Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
I want a Sarah Palin blowjawb
thrift store glass earrings, $4.95.
designer eyeglasses, $475.
upper plate with incorrect canine placement, $3068.
republican vice presidential running mate wearing democratic party silk scarf?
Priceless. -
donkeys face is in other donkeys ass
Donkeys = Democrats
Elephants = Republics
Palin = Republic, wtf Donkeys? -
OMFG!!!!!!!! I have found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a stupid bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all wrong
right side of hair
rat / cat in it
loll -
the donkey centipede as The human centipede (sick german movie)
She is Talking to someone VERY tall
Sarah Palin...Parah Salin?
women's rights?
oh that shows how intelligent our vice pres would have been. dumbass. McCain would have keeled over and this woman would be our leader ohhh that would have been quite a story for the grandkids whie we all are replaying the movie Idiocracy.
This woman was almost our vice president.... I don't think you people are realize this.
Horse sex
OMG it's JESUS!!!!!
The dude behind her is sad D:
OMFG a woman, not in the kitchen O:
look at the right of her neck/head its like an animal face
It Says 'VOTE' just above the pen in her scarfe
subliminal "VOTE" in the scarf
"Hey, I see Russia!!"
har face makes me shit brix
"Vote" :D
I see red people!
OMFG a woman, not in the kitchen O:
don????t be too hard with that damn witch
she????s just tryin to be cool -
ohhh i get it now sarah palin is a jackass oh okay.
If you look closely, you can see that one horse is licking ass to other horse.Pretty mindfuck.
There's a bear on Sarah palins left shoulder (your right side of the screen)
donkey cenitpede
the donkeys ae sniff there asses
At least she understands the limited role our federal government should have. Where did you kids go to school?
Donkey Centipede?!
still looking for Russia out her window with a nice scarf to keep that brain warm
ha, wrong scarf
animal centipede on her scarf :)
she haz a polio pinky
is it me or does it seem that those donkeys have their head sniffing anothers ass?
A horse face is in the ass of the other horse
Nishchay Puri5:43 am PLEASE DON'T READ THIS.YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST FRIDAY BY THE ONE YOU LOVE.NOW YOU'VE STARTED READING THIS SO DON'T STOP THIS IS REALLY FREAKY!!!!!!!! 1)say your name 10 times 2)say your mom's name 5 times 3)say your crushes name 3 times 4)paste this on 4 other quizzes.if you do this your crush will kiss you on the nearest friday.if you don't do this after reading this you will get bad luck send this to 4 other quizzes in 143 minutes when your done press F6 and the name of your crush will appear on the screen in big letters
the face of the horse is kissin the other horse ass
human centipede, donkey version
I see the fact that she is a jackass!
l'echarpe, it's not a elefant, it's a donkey
Someone is asking for Palin's autograph?
the horse centipede
her mouth is open, but my cock isn't inside it.
i shit balls. this Pic does not work! i want my money back.
the donkey centipide as The human centipide (sick german movie)
an ass in an ass on the scarf of an ass
the scarf says vote ? . . . wtf women can't vote
asskissing on the scarf
I'm from ALASKA and i'll be first to admit, she's not the brightest, donkey scarf and she's a Republican! what a prom queen!!!
Not shopped, BTW.
Someone gave the scarf to her after her speech. The photographer actually didn't realize it until someone else saw the photos. -
Human/Donkey Centipede
donkey centipede?
it's pedo-bear! running
Theres a face in the window
ass 2 mouth donkey centipedes?
Why is Obama with Palin, shouldn't he be with Biden?
Shes not in the kitchen.
i'd still pee in her butt
democrat scarf lol
Palin sucks
OMG it's a moron!
its a man!!!
Uuhhhh HELLO!!! shes republican n shes wearing a democrat scarf its donkeys n should be elephants Duuhhhhh
look at the sleeve on her left arm.. fun night?
AHA! Proof that Sarah Palin is actually a secret agent for the Democrats to discredit the Republican party!
A fucking stupid bitch who's not in the kitchen?
the donkeys would be perfect for the human centipede
shes got that jackass shit
dude the donkeys are eating its ass!!
Her earring is the same as her glasses!
It`s the donkey centipede!!
shes a jackass lol
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Democratslogo.svg Donkeys = democrats logo Palin+donkeys = superstupid candidate!!!! Reps sucks , tea party sucks, they r America's doom!!!!!!!!
Human Centipede Scarf? Sign me up! (:
KILL IT!! KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its the donkey cenetipide!!!!
does she have an adams apple?
Something-CENTIPEDE Scarf!!
ngehhhhhhhhhh :D:D
The fact that that is Palin made me shit bricks.
Are you all retards? the horses are sticking heads to ass!
Her scarf is showing a donkey eating shit from other donkey butt. Later, she is a cheap bitch. Then, the air is missing a finger. and lastly, nothing at all.
shes fat
She thought Africa was a country didnt she? or something like that? o.o
lol sarah palin is a traitor
shes missing a finger!
the donkey centipede!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
First of all: Donkeys = Democrats Elephants = Republics Second of all: Palin = Republic What the hell! And also it looks like the donkeys r sniffing each others buts! Haha!
Why is she wearing a democrat symbol, when she is a republican???
donkey centipede!!
she can see you from her back yard o.o
look at the horse in shes clothes
Donkey Centipede?!
if you look closly on the scarf you see one donkey with his head down. some thing is getting jiggie in the back.
There's a face to the right of her chin..
onthe right side of the scarf one of the donkeys faces is fused with a donkeys butt
Look Closely at donkeys butt and head...Donkeys head is in other donkeys butt!!!
I always shit brix when i see Palin :-P
She's got ASS on her scarf!
Llama Centipede? x
She kinda fails at everything...
Donkey centipede.
Behind Obama?
LMAO. she's wearing a dem scarfff.
the human centipede
Democratic Centipede!
Repulicrat...Democan....What's the difference?
Right side of her hair there's a rabbit
look at the dogs:) that is the mindfuck
pedo bear attacks again! NOOES!
Exuse me, would you vote for me in 2012?
There's a fucker in the middle of the screen.
Its a jackass!
If you look REALLY close, you can see an idiot
i just dont get the pedo bear on this one
I want a Sarah Palin blowjawb