Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
good job guys that said the real answers you know how to google/use an anagram solver
first one is buttsex
who the fuck keeps saying its missing a finger who ever u are ur pissing the fuck out of me
Come on people, get your minds out of the gutter...1) Subtext 2) Katydid 3) Vehicle 4) Opposed 5 min 35 secs. -- SO FUCKING WHAT EINSTEIN? the trick is to figure out the mind fuck.
BUTTSEX guy is smarter than you on this webpage. go to dictionary.com or something.
The first one is actuallt subtext but it is funnier if it was buttsex... oh yeah and the missing finger guy, yeah you're crackin us up! but be careful because if u keep "pissing the fuck out of" that guy u might wake up missing fingers!!!!! DUN DUN DAAAAA!!!
SURPRISE BUTSEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its subtext not buttsex
buttsex. AND EDSPOOP. rofl. eds poop. get it. giggity.
Subtext-15 Buttsex-you win the game. FOREVER.
first one is subtext
excuse me, but i do believe that says buttsex. <3
It says grams at the top.. Down the side it says Rack 1, Rack 2 etc.. Grams of Cocaine? Rack means to Get a Line of coke and snort it ;) Stupidd people.
If you start on the second down it says: 2) katydid 3)vehicle 4) opposed and then go back up to 1)buttsex
hehe it says rack hehe
four rack total whoop!
BUTTSEX!!! the best sex out there man... what what in the butt! what what in the butt!
Lol at how they are called "rack"s
Subtext, what were you guys thinking?
hey look at the guy with the missing fingers!
OMG!! Subtext! thats so freaken dirty hahahahahaha !!!!
hey wait if u combined all the fucking words it will be...... ........IN AN OPPOSED VEHICLE KATY DID BUTTSEX!!!
i like-a do the cha-cha
Guys. Guys. Guys......it's obvious. It's missing a finger.
1Buttsex 2DidKaty (back in the day) 3 4EdsPoop
lol it says rack
That is BEST TUX!!!
PAR SCORE is 215-225, but the BEST SCORE is 284. LOL
How can u have buttsex if ur missin THE finger
Whoever keeps saying missing a finger is the shat lmao
i think the real funny thing is that to the right of the scrambled words, the boxes say rack (which is another name for boobs) :D
GRAMS at top right
rack 4 has PEDO in it. lolz
Its rack city bitch(; Just kdding we have racks on racks on racks... on racks(;
Cowboy buttsex! Sodomaheeeeeeeeeeeeee!
When I was young, I once made love to Elvis in the butt.
1. Subtext 2. Katydid 3. Vehicle 4. Opposed Sometimes Brain Still Beats Google :P
It's missing a toe
Guys it just say subtext
First set: Subtext Best Tux Bets Tux Butts Ex Sub Text Bus Text Butt Sex For what you can get from the other sets, try the Internet Anagram Server yourselves.
I canno ype correc ly because ha 's he finger I'm, missing!!
I don't understand what's mindfuck. The first answer is: Bus Text
it spells ninja duh!-grantugo
guyss, you're all perverts. the first one is obviously subtext.
its missing a finger
hey I arranged it! "Katydid buttsex on the vehicle in 20 minutes" awesome! XD
@ "Buttsex Did Katy Evil Che Ed poops". I bet it would sound better if Microsoft Michelle were saying it <3
pooped evil kiddy buttsex
Katydid Opposed Vehicle Buttsex
G-R-A-M-S!! ha.
haha BUTTSEX.. now THATS Hilarious! i wonder what its suppose to be..hmm
have you noticed it says rack?
am i the only one seeing the 21k grams at the top of the pic =/
omg its pedo bear
"Stop saying it's missing a finger!"-Guy 1 "If you said it's missing a finger again you're pissing the fuck out of me!"-Guy 2 Missing a finger!
Lol buttsex
bottom row pooped! top row buttsex
Pedo in last one
abby child suks laan for a fiver
i love buttsex
Buttsex Did Katy Evil Che Ed poops
haha buttsex the second ones katydid the third one's vehicle the forth one's opposed
buttsex i did take, i couldnt figure the rest out
If you look REEEEAAAAALY CLOSE, you can fund a bunch of fucking nonsense that only the few geniuses that know what an anagram IS can actually solve, so as to lessen the real amount of those with high self esteem. good luck in college, those of you who do. you will most likely become a dungeons and dragons NERD who will never get a girlfriend. I just want you people who have not read all the way through this to know, i am joking. those who can solve these forms of complicated trans-communication may just solve cold fusion. good luck, future pedophilia-educed organic compounds. you might just understand all the synonyms i have fabricated using my cerebral cortex, and if you have, try to pick up straight A's. you might find it useful on your path to curing cancer.
It missing a penis
its not butt sex its sex butt
haha kit daddy
its missing a finger
the buttsex is missing a finger
good job guys that said the real answers you know how to google/use an anagram solver