Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
It was a psychological test
People who weren't exposed to sex
will see 15 dolphins or so
people who were exposed to sex
will see two lovers. -
lol my 6 year old sis came up behind me and said "why is there a naked lady on the jar"
wow. it takes skill to unsee it.
I only see the two people fucking, no dophins O_O
I finally saw the dolphins but only after having read they should be there. They're nicely incorporated in the caressing couple. Neat.
I'm 14 and don't see fucking dolphins...where are they?
I saw both. Never had sex. Pretty obvious.
Look at the black shadowing. Those are the dolpins.
God damn, I saw the dolphins and now I can't unseen them! Everytime I want to look at her pussy, I see a dolphin....Ignorance is bliss!
im 12 yaers old and wat is this
=D dolphins are sexy
thats hot
I remember when I was a kid and all I saw was dolphins.
OHH SNAPP! I see them both!!!
... where r the fucking dolphins and damn watch them tits jiggle!!!! XD
what? i only see dolphins. wait... why the dolphins have boobs?
Research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such a scenario. However, they do see the nine dolphins in the picture!
..now I can see both.I was wondering where those goddamn dolphins are.
OMG, its not the people that turn into dolphins. IN BETWEEN THEM THERE ARE DOLPHINS!!
I see the people and 1 dolphin. Yeah 1.
I saw the lovers first because i looked at the name of the picture while page was loading... Im such a cheater :D
omfg that girl i smissing a finger!!
ooh baby thats sexii lmao i see no dolfins....
omg i can't see any dolphins ^^
and what happens if you weren't exposed both to sex and to dolphins? o.o
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ceaut dolpfinsssss but ya that person with the psycology thing is right i firstly saw the two lovers then the dolpfins
dolphins instead of sex
Lol, i cant see the dolphins, how much i try :O
''It was a psychological test People who weren't exposed to sex will see 15 dolphins or so people who were exposed to sex will see two lovers.'' I cant see *ONE* dolphin!? Am i a total perv? :o
I see both and all ^-^'
look at the reflection of the water
LOL @ first i was only seeing two people making love then i just looked in the dark areas and saw dolphins :D1
3 people making love
i saw 8 dolphins :>
I can see 9 dolphines
i cant only see 8 dolphins ;)
lol i only see 10 dolphines Damn
dolphins!!!!! jk jk im not stupid
Les dauphins n'écrivent pas :o)
The tail of the dolphin is the vagina :O
i see dolphins having sex.
"how could you possibly see dolphins? I've been looking at this for like 5 mins straight" Just look at the non-white parts on each person.
i dont see any fucking dolphins all i see is 2 people fucking
All those not exposed to sex see the dolphins, all those exposed see the naked person, all those who are exposed to Pedobear see...
Lol, I went to an optical illusion place and saw this picture on the wall. It had the little information thing on it, and I recognized the picture immediately... Took my like 10 minutes to find the dolphins every time >=C (I was like 8 the first time)
i see no dolphins
Lol! I saw the sex image before I saw the dolphins.
i dont even see one fucking dolphin!!!
im also 12 and I had to look at it in 15 min. before i saw the dolfins!
i saw both. dolphins and two people.
I see the dolphins, but why are they swimming around 2 people fucking?
9 dolophins for me 1. her vagina + along her left leg 2. inside her right arm 3. inside her left arm 4 + 5. on the guys left and right arm 6 + 7. on the girls left and right hips 8. her eyes 9. her breasts and i can also see the lovers :P
Where da fuck is the dolphins??
9 Dolphins.
phycological my ass. My 3 year old brother saw this T_T He didnt see dolphins first till i had to point it out before he tells my mom that im looking at nakie ppl
charlie harper would say: wheres the dolphin?
9 Dolphins you perverts!!!
i see the dolphins and they're missing fingers
i saw this when i went to the museaum of freaking science on a SCHOOL field trip
get your head out of the gutter their dolphins
Oh I c the dolphins now and 2 lovers....
oh man i still cant see the dolphins
i am so corrupted. c;
whoa i c the couple and the dolphins :D
this took me 2 years to find the dolphins. too distracted >.>
There are two guys faping at the sides? Lol
the vagina shadow looks like a dolphin tail. look at all the darker parts.
OOOOOOOHHHHHH 5 DOLPHINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like the dolphins and why are you all talking about sex???
It even says Dolphins on the tiny label, and i saw the rape-age first :/
fap fap fap
i could only see 12 dolfins o.O btw. nice !
i only saw 10 dolphins
I am 14 and I see both dolphins and fucking couple.
They are highlighted in black
Oh, right! To see the dolphins you have to look at the dark parts of the jar, not the light parts.
where the fuck the dolphin???
Wow, it's really hard to see the dolphins.
im 15 and my 13 yr old friend comes up and says why are there 2 ppl fucking??? i was like umm lol.
this is a portrait of me....
i am 12 and wat is this
I saw this pic first when i was 8 and i didn't see the dolphins. and i werent exposed to sex when i was 8 o.o
I see lovers covered in little dolphns.
"Mon, it's not porn, it's fishes"
the dolphins that sooo cool!
woow it took me a pretty long time but I can see the dolphins now.. cool :>
Once it is seen, it cannot be unseen
12 and i see no dolphins... is that good?
did you know dolphins are the only animals who have sex for pleasure?LOL.
I see them now!
OMFG! Zoophilia :fapfapfapfap: xD
Does anyone notice the missing finger?
This was perfect. My 18 year old self saw the two lovers and my 12 year old brother saw the dolphins.
I count 10 dolphins, 2 people, and boob giggling.
all i see is tits
Look at the black shadowing good and hard. They are the dolphins.
I really dont see any Dolphins, help?
the dark parts in the lovers are the dolphins. the easiest one to spot is the one between the woman's arm and the man's head.
TBH this is a shit phsycological because every human being has an ability to recognise human shapes, built into dolphins or no.
They showed this to adults and children. The adults saw the couple only and the children saw the dolhpins only.Remember the beach picture with the people with sexual poses.Same effect, it's all Mind fuck.
ooh, dolphins
i dont see any damn dolphins
i cant seee any dolphins wonder what that says about me
wow... that was hard to find
guy buttsexing her&touching her stoned tits
People who were exposed to oceanic rape will see dolphins.
the dolphins are in the shadows
I saw 9 dolphins only...what happened to the 6???
where the fuck r the dolphins
i still dont see the dolphins. (: only the sex. =P
It's just a bunch of dolph OH SHI-
look at the shaded area between the two
im a virgin but i still can't find the dolphins. wut?
hehe I see sex...had to read the other comment to see the dolphins :-P but that's cool, show me more like this :)
i saw dolphins and sex ooh right :D
took me about 5 min to find the dolphins
okay.. wait.. where are the dolphins?! xD
the dolphins are emerging from her armpits.... sexy dolphins? and is anyone's name steven? my captcha's are : Analled STEVEN
i can see her tits
ohhh i see the dolphins now xD
LOL my mind is clearly fucked, i only see t ppls xD
Took forever for me to see the dolphins... XD All I saw was the couple.
at her vagina has one dolphin.a saw 7 dolphins and a sex position
i think the only way you would not see the couple is if you had been in a box all your life. there is no way anyone old enough to peruse this site has not been exposed to sex in some way, tv, magazines, and such...
I don't even see the dolphins. lmfao
im 13 and i see 2 people having sex!
ohhhhh ohkaay,, i see the dolphins now :p
her vag is a dolphin
I want to see the fuckin dolphins D:
Our math teacher shows us pictures like that in the eight grade...
i see no dolphins O_O
noooooo i saw the lovers first ='(
i havent bene exposed to sex so where the fuck are the dolphins
Lol no dolphins - 14 yrs old
screw the dolphins, we want porn!
Two of my favorite things in one picture? Brilliant!
8 dolphins
the shades -
Anda fucka youuuuu dolphiiiiiiiiiiin.
... So, what if I see dolphins having sex? O_o
There's dolphins on that vase.
The dolphins are the shadows! ahah! I finally saw it!
Timmy: Wow! Nice. Mother: Timmy come down to eat! Timmy: I will in a sec! Mother: No! You're coming to eat now! *walking to the room* Timmy: OKAY! Hold on! *click*click*click*click* OMG! Why won't the browser close!? Mother: 3! 2! 1! Timmy! What are you doing!?! Timmy: Stupid ass Mac!
I see dolphins fucking...
My one year old just came in the room and saw this picture and said his first word..."buttsecks".
I only see---- WADAFAA!?!?!?! I see dolphins fucking
... it looks like 3 people... or the one guys' shoulders are really broad and his head is all the way on the right.
I'm 13. I saw Two People Fucking. I get why.
3 delifines en la cabeza de los amantes, 3 delfines en las tetas de la chica, 2 delfines en las dos caderas de la chica , 1 delfin en el ano y yo aun siendo mal pensada los encontre a la primera
I had to try pretty hard to see the dolphins. lol
im 11 and i saw the two lovers not the dolphins :S
Am i the only one who saw the jar floating on water??
the dolphins are the shaded parts of the two bodies
yeah, i saw the real picture. its a test for idiot kids who have a bad mind
There are 8 dolphins :3
i dont see no dolphins xD
I saw 7 dolphins and a couple of lovers, i'm exposed and not exposed to sex ahahha, but i'm a sex addict
i'm 13... and i see two lovers, am i normal? o.o (i don't watch porn... )
I see both the people having sex and the dolphins:)
9 Dolphins
i cannot see any dolphans :s where are they????
the dark shadow on the left shows the womans profile, and the dark shadow on the right shows the man with his fist pressed against his forehead: so the entire image shows them when they are at their best and worst
Okay, I've never had sex, but I saw the two lovers and actually had to look for the dolphins. What does that say about me?
This isn`t true that people does not expose to sex will see a dolphins.. those who will see this picture will 1st see the 2 lovers
if u have a clear mind u will see dolphins , if u have an adult mind whcich only thinks in sex , u will see a couple on taht moments :D
10 dolphins
an innocent will see dolphins. normal people will see a couple having sex. pervs will notice the 2 ghosts fapping on either side of them.
Looks like the guy has a penguin head o_O
It was a psychological test
People who weren't exposed to sex
will see 15 dolphins or so
people who were exposed to sex
will see two lovers.