Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
6th row far right center guy with APPLE LOGO face.
black guy has no computer
Dead zebra over the u
1. Entire hall minus 2 or 3 people are using apple
2. guy with apple logo on face
3. apple logo is photoshopped onto most laptops
4. only 2 people without laptops -
Lol !! I know what's wrong... They are all at the Microsoft's conference
Most of the MAC logo's are photoshopped. The angles don't match up. Besides most students can't afford MAC's.
Two guys in the front row don't have MAC's.
theyr using macs!!!11!
They're all missing a finger. PEDOBEAR GOING UP THE STAIRS.
right fith row back, guy has apple logo on his face...
4th row 2nd from left no apple logo
at the very top. next to the door the guy is walking out of.. i see the saw guy. O.o
The dude 6 rows up on right behind girl in yellow has Mac symbol on his face.
Aren't all EXIT signs supposed to be red? Those one's are green.
the one has an apple at his face :))
Everyone has shitty computers...
Look who's on my side now bitches!
only one guy was smart enough to buy a pc?
one girl dont gotta mac...4th row
One of the laptops aint an apple one :o
someone take a good hard look at all the nice legs in the first row
c-c-c-c-combo breaker
3rd row, laptop but no person
There is a blond girl in a blue shirt with man legs. WTF? She is in the front row
they al gonnawatch porno on the apple
Dude there's a Dell
University of new haven?
they're watching porn
six rows up guy has an apple on his face. 37 seconds. idiots
The guy on the exit is like"fuck this i'm buying microsoft
Theres about 50 ninjas in that room
bro the fucking girl in the front rows having a poke
everyone cept the chick in the fourth row, second from the left has an apple computer, and dude in the 6th row, from the righ has an apple on his face...which is tarded...lol
9th row, center section, near the left. It's Waldo.
the girls in blu has a shotgun between her legs
The mindfuck is, these are all intelligent people, but they are using apples and we all now apple is the whole shit and just for stupid people
fuck the apple =D
if u look really close some one is using a pc
the guy in the last row below the blue sign looks like edward from twilight from a distance
the two black people dont have computers?
did no one notce the guy with an apple on his face - mid-right!!!
4th row, thats a fucking acer!
guy on the far left in the white is adjusting himself
3rd row back, 2nd seat in from the left, there's a computer there like it's sitting on someones lap, but there's nobody sitting there
fuck!!! how could you not notice the zebre head at the front!!!!
the black guy was masturbating!!
wtf Apple doesn't make green (top left) or red (far right) Macs...
black guy cant afford 1 :(
at the right side, row at the back. BAT MAN
the womens leg in the front is a mans leg !
The girl in the front has a dildo.
is the woman thirtd from left holding a gun or somethin?
right seriously, you are ALL WRONG!!! follow these steps : 1.) go to the Sixth row from the BOTTOM 2.) look at the last man on the right hand side on the sixth row from the bottom 3.) Laugh like a hippo because he has an apple symbol on his face XD!! I ISH THE EINSTEIN HERE
blue girl with gun in front row dumbasses
There is a zebra laying down.
the computer is missing a finger
chic in the front row is holding a gun
Death to the MacFags!
some of them dont have laptop .. the problem is its a classroom and theres a laptop ..
there is a ninja in the middle
that is a purse, dumbfuck...not a zebra
The one kid walking away doesnt have a Mac :(
Look at the last guy in the 2nd row to the left. Inbetween his legs is a face.
2 girls in front have man legs
one guy have a APPLE in face!
girl in first row has hulk leg
screaming frog in the bottom left cornor
some dude on the right row middle section has a apple logo face.
The girl in the third row doesn't have an apple laptop
bottom row, 2nd to the right. he isnt using macbook
The One Guy use à Acer pc and all other an appel xD
The Girl With A Blue Shirt In The Front Row Has A Gun.
Haha two black people don't have macs
one guys laptop is made by microsoft
the computer has 19 fingers
fourth row second to the right....PC!!!!!!!!
OMG am i the only one seeing the blue shirt girl on the front dildoing herself??
this persons oviously doesn't lie to use MAC hahahaha
And just where the FUCK does male Shamu think he's going?!
it's all fucking apple suckers
Third row, second seat from the left, invisible person (Only explanation).
teachers love apples so get one today and be the next teachers pet XD
the guy with the yellow shirt in the 5th row is like wearing a slipknot mask or something?
Super old guy in the first row
the guy with the white hat all the way to the right is white but he has black legs LOL
guy in the 6th row has an apple logo on his face. ROFL
he is completely appled
there's black people in college
dude seriously most of the guys r just watching porn while the teacher is blabbing away while the guys r fapping away :D
the dude on the first row hasa dell
fucking zebra.
a girl in firts row has no legs :s
on the right, white dude with black legs
one of the girls in the first row is holding a gun under her desk
there's no one people have lop-top :D
right in the middle looks like an ape
I think its the girl 3rd from left in teh first row shuving a fucking water bottle in her vagina
2 guys going out! NO LAPTOPS
for some reason i think some of them are looking at porn
everyone is using apple but one guy has a mac
dude. guy in the first row has a PC! DUH!
"WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten years old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital, so the government decided that the best idea was to get rid of her, so they set up a special room to kill her as humanely as possible but it went wrong, the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. Apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow"
everyone has a apple computer.. just one have one from acer :DD
apple on the buds face.
there's a black guy IN class
all laptops is photoshoped... nono of them really has a laptop '-'
blue girl with gun in front row dumbasses
Fifth Row Up and dead straight in the middle, there is a horse looking shape.
the person with the mac is missing a finger
I see the problem.. Kids play games in class and everyone knows mac's cant run games oh sill kids
all of them are fanboys
There's an Apple logo on the guys face!!!
blue girl with gun in front row
lady got man legs
look at the fifth row towards the left in the yellow shirt. what's up with that face?
5th person on the right has an apple on his face!
black guy in a computer lecture!
they dont have any fingers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gay pride convention
on the six row the last guy to your right has an apple sign on his face!!
4th row 2nd guy from the left.!
most of them (like 99.9%) are only using one button
The black guy has no computer because he's poor. 2nd row 4th from right. I win.
The women aren't in the kitchen! DUH!
its a free "hook-up asian zone" isn't it?
the left-most girl in the front row is holding a gun
The guy walking out just threw that baby down the left stairs and the guy with his arm sticking in the aisle is like "WTF?"
ok really, no one saw the girl in the first row has like 4 legs that are guys legs
haha one of em have windows =P
all these people are apple loving faggots!
ya i think its that fact that the only black guy is the only one without and laptop O_O
alienware instead of mac on 2nd guy on the right 1st row
every 1 has a computer but the black guy
Who ever said only 2 people dont have laptops... there are actually 6.
3rd row, black guy! :)
Look at the 4th row, 2nd person from the right..... he's not got an apple notebook, looks more like an acer.
The girl in the front row has a blue penis
get down she has a gun
Black guy and girl weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
damn look at dat gucci bag on da floor
Brutha in the second row can't afford a computer.
face in window above D
the girl in middle. the one wearing BLUE FUCKING SHIRT. she has no laptop !! ahaha :DD
count all in the front side to 11 if you finish 11 go to the 11 and then go up on it then you count 4 if you finish counting to 4 youl see a fat girl (at the 4 count) then youl see the face of the guy it's an apple logo
there is a apple or microsoft icon image on some white guys face to the right middle of th e pic
all the idiots with an apple product
People are fapping over porn
4th row at the left girl has a PC
blue girl with gun in front row dumbasses!
3 peoples without laptops ..
apple is racist!!
losers, the only two ppl w.o laptops black everyone else is white
Nah most of those are apples, it's a graphic design class, I took it. MacBook Pro was a requirement of the class.
I thunk it's the one black guy in the whole class, 2nd row to the right, only black guy and he has no laptop yet, guess he hasn't had the chance to go out and steal his yet lol, kidding, but ya, hes the only one
BLACK GUY second row without a laptop!
there all using apple
apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple.......... oh, look a toshiba!!
why is nigger cheating
OKAY! On the fourth row, there's a guy using an Acer instead of Apple, and he looks embarrassed! AND THE GUY HAS APPLE ON HIS FACE AT THE MID-LEFT.
One of the guys has a apple logo on his face
one of the guys has a dell not a mac... xD
I see an auditorium filled with macfags.
this picture tweaks me the fuck out
guy on the right with an apple symbol on his face
i think there are three black people, and two without macs
black guy under the first row O-o
2girls in front by zebra bag - there are men's legs on the girls bodies. Giant tennis shoe and hair. Gotta be a guy
So many people with fake computers and no fingers.
blue girl with gun in front row dumbasses!
guy in 5th row to the far rights..... whats with his face~~~~.....
Top left theres a guy shafting another guy
everyones wrong lol ,,, following the right set of stairs 5th person up the guy has the apple mac signs on his face god im shit at these pics i got this one hahaha
On the second row there are two black kids and they are the only ones without a laptop. POOR THEM.
gucci BAG!
i know they all have macs, thats scary
chic in the front row is holding a gun
one of the girl in the middle dont have a PC!!!! LOL NOOOOBz
in the first row to the right, the guy is lookin at her computer :P
i have a fucking acer and im on it right now!
The guy in the middle has an Apple logo on his ffs!
Everyone has a mac but one guy (he has a pc)
OMG look at the guy with the squirrel on his arm. the guy in grey shirt right of the stairs to the right.
have apple on face on fat white guy
theres a girl fourth row up near middle in blue shirt doesnt have computer and theres a guy to the right that doesnt have 1 either
ther r 3 vacant seat at the 3rd row
by the right aisle, fifth guy up. he's got the mac logo on his face.
guy behind the yellow fat chick has an apple on his face hahaha
uhh just saying look behind the fat bitch in the yellow sweatshit on the right side going up. theres a guy with an apple symbol on his face lol. idk
The real surprise here is the girl 4th row on left doesn't have a piece of crap apple lap top.
I am sooooo fucking confused
The guy looks like Darth Vader..
guy up front in white shirt c-c-c-c-c-combo breAKER!
girl with something in her vayhayhay in the front row :O
Acer.. Third row from the bottom second one in, everyone else has a mac
is that a monkey?
looks like the guy next to the black dude, in the second row is kissing a girl
The mas with his hand up on the second row looks like he is kissing a girl holding her face!
There all macfags
where the people arent sitting... those are ninjas.
there is black guy :O
The guy in the front row in the right gots an alienware
Today class were learning on how to protect yourself, the guy on both sides of you will probably rape you,use a condom
Two girls at front have only 1 leg
if u friggin talk about ninjas,missin fingers,pedobear,and that one face thats in like every pic
The last guy in the 2nd row keep looking up BAM theres a baby HOW THE FUCK DID NO ONE SEE THAT
Everyone ahs a mac except for a guy in the fourth row from the front who has an acer.....and some people dont have laptops at all but hey.....
its all about the guy leaving the room
Haha the first row from the right then go up 4 persons and SURPRISE! jaja
no theres a white womon there with no lap top too
everyone has apple mac laptop but not the girl in the 4th row 2 in on the left
I'm guessing this is taken from Steve Jobs porn folder.
Its a guy who have "apple" in hes face -.- Omg
guy on the very top step relieving himself.
the guy in the 1st row second to last dosen't have an apple but everyone else does
Where's Waldo?
Apple on the guy's face '-'
It's a zebra above the U
I saw a Zebra...right above the U..idk if its a backpack
6th row behind the fat chick in yellow has an apple on his face. lol
They all picked a shit computer
Front row. 4 person to the left. She is not wearing pants.
there's no entrace there;s two exit!!!!!!
6th row far right center guy with APPLE LOGO face.