Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
theres cum on the dresses
a girl is showing her pussy.
Omg, the middle girl has jizz on her boob!
Besides the fact the people fucked the dress part up, does anyone notice that the hearts are on the wrong side of the chest of ALL the girls?
Cum on three dresses..
the girl at the front is on a weelcher
they are all dudes
the blonde girl on the right (holding her "stomach") is a little excited. *wink wink*
blonde on left and brunette on the bottom right have switched noses
she's on a wheelchair
The only black girl in the picture is in the back.
nigga at the window, above the girls, one finger missing, a dog.
The one "girl" is more like a "man" DUH. lol
There's 1 black girl in the pic
They all have huge dongs
I think that the point is that the plack girls arm continues all the way down like she's holdin the blond girls hip.. oooor.. look at the girls hand thats standing in the middele..freaky :D
theres a black chick
Hearts on the wrong side
the one person next to the front girl is a dude thats why they say "IT"
there is like a horse in the girls boob directly above the u in mind fuck
The two girls in the front look like someone came on them.
Look at the girl who's sort of middleish with the really weird expression like a 'tard, then look at her left upper arm. Wtf?
The girl right in front is in a wheelchair, and the green wrapping paper has a body prodding out of it.
they have the hearts on the wrong side
Girl in front is in a weelchair
Classy.jpg is better - you see pink panties. Oh, & back-right is a total hound...
girl flashing the cam.
her pussy was showing
cum shots on their left breast :o oh dear
there is a fish going into a vagina at the far top on door
dude the girl in front has cum on her shoulder...
they are all horrny
yup they just fucked up the original version
If you look closely, there's a group of cheating sluts.
laaaawl jizz on ze chest
the girl is a midget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in the front)
the black chicks arm looks extended by the white girl in front of her
OMG ! there's a transex there !
OH GOD ITS U vkn,n,m,bmnb,nm,bnj
you know what? most of those girls are lesbians. notcie how theyre looking at the girl flashing her undies in the original? THUMBS UP FOR LESBIANS!!!
soooo, why is she showing us the pink under her dress?
are u guys fukin retarded...the chick in the fronts about 2 flash her jj...wow it took a bosnian 2 figure that out...like if ur a horn dogg!!!
If you look at the original picture, you'll almost see the womans IT. that's it.
none of them is in a kitchen
blonde chick on the far left HAS AN EXTRA FINGERR igits
not cum, feathers? girl picking up her dress.
middle row, far left. TRANNY thumbs up if agreed
theyre missing fingers
no no no its kakarot
What the hell is she striping or is she a lesbien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who has the boner?
everyone hates and nobodys touch the girl who´s show her pussy ?
The woman on the right wants a second round!!
The girl on the right looks like she is being strangled.
Its a face in the green meshy thingy on the wall behind them :)
U GUYS ARE RETARDED !!! the only person that is paying attention to the girl pulling up her dress?!!?!?
i got it there all really men
They're all men
Person on the top left of girl in front flashing is a man
They have hearts on their boobehs D:
actually, the girl down front is pulling up her dress showing off her vag, but the way the photo is cropped it cut it off...i've seen it in other places...
the three girls in the front look like they have nut on there right tit
What The Fudge is it???
There bird shit on the 2 girls Dresses
There's a shemale (second from the left).
A Guy...Noone sees that? Adams Apple! xD
Yo, these are a bunch of dutch Sorority chicks
they all got skeet on they dresses! duh
There is bird crap on her dress.
One of the girl is a man! HaHa! XD
If you look closely, there's a bunch of cheating sluts.
Yellow cock. White balls fish in a circle hmm.. What too make of this?
your mom's an IT
look on the left and one is a guy acting to be a girl
Two Girls to Her Right: "Ugh, Yo Pussy Stank!"
not to mention most of them look like trannys... but thats not the point, shes flashing her panties... big deal. http://www.evilmilk.com/pictures/Classy.jpg
dont you guys see the man in the far background? the teal thingy in the back
the brunette on the far right is checking out the blonde's tits while the blonde is scoping the brunette next to the ladyman who looks like she's lifting her skirt. Do I feel a porn coming on?:)
the other one is gay
One of them is a man
The black girl looks like she has long arms!
Yeah it says "IT". Look in the plastic sheeting in the background, It's IT!!!!!
the three in the front have jizz on their shoulders.
GOT IT! It's a face in the background on the right side. The face is IT (the clown) That's why IT is capitalized in the sentence "When you see IT.."
well.... there are a lot of things wrong/weird about the picture... to tell you the truth idk where to begin...
now who let that bitch in?
I would so love to fuck that blonde chick with her hair pulled back
there's hitler's face in the green behind them. idiots.
wahhhh????? thats just not normal!!i went on the real one
The chick on the right is being choked.
They are all Guys.
Sylvester Stallone in drag at the top right.
Look at the dirty bitch top right ish with the curly hair!!!!!
they all like Black guys!!!
theres cum in the girl in front's dress!
they are not in the kitchen
the girl looking down is looking at the girl lifting her dress. you all are idiots
the blond in near the black women is in the black women xD
OMG CANT U SEE THE SEMEN ON THE SITTING GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
blonde with hair pulled back has no eyebrows
they are all pregnant
the girl on the upper right corner looks like a friend of my neighborhood o.O
It's a black chick in the back!
Girl in front is in a wheelchair
Dumbasses, this photo has been cropped.
The chick in the middle is showing her twat off and the two girls are on the right are looking at it. -
the girl that holding her dress up was actually shat a brix, thats why few of her other mates gave her an if-you-see-it-you'll-shit-brix look
the blonde in the back's shoulder is in front of the black girl's yet the black girl is in front of her.
the one on the far right is choking
Second row first right is a man
the white on their dresses look like jizz. i know thats not it, i just found it kind of funny
i think it's the one chick's eye brows..
is a transvestite
It's a boy !!
there is only 1 black woman and rest are white :O
"The mindfuck is that someone screwed the original" Thanks for that. I kept trying to figure out why half of the woman were staring straight at her. I was looking for a boner or something.
one black person!!!!!
Two words. Adam's Apple.
the girl on the left, isnt a girl. thats a man.... jeez howd you guys miss that one lol
everyone has bird shit on them
its the nigger
the girl has wierd eyebrowss! hahha
All of these girls are missing a finger.
Blonde girl on the lower right is staring at the other girl's boobs.
the chick on the bottom right has some fucked up lookin eyes (asian lookin kinda)
hot chick in the front i s showing all of us her beautiful panties
look at the dress on the girl in front, looks like she missed a cum shot
theyre wearing the hearts on the wrong side?
All Ladyboys!!...fap fap fap.... paf!!!... Aiiieee Broke it again!!!!!
What about the woman getting choked on the right ?
the blonde girl second from the left is staring down the one next to hers tits, and rubbing herself!
im pretty sure its just the nigger at the top
NO NO NO every girl behing is wearing the same broche but the front girl is wearing and AND1 broche is u look cloosley
Over the girl in the middle, that's looking in to nothing, the girl over her has a hand on her shoulder xD Don't think it's anyones :S
really?? does no one notice that all the girls who have hearts on their dresses have them on the right side of their chests when the heart is on the left.
The dress is missing a finger
OH I GET IT!...wait-wait no i don't...