Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Actually, it is a penis and the artist did it intentionally. This was in the news when it was first released and the videos that were not sold were recalled and replaced with new pics less the penis part. And no, that's not Alladin (learn to spell that why don't you) but is the prince from Little Mermaid.
or the fact that the caption says "when you see it, you'll BRIT SHICKS".
Thy Golden Penis awaits...
The artist DID intentionally put the penis! If you read up on the Disney scandal there's also sex references in Aladdin (yes, it IS spelled correctly), Lion King, & a few others. The artist was fired as soon as someone FINALLY noticed it!
What's Ariel looking at? ......
brit shicks
one of the towers in the background is a penis
Cheeseburger right beside the penis!!
No, this has the penis in it. It's in the center of the castle.
ohhhhhhh....so it's her.
ITS ALLADIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow thats amazing!!! i dont see anything wrong wit it!!!
I've seen enough Hentai to know where this is going...
only the best dildo for the princess. all it needs is a couple bunny ears and you've got playboy: expensive with ears and all ways up a girl's pussy.
The middle tower is a penis
disney subliminal message
Golden dildoes! xD
It's more like the the guy next to the mermaid has his penis out of his pants and waiting for her to take it in her mouth... aaaand she's like lookin at his penis like "damn" and the old guy in the back is like "..the fuck you doin with ma daughter man.." and that octopus woman is like "..the fuck you lookin at ma men's penis you filthy cumfilled whore!" ... you know what I'm talkin about?
Pixar does subliminal too. Anyone notice in "The Incredibles" when the round shuttle car goes into the waterfall that it opens and looks like a vagina?
Disney did and still does this to many of their movies
We all know the lion king "SEX" thing.....
um, it's "Aladdin", not "Alladin". You really sound like an asshole. How the hell are you near the top of the page?
fap fap fap fap fap fap kill it now fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap kill it now fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap kill it now fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap kill it now fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap kill it now
i totally dont see the penis here. ive heard this so many times but just dont see it lol
does anyone see that the water looks like cum and the vent by urselas body is her vagina
ursula righjt hand
he is missing a finger
Big Penis in the middle!
I have the original case with the golden penis on it XD
look at the center of the tower...
spongebob should have been there because it's he that made that cheeseburger
He came
i have yet to shit one brick
Snopes it, the artist DID NOT add the penis intentionally.
Shes looking at his penor
they've been trying to mindfuck us since Jesus...
I actually own an original copy of this that looks JUST like this. Pee-pee in the middle and all.
I don't get how it's a penis :S and. yes, dimwit, it is spelt Aladdin.
read the description... it says you brit shicks.
i dont see a dick
Shes either staring at her ugly-ass tits or shes having her period.
It's spelled Aladdin.
In the little mermaid there's a scene where there's some guy jacking off and you see his shadow
How bout who gives a fuck?!?
If your penis looks like a big golden castle then start shitting bricks
brit shicks WTF???
Ursula is getting titfucked by her own tentacle
Is it just me... or does one of the bridges in the town lead straight into a tunnel consisting of Ursula's boob...?
golden cock in the middle !!!
Shicks were brat.
Ok, who is making up the stuff about it being intentional? It was an accident and the artist didn't even notice until some people started making a fuss. Get it right, and check it out on Snopes. http://www.snopes.com/disney/films/mermaid.asp
OMG!!! THERE FELLING HERE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nigga in the darkness!!
This one is a classic.
britting shicks is fun
i can haz cheezburger? on the top of the castles tower on the left
i think it's hilarious this comment "And no, that's not Alladin (learn to spell that why don't you)" It's spelt Aladdin you fucktard.
ummm did anyone notice it says on the bottom "brit shick" instead of shit bricks......just pointing it out lol
there's a penis somewhere in the castle
Llloooollll it's definitely Aladdin retard, not Alladin. It was a nice try though
the man-mermaid's fork is missing a finger,,,
Thats no aladdin yall are dumbasses thats the prince from the little mermaid!!!!
There's a dick somewhere in there. Haha, Shanedawson taught me!
i can't see it !!!
it says brit chicks -.-
queen missing a boob
Actually it's spelled "Aladdin".
look in the middle the tallest tower...a penis! LAWL
more of disney's sublinimal messages... penis on the castle
haha fail, it's actually aladdin (learn to spell that why don't you)
Dud the octopus is fucking holding the fat chicks boobs jigal jigal
I didn't think goldmember was in this movie!
I think ursula is looking at the guy's dick,,ah LOL xD
WOOW! okay uhmm... khkrudhgkrrtretert
lmao i have a copy of the orig. relases...lol and it looks just like that!! never noticed the cheeseburger till now tho roflmao!! XD
It says brit shicks…dafuq
There's a penis in the middle of the golden castle. Some story about the original art designer getting fired mid-way through his design, so that was his way of saying "fuck you"
"if you watch the movie,the part when ersala is going to marry prince Eric,the priest gets a boner." Bullshit, it is his knee
all the way on the right, shes missing a...no, not a finger, a boob.
Is the mermaid starrind at the guyz pen0s?
PENIS. and isn't it spelled Aladdin?
the golden penis is missing a finger
Shit,, they stole edward cullens penis
more tentical anime porn... no bueno =/
You'll "brit shicks" .....................
lol my friends got this poster
mermaid is watching you mastrubate :p
All the princes are based on the same man, and all the princesses are based on the same woman in Disney fairytale. And it's ALADDIN, you dumbass. Don't criticize other people unless you know what you're talking about.
WHEN YOU SEE IT, YOU'LL "BRIT SHCKS". this is it! lol
That is completely true the artist did do that intentionally but this is the thing...That is not the original artwork this is after the penis has been taken out. I have the original!
You guys, the artist did NOT do that intentionally. That's an urban legend.
theres a hot dog as well on teh upper turret beside the hamburger
tentacle porn!
Ariel is looking at the dude's penis
HA!! I noticed this when I was a kid!!!
People should stop looking for sex-thingies in kids movies o.o Get a life.
god has no fingers.
japanese and their tenticle porn
its a fucking purple woman with tenticles!!!
Tentacle Porn?
the penis was actually an accident. the artist was working at like 4 in the morning. it on snopes.com
THE GOLDEN DILDO WOOH! Oh its in the middle of the castle!
You're all fucking idiots. Disney nor Pixar does not send subliminal messages. It all started with a dirty mind. This generation believes anything on the god damn Internet. I could make my own blog site about Obama being a fucking Nazi & you'd believe it. Now kill yourselves.
it's not the picture that is the mindfuck, it's the fact that it say brit shicks instead of shit bricks...
Lol! I remember when that came out and it was the first thing I thought about
brit shicks the spelling
REALLY?! did no1 knowtice that the girl is looking down like at the dudes pants instead of his eyes.... well i mean that was the first thing i saw....
LOLOL.It's spelled Aladdin,dumbass.You learn to spell it.lmmfao.
In addition to the penis on the cover if you watch the movie when Ursula and Prince Eric are getting married the priest says "Dearly beloved" and has a big boner poking out hahaha
All princes in Disney are based on the same man, and all princesses are based on the same woman, so they tend to look similar. And it's ALADDIN, you dumbass. Don't criticize people unless you know what you are talking about.
Ariel is looking at Prince Eric's Penis
The phallic spire was not deliberately placed. The artist simply didn't notice. http://snopes.com/disney/films/mermaid.asp
sex is spelled on the palace
u guys r so blind start at the talllest part of the castle, go straight donw till u see a penis looking park of the castle
Neptune's beard appears to have a hand.
no. i didnt not BRIT SHICKS.
brit shicks?? O_O
Ariel has a big a$$ head for being known as 'the little mermaid'.
She is looking at his penis! Duh!
Actually it is not a penis... it is a castle, with eastern influences and many castles have phalic tendencies (hell, look at the disney castle) the artist did not intentionally do that. and if you did your research you would also find there is a rumour that the priest has a hard on... it is clearly his knee.
go to snopes.com. This was not an intentional design and the artist was not fired. Do your homework people. Yes these were recalled but only after parents complained. The tale about the disgruntled artist is an urban legend. Oh and Aladdin is spelled A-L-A-D-D-I-N.
Ariel looking for Eric's penis, Eric looking at uhm...her hair and Ursula and Poseidon having epic angry sex all over the place
ursula is missing a finger.
Where do i start... The fat dude on the right, he has like 4 penises, and one is coming out of his butt, AND apparently all four of them just came all over those people on the bottom.
the moment when u realize ariels looking at his junk
where is the penis??
no fair!!! there's no penis on my copy! i want a refund!!!!!!
wow you guys totally didnt get this off shane dawson...
lol shes looking at his penis
to the dude who was talking about disney firing the guy after they caught the hidden messages, i've looked into this before, he did these things because he found out when he was done with the animation disney was going to let him go, so he went through and changed these things as a fuck you to the company
Ursula's tit is a tentacle. Lulz.
Golden Penis!
i dont see penis
Ursula is missing a finger
when you see it you "brit shicks"
it say mermaid but has aladdin in it
Her dad is pedobear.
So awesome. I still have my VHS cassette with the penis cover.
have a penis on the castle
You saying it's intentional are retarded. No one was fired over it, there was no "scandal" over it. the word "sex" is actually "SFX" a team that worked on the movies. The dicks are dildos you're seeing are just your subconscious desire to have all your holes filled to the brim with chunky man meat.
i swear to god i have looked at pretty much every single photo and on everysingle one some joker has written about something missing a finger lol!!!!
dicks. dicks everywhere.
PENIS....in the middle of the castle....mmmmmm.
kkkkkkkkk tem um pinto na mão do pai da princesa
Its her eyes, where is she looking?
That thing is sooo old i swear lol
"Actually, it is a penis and the artist did it intentionally." BZZT! Go ride your failpony. http://www.snopes.com/disney/films/mermaid.asp
look next to mermaid man theres santa hoho
i heard somewhere that the illustrator was mad at his boss or whatever and so he drew a penis... but idk if it's true.
read the thing you idiots it says brit shicks
also, if you ddidnt notice it says brit shicks get owned :L
it says ull brit shicks
The Very Top Middle Of The Palace Only Has 3 Fingers
Penis on the castle middle.
- Nurech -
guys i know that its the brit shicks... but every one in that pic in looking at the guys pen0r. suss???
if you watch the movie,the part when ersala is going to marry prince Eric,the priest gets a boner.
um im 15 and that is my all time favourite movie, oh and a penis haha. sarcastic,