Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
One night I looked up at the stars and I asked myself a very important question: "Where the fuck is my roof??"
YOU ALL ARE IDIOTS!!!!! There is a burglar in the baby's cradle. Instead, the baby is in the kitchen. XD
The man in the bed with his wife is smoking some seriously radio-active weed!!
there's a pink cock in the baby's room
ughhh yeah the baby in the kitchen is a sim modder its a cheat and the "burgular" in the crib is a toddler in a bear suit. and theres no roof because the person playing was playing on first floor. and the green thing is a plumbob. i guess you would know this if you actually played the sims. pointless pic.
HOLY CRAP THE BURGLAR ATE THE BABY! oh wait, it's in the kitchen.
homo is playing the Sims queerest game ever.
Michael jackson sleep with the baby??
ther is no toilet
these guys have a really nice house
im just going into the kit- AAAAAHHHH BABYS RAPING ME NOOOOO!
no the BABY in the kitchen is only a cheat :] but robber in the crib wtc
Slimer is fucking the wife!!
The baby is totally missing a finger.
Green Lantern is in the bedroom!
looks like a penis above the tree in the baby room
Actually, there is a toilet; you just cannot see it at this angle. Do note, however, that there is no closet (or if there is, it exists in a wormhole behind one of those doors in the bedroom, because the wall is way too thin). --Snyarhedir
At first I was like this :| Then I was like this O___________O. Fucking master of disguise burglar.
why the baby in the kitchen n the buglar in da crib stupid
looks like theres a dude looking in the window near the door...
Hahahahaha for those who think they are missing their roof - it's one of the things you can do on the sims. You can change the view so the roof isn't there.
What do you mean, "The woman isn't in the kitchen"? It's night time and she's in bed with her [presumably] husband, you sexist--that's not enough for you?! --Snyarhedir
baby in kitchen all alone
there's a pink cock in the baby's room
1.Baby in kitchen 2.Burglar in crib 3.Guy in bed farting 4.Tank in driveway
there is a penis above the plant!
there's a man in the crip lol
the womans not in the kitchen?
solution: theres no TV and no black guy. So the black guy stole the TV
baby in the car.
the bathroom has two doors. which is so fucking inconvenient.
omg sims!!!
o.O Pedo in the babies crib!
Got to be fake the baby ain't even real and the burlgler is tiny
the chick in the bedroom looks like she is being fucked by an alien. A glowing one LOL
why is the lady sleeping with a guy and uranium?
isnt there supposed to be a woman in the kitchen and not a baby
pedo bear in the fucking kitchen run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the building is on the second floor with no stairs, just a door to broken limbs or death
Well i just figured something out after watching this... People actually play those sims games.
and don't the dick on the wall under the flower
Looks a bit like the Simpson's house!
The house is missing a finger.
wheres the bathroom???? o.o
The wife isn't in the kitchen.
wtf green orb
am i the only one who sees a penis?
those virtual bastards have a nicer house thab me
hide your kids, hide your wife
There is a cadillac
One baby is in the Kitchen, Someone is in the baby's Crib & the Other Baby is in the Car.
One night I looked up at the stars and I asked myself a very important question: "Where the fuck is the funny?"
look at the shape of the hall and the rooms, you retards.
Creepyass puppet in the kitchen
white mom+white dad= black son!
Am I the only one that noticed the living room and hallway look like a penis and balls?
the man is cuming green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wtf you stupids there is a penis poster in the babies room
turn your head to the left there is a dick
The Car Is Missing A Finger
penis on the wall
LOL if you need help finding out wat it is...just look @ the url
I saw two dudes in the bed.
omfg this is sims a burglur in the baby's crib and the baby is in the ktichen. Duh Sims apartment life u r on the second floor u dont have a roof.
is it the bright yellow light in with the father??
OMG, I just shit a roof.
dad is smoking
It's a Sims reenactment of Paranormal Activity! The robber in the crib is a blanket and a teddy bear! YOU ARE ALL WELCOME!
Idiots! The Baby Toilet is on the kitchen table!
Must be a girl baby... She's in the kitchen.
its fuckin micheal jackson in the crib
Dumbasses, the house is a giant penis with rooms around it.
the baby in the kitchen is a sim modder. yeah, i'm a retired sims nerd. and btw, look above the cradle.
You guys are so silly. Yes there is a robber in the crib and the baby in the kitchen, yes there is a penis above the potplant in the babies room. But the hall is shaped like a penis too and like no one has bought it up!
lol anyone else saw the floating thing next to the fridge?
"Robber in the crib". So he's 2ft high?
the man in the bed with his wife has a reflex booster. (FEAR) --'
that's not a baby on the kitchen. It's "sim modder". comes from boolprop
its baby girl so shes in her place
...where's the roof?
HAHAHA the wife is about the kick her husbend off the bed xD
if you look really really closely, you'll see its a house
oh my god Utah run the mormans are coming!
the kitchen is upstairs
is there a pedobear in every picture????
this is a nice house!!!
Baby in the kitchen burglar in the baby crib......oh yeah theres no roof also....and theres a pink dick on top of the tree in the babys room...
it's only atoy
there is a front door and its on the second floor...
The guy took lunestra
fucking sims. left the baby in the kitchen.
Humm, that thing in the kitcheb its a Sim Modder , used to cheat. The baby IS in the bedroom
there is a dick on the baby's wall above the plant
"YOU ALL ARE IDIOTS!!!!! There is a burglar in the baby's cradle. Instead, the baby is in the kitchen. XD" i strongly agree haha
Guys the hallway (the part with the wooden floor) is the shape of something...... I cannot believe no one bought that up!
NO M.J! DONT DO IT!! Oops, too late
I'm pretty sure thats a ninja in the baby crib.
thats a Kryptonite
No dining room??? *brick*
why dont they have a roof?
Missingno lmao!
of course the babies in the kitchen...its probably a girl baby
the baby is in the kitchen, hence it is a girl baby
Just like in the case of michael jackson, there is no black baby, and the white one's in the kitchen unattended.
The people in the bed are missing a finger
in the baby room above the plant is a penis
Holy shit I love Sims! :D
The dad is making out with mr. Burns after his treatment "he brings you love"
there's a penis above the plant in the baby's room. I've got it! MINDFUCKED!!
pedobear is in the kitchen and there is a baby ninja sleeping
"the fucking tank in the drive way maybe" sir, that's called a Sports Utility Vehicle
Lunesta put to work. The moth has got to be annoying for the other person though
there was a penis in the upper of plant look closely :))
He's climbin in yo windows, he's snatchin yo people up, tryina rape em. hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo husbands, cuz he's rapin errybody out here!
Allow me to rephrase an earlier comment to make it less judgemental. To those who keep saying that the woman is not in the kitchen—she is in bed with her husband. What more do you want? —#Snyarhedir
ummmm, yeah, that is definitely michael jackson in the crib.
The living room and the hallway to the other rooms form the shape of a penis!
so umm is this baby a boy if he is those parents are gunna have there baby raped
michael jackson and pedo bear wait for baby while shes in kitchen
ninja in crib, baby in Kitchen... now life is missing 2 fingers...
omfg, a flying green gem!!
Black baby, white parents.
Yep! This picture has no point
The guy in the bed is using a glow-in-the-dark vibrator! :D & baby on kitchen floor ~something else in the crib lol & The word ERECT was in my captchas LOLS!!
He needed a nap crime gets tiresome
theres two babys in th kitchin and a robber in th crib
Im a Sims Gamer. there is nothing wrong with this picture, if you want to see some messed up sims go to Sims 3 Forums. ~KFR~
The car is missing a finger!!! OMG the ninjas are everywhere in that apartment, so the dude in bed smoking the eCig is totally fucked. The woman will be okay because she's asleep and the ninjas can't see her.
The Hallway and Living room look like a cock and balls
theres brick in the toilet in the room above the babys room
Try not to be so smug. The Sims sucks balls.
there are trees in the bathroom!
omg the dads got glowin the dark sperm in his mouth and the babys in the kitchen and theres a burguar in the crib
pedo bear in that room look in the up left courner
Fetus on the kitchen floor, come to take revenge for all the abortions in history... it WILL kill you and eat your genitals.
thars a baby in the car or somthing
don't mind the roof! think about gingerbreadboy walking in the kitchen and he probably knows where the silverwares are....
Penis in the tree in the baby's room XD
This image is from a 2002 game called Ghost Master
OMG they dont have a roof xD xD xD
:D :D :D SIMS!
Its a Radiator and a Mirror in the adults Room... Not a Door.....
that guy is being raped by a ailen...lucky bastard
the woman isn't in the kitchen....
theres no roof! xD
omg the lady is sleeping with green lantern
Paranormal Activity 2...definitely
A door in the second floor? '-' OK
lol, your so stupid. look at where the GATE is && the entrance of the DOOR. see? :)) it should be the opposite. lol.
You cant have cars in sims!!
no bathroom
NOOOO! PEDOBEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!11
above the plant in the baby's room...
the design on baby's room looks like penis
lol I think this iz my pic because I did this on da sims Lolz
Look at the hallway with the wooden floor, it has a funny shape.... XD I cant believe no one bought that up!
theres no shower or tub.
this sux
Guys, there is a NINJA in the baby's bed, if the player of this poor game wouldn't look out he got killed by it. Too late, he just dropped dead by the stupidness of the game. -Me
mj is in the baby's crib
fuckers the tyre on the floor outside!!!
Penis on the lower right corner of the picture, above the plant. XD
the baby is in the kitchen LOL!
OMG a green light.lol
The person on the bottom left is watching p0rn on their phone.
That's not a baby on the floor, it's an aging cheat for the game. It just looks like a baby. It's kinda weird.
black baby, white parents?
ET is under the duvet
its a sims game u fucktards
he's a noob for still playing sims 2.
lady in master edroom is being raped by a glowing alien while partner watches PORNO!!!! and the robber is in the cradle and the baby is in the kitchen
It's the sims please... (reserved, Electronic Arts)
A dinno in the crib
One night I looked up at the stars and I asked myself a very important question: "Where the fuck is my roof??"