Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
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The black guy joke is getting old! Even worse with the title "We've got an intruder"???
Meh , he is not even that hidden , he is clearly visible...
on the right side of the guy above the bride , black guy , what a surprise!!!
For the veterans : Total eclipse of the heart videoclip??? :D
OMG , that's terrible , they committed marry-cide! PS : My captcha says "bitter end" , i rest my case...
the dress to the right looks like a spoopy ghost staring into your soul
Yes, there is an black guy. See the Jigsaw at right? :)
If he smiled we would see his teeth... oh wait!
scooby doo all the right at guys elbow
Walle, is that you?!
dark areas= dark people. you cant fool me
creepy black dude :p
The guy behind the bride is grabbing her ass
Weird part is where is he hiding my television?
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