Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
A few things wrong with this: Cage on the top, to trap the little children Screaming face in the car window and Nobody notices a thing.... The adult-child conversations should be: Child: Can I go into the car? When the parent looks.. Parent: Um... No, I think its too.. um... Big for you Next one: Child: Can I go into that little thing up there? Parent: Um.. no.. You will get stuck
screaming face in wind shield of blue car.
pedo palace
Chuckie cut him off
is that cage?
A few things wrong with this: Cage on the top, to trap the little children Screaming face in the car window and Nobody notices a thing.... The adult-child conversations should be: Child: Can I go into the car? When the parent looks.. Parent: Um... No, I think its too.. um... Big for you Next one: Child: Can I go into that little thing up there? Parent: Um.. no.. You will get stuck