Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Carrot penis
tomatoes butt
the carrot is missing a finger
floppy orange dick.
The carrot is really a rabbit vibrator.
mommy do i have to eat my carrots
am i the only one that notices the coconut at the top right? lol
A carrot is growing out of another carrot ,idiots.
camel toe
Theres a green face next to the carrots above the peppers!
Looks like a tasty carrot....
Dress that salad for ´God´s Sake!!!! it´s nakeedd!!!
I eated that for dinner.......................
carrot grew a penis
Omg the Carrot Dick is missing a finger! now its useless, because now you can see the black guy hiding behind the tomato! D:
Im not eating that.
Am I the only one who see's pedobear peeking in top right corner?
PHOTOBOMB by coconut
a face over the left carrot
Its a black guy!
i lick your thighs and tease your sweet pussy with my toungue...then when ur redi i put my toungue in ur pussy...in out, in out...then you moan hard and i put thay tougue in deeper...ND 4 ALL U NASTY CHICKS WHO GOT OFF ON THAT: get a life pathetic loser!!!
The one on the right has a nipple
the carrots double jointed
omg, this is real i take the photo! pedogris from normann! og hæstkuk then you anderstand! kukgjeter
upper right -
damn it wheres my nuts gone?
alright, i give, where is the black guy
nasty carrots again...
Fruit Sex!
ITS A FCKING AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
looks like a penis
its a tit
A penis
nuss in the Pepper parsley have a face O.o
pineapple vag.
captcha for this= slap tickle lmfao
its not a tomato its a red pepper you dipshit
y does it alway have to be a dick!!!!?... freaking internet freaks!
One hell of a horny carrot
your all blind its ginger
bugs bunny's favorite!
there is a snake
for god's sakes you guys, it's the face in between the top of the celery and the top of the carrot
If someone says something is missing a finger one more time , Im gonna stick my finger up your ass . Trust me , Its wierd .
To make the perfect soup need no have water OH NOOOOO
There is a carrot growing out of a carrot?
eeeeeek! a penis!
That carrot has a stomach dick
Carrot penis, and eye in the bottom left corner.
lol 1000 to die!!!
now i know why my mother tells me to eat vegetables...... you are what you eat
Is a penis the only thing you guys can see? >.< Look at the left side of the carrots between the salads. There is a cat's face with one green eye. :3
THERES A FACE!!!! right at the end of the carrot on the left
The carrot has an EXTRA finger!
Carrot penis