Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
The two dancers make BOOBIES!
Another disney subliminal message?
im a girl, yet i still like boobs! :)
in other words... TITS OR GTFO !!! :D
Once it is seen it cannot be unseen
Its BOOBS ( . ) . ) There was also a vagina but it was cut out:{
Its Kermit the frog!!!
Mip Mop
This was the only way they could get guyz to join
Their saying boys ony cheerleading
Randy: Napoleon, give me some of your tots. Napoleon Dynamite: No, go find your own. Randy: Come on, give me some of your tots. Napoleon Dynamite: No, I'm freakin' starving! I didn't get to eat anything today. Randy: [kicks the tots] Napoleon Dynamite: Ugh! Gross! Freakin' idiot!
fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap...
boy will hip hop for tots...
Cheerleadin, boys only, ones a girl (note boys only) and teh boobiez
Oh shit, that's two people dancing!!!
boobs, dance for TOTS
Who else saw the tits before the dancers
who wants 2 hook up?! im 11. text me. 717 885 7702
boobs! and also it says "boys only" and one of the figures has a skirt..
I wonder how many boys went to that dance class?
More like "Dance for tits"
it's obviously Kermit.. perverts.. ;)
I seen the Boob first, took me like 5mins to realize it was actually two people danceing.
haha bewbs
Two dancers form a female body with boobs.
- Nurech -
i hope this isnt real... but it;d be great if it was
that seriously cannot be a coincidence!
They misspelled hip hop :O
I can't unsee it!
My mind is too dirty, I FIRST saws the bewbz and THEN the dancers...
I bet the guy who designed this got fired. Lol
Is it bad i saw the boobies first before i noticed the dancers?
I WANT TO GO FOR DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All I see is two people dancin
shit, i'll join, lol
It's a 'Boys only Hip Hop' advertisement... why is the person on the right wearing a dress?
They forgot the belly button
the thing is, they said its for boys only.. well, i just noticed that the two human stick figures are both boys, but the right one wears skirt.. so gay..
i have a dirty mind... i had a hard time seeing the real pic!!!
boobs!! and upper half of body.
lol I must have a dirty mind cuz I saw the boobies before I saw the dancers
Dance for tots? More like dance for tits.
My mind is so fucked up I saw this the second I looked at the screen
and it suppose to be boys only
boobies for BOYS only!!!
is it a bad thing tht i thought it was boobs be4 i thought it was dancers?
Look at the part under the bewbs. Boys only hip hop...Dance for tots
This is seriously NOT an accident. But I'll bet that the company didn't even notice it until they had already put the logo on all of their business cards, stationery, vehicles, website, newspaper and phone book ads, etc... The graphic design artist must be laughing his rocks off.
Junior Jizz Dance Classes
It says 'Boys only hip hop...Dance for tots.' It should be 'Boys only hip hop... Dance for tits' . Just guessing,
If you see two people dancing you're gay.
i dont see any tits/boobs???????????????
I actually drew this in school.
the fuck is Mip Mop?
LoL boobies (.).)
is it sad that i shit brix when i finally realized that those were dancers???
boys only? there is a girl..
Oh bby. <3
'it is used to be like "BOOBS" so readers will be attract to their boring 'dance class' ads!!! "law of attraction"
lol I'm suprised nobody saw the other part of it... "dance for tots"
im going to that
Gay Test: if you see two people dancing, i have news for you
Subliminal message?
I see the boobs, but what about "boys only hip hop"?
first thing i saw was boobs
( . Y . )
boys only hip hop...dance for tits
i might take that dance class
Please Note The saying "BOYS ONLY HIP HOP...DANCE FOR TOTS."
Boys only hip hop...Dance for tits*
JUNIOR JAZZ! oh wait its teh bewbz...
It took me a lifetime before I realized that there were two people dancing on the logo.
omg... that was not done by mistake
dance for tots. it's a trap.
Dude it says cheerleading hip hop jazz, but then they highlighted boys only. Duhhhh.
Boobs,fuck yeah!! :C :D
Are not there Russophobia 'n' boobies?
they make boobies... or a creepy face with tearlines
is it sad that i shit brix when i finally realized that those were dancers???
dont see it
After a while your brain and eyes flick between the two... it's weird.
isnt it too fat, is it?
below the pic there wud also be a sword on the floor that wud end up looking like a ****** .... :L
there is a boy && a girl && it says boys only...
nice rack
Dance for Tits!
Ok, that HAD to be on purpose
Lmao Boys Only, but the dancer on the right is a girl. + SuM BOOBIEz
it also says 'boys only hip hop dace for tots'.
the figures make a female torso. it looks like it says "junior jizz dance classes" thats all i found :)
Wat day does it start again? -.- dumbasses
If it's supposed to be boys only then why does that other boy have a dress?
'Boys only' and the person on the right is wearing a dress? And of course the obvious other thing.
My captcha is nose bleed
....the lady is missing a belly button. O.o
What I find weird is the fact that it's a boy's only class, and in the list of things in the class, to the right, the very first one is cheerleading O_o
lol why is that 1 in a dress anyway when its boys only?
in the picture theres a boy and a girl but it says the dance lessons are only for boys O.o
Huh? Where do you see dancers? I prefer my point of view anyway.
It's an entire upper female body in the two dancers.
( . Y . ) ( . )( . ) ( o Y o ) ( o )( o ) .↑...↑...↑...↑...↑...↑...↑...↑...↑...↑. BOOBIES
if its boys only why is there a chick in the logo...
its also called: THE GAY TEST! :)