if you look closely you will see a super deluxe douchebag 3000
Its a boy!
if you look closely, you can see he is having one hell of a bad hair day.
oooo russel brand i love him
theres a pigmy in his hair!! XD
sprout growing in his hair
theres sumthing in his hair
What? All I see is a hottie. :3
that dude gets KATY PERRY XD im SOO JEALOUS
nappy headed hoe
it's Miley Cyrus in five years. ;D
this is terrribewwww
What's that piece of metal doing on his head?
OH Its a Picture
you guy are wrong all wrong theres a crown in his head :3
There's a fuckin ninja star in his hair wtf
there's a gorgeous man in this picture!!!
its a fag
his hair is missing a finger
He looks like Jesus. Just sayin'.
Russel Brand is the funniest, craziest Mother fucker
The Bird in his Do is missing a Finger.
His necklace is a penis!!!
its "Old Greg" (youtube it)
His face looks like a choade..good one!
That's attractive.
What the hell is in his hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is he bleeding from his nose?
that is Russel brand dickheads and there are birds in his hair
There's baby birds in his hair!