Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?
"Are you sure you're on the pill?"
"Trust me, I'm a blonde" -
i think she eat too burgers! cordialy Mr.Bean
ok ya idiots. its the deal with the shirt... says trust me im blonde shes a brunette... u can read it because any half twit moron can reverse a pic... just takes one click in any edits... come on now...
she's not in the kitchen
she's hot even pregnant
"ok ya idiots. its the deal with the shirt... says trust me im blonde shes a brunette... u can read it because any half twit moron can reverse a pic... just takes one click in any edits... come on now..." ^ Yes, but it's also because she's taking a slutty picture and is pregnant =_=
I'd love to bang her sexy bump undercarriage
apparently her shirt is backwards in reality and when she looks in a mirror it says that
Look at her neck, i can see a Face.
"If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?" Never heard of photoshop or gimp?
wow shes not blond and no one trustes a blond
you must be a blonde if you got pregnant, dumb bitch.
dude thats my mom
Alright, you are all dumb. If this picture's supposed to be funny then the meaning of the picture is more complex than "IT'S BECAUSE THE PICTURE ISN'T REFLECTED!" Her shirt says "Trust me, I'm a blond." Her hair, it's brown. But guess what morons? SHE'S PREGNANT. So obviously whoever she had sex with knows her 'true' hair color...
i think she eat too burgers! cordialy Mr.Bean
Pregnant or not I'd lay her on the bed lift up her shirt and suck and licks those breasts all night.
SHE lies!!! trust me im on the pill!!! trust me im blonde!!! lieing bitch!
she's also pregnant
gotta love those fucking prego's
She's not even blonde.
shes pregnant
shes a fucking ugly bitch regardless.
She is not really blonde.
LOL stupid you can flip the picture with any good camera phone
The slogan is not the issue here. The shirt IS NOT meant to be worn by blondes. It's meant to be sarcastic since the supposition is most men would go for blondes.
+) -
her shirt is to small (:
shes being a whore she is pregnetn LIEING SHIRT!!!!!! also why was my capthca "chemical" and "romance"...like...MCR? kick ASS
Ohh.. I Trust You.
- Trust me, I'm a blonde.... No you're not!
haha....shes not even blonde. wow.
Her arms are frickin thin? Pregnant Blonde/brunette something something?
Is this a pic of bristol palin?? : /
"If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?" It's Karen from Mean Girls all over again..
To the top rated comment. They just mirrored the image. Youy can do that even with MS Paint.
WOW YOU GUYS ARE SMART. the words in that shirt are written backwards normally, thats why the shirts funny. dumbasses.
"If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?" -Some mobile phones automatically flip the image taken. Or someone took a picture of her holding that phone.
shes not blonde and shes knocked up
She's not blonde.
her bellybutton is like a nipple ?!
she doesnt look blonde to me n is that bitch pregnant
she isn't even blonde? ;d
She Might Have Been A Blonde, She Might Have Dyed Her Hair. So It Might Not Be Her T Shirt :/
She's not blonde
someone call social services
she got laid no comdom.lol fail 4 her life.
Actually the shirt is written backwards when bought as the hint to whoever wears it being blonde... I WIN!
Maybe that's why she's pregnant? O_o
that's my girlfriend...
You're all missing it. Look at the thing on the far left. It's eyeballing her ass. That's what this mindfuck is.
She's not blonde. She's ugly. And the text on her shirt should be backwards.
the words are spelled correctly because the camera is on mirror mode also -_- and she's prego
Shes pregnant and the t-shirt fails
shes a fn brunette!!!
There's a guy's nose on the left. TAHA!
she got fucked and got preggy :D
fish on the left
i trust you.. youre blonde.. posing like that while pregnant might break the water
um someone said its photoshoped lemme tell u that there r phones that dont take backwars photos ok?
someone didn't use a condom!
shes wiff child!!!!
The shirt is supposed to say "TRUST ME. I'M A BLONDE" backwards. So when you take a photo of yourself with the shirt on in the mirror, its going to appear as if its not backwards.
how can ppl be so stupid... shes just a fat ass pig...whoever thinks she hot..is gay ! omg! lady gaga has peanus º.º
There's a face inside her stomach.
1) She's pregnant, and a teenager. 2) "Trust me I'm a blonde" 3) Yes it was a mirror photo, and it's written the right way because being blonde is supposed to also be dumb/stupid, meaning the wearer would be stupid enough to write it backwards. I know, my girlfriend has this shirt in a different colour LOL.
The shirt is supposed to be spelt backwards in real life
heh perfect time to clean yur belly button
''and also virgin''
Or maybe her shirt actually is spelled backwards (hence the "i'm blonde" part)
his prignan you morans
Her shirt says she is blond but she is not
THAT'S MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's making that idiotic facebook duck face yet somehow she's still attractive
I hope her baby is blonde too so I can trust it.
She's not even blonde?
She's taking a picture in the mirror...... but the text is the right way around....
dude i totally knoked her up!!!!
what the fucks up with her wrists?
The point is it says she's a blonde, so it's written backwards, but caught normal in a reflection. duh.
mindfuck: someone tapped that
The shirt reads "Trust me I'm a real blonde" because in reality it is writen backwards, as she took a picture of herself using a mirror you can read it normally, not backwards...
The mirror thing. But why would a pregnant chick try to look hot? Or at least look like a skank.
you're all fucking stupid, the point of the mindfuck is most likely because she is brunette, but the shirt in reality probably has blonde written the wrong way which is the point of the shirt, considering it's probably making a blonde joke. (BUT in the mirror it would be the correct way)
Someone could've took a picture of her...
shes bunette says"blonde and she's pragnant
the words are done backwards on purpose..=)
you guys are dumb that shirt is obviously too small for her
The fat bitch has a stache on her belly!
I find it funny she looks a lot like my ex girlfriend....wait a sec...AWW FUCK! Damn cheap condoms
1st: she's not a blonde shes brunette. 2nd: the shirt spelled the writing backwards for a joke and now its writting right, 3rd: she told the guy that she wouldnt get prego, he said, how do you know, she said trust me im a blonde ha!
OMFG u dicks are idioys...SHES A FUCKING BRUNETTE!@!@!@!@!@!@!@
anyone else thinks this looks kinda like Robin from How I Met Your Mother?
Blonds are not smart enough to reverse the mirror image picture before posting.
shes not even blonde...
She's brunette. -.-
To the guy who said, "If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?", I think that's the point.
"If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?" ever heard of flipping images?...
if I were pregnant, I wouldn't be taking sexy mirror pictures of myself with my stomach exposed.
How can you not see it? It's clear that it is that she has clothes from when she was 6...
o god i dumped her 8 to 9 monthes ago plz dont be mine
dude my 14 year old prego cuz is tht big!!!!
shes not pregnant shes just fat
Uh. Maybe someone else took the picture? and shes showing off her phone? Duh
all I have to say. arguing over the internet is like the special Olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded.
Look you can see through her Pants... Haha funny thing is now pretty much every one of you looked there
shouldn't it say "trust me. i'm a whore"?
nice tits. i liked the pic better b4 i scrolled down
tricky ednolb
she has an assistant xD
shes pregnant capcha: decisive aussie
its backwards she took a pic in the mirror
The shirt was printed backwards, because the purpose of her life is posing for camera phone pictures.
If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?
the words r written correctly cuz theirs a program on the internet were u can make mirrored images right ik cuz i did w 1 of mine
she's having my baby
The shirts punchline could have been that it was written backwards
Is normal because it would be backwards normally, and blondes are dumb.
maybe one shouldn't have trusted her when she said that she's taking the pill..
It says "trust me im blonde" and shes not blonde and shes pregnet!!! i mean come on its easy!!!!
the pictured may have been flipped so that you can read her shirt to get the mind-fuck
the fact that she's brunette and she wears a shirt saying im blonde lol
To the people saying shes hot, get glasses.
she isn't in the kitchen
someone else took the pic
haha shes not blon.....wtf ur preggers!
Those tits are only gonna get bigger...
notice the phones camera facing you not her
you guys are all idiots... her shirt says "trust me im a blonde" ... but shes a brunette.. duh
no belly button
ONe things for sure, she's really original blonde! aint nothing 2 discuss
are you all idiots?? of course its the mirror thingy but did you ever think that someone took a picture of her pretending to take a picture of herself??
shes taking her myspace photo lol
maybe someone took at picture of her taking a picture of the guy that was taking a picture of her ;)
dude, someone should help her go shopping for clothes that fit her correctly... oh, and i've seen that shirt before... the letters are actually written backwards on it. (:
I think that it refers to the fact that most "blonde" are stupid enough to get pregnant.
First: she's not blonde; second: she pregnant; third: the words are spelled correctly and not oppositely if its a mirror picture
Well Wearing a shirt that says "trust me im blonde" when shes a brunette makes me wonder wtf he parents did to make her that dumb
omg she is taking her picture in a mirror and it's turned correctly ...
U can flip the pic dumbass
Poor child. Kid's first words will be: "Mother! You are what people call an epic fail!"
not a mindfuck in the slightest
You can always mirror a photo even on the simplest of emitting tools. Even paint
She's Prego... T.T
People actually took their eyes of her boobs long enough to actually read whats written on her shirt!
if she is looking in the mirror and blonds are so stupid the shirt is really backwards
...and next time : "Trust me, I'm not pregnant"... Well girl, trust me I'm blind...
you are all fucking stupid... in real life the words spell trust me ima blond backwards get it she made the t shirt ina mirror and she is a brunette but she thinks she is blond and OMG she is pregnant
No, its cos shes a dumb blonde and the writing on her shirt is back to front cos shes stupid
shes preganent and the shirt is the oppisite thats all not rlly funny.
shes a brunette.....
Don't you understand? It's the white wall behind her! It's fuckin' racist!
This is fucked up ¬_¬
Oh, it's a reversal sign on a t-shirt.
A.) She's a brunette, B.) She's like, 7 and she's pregnant
shes a brunette and she pregnant.
1) This bitch isnt blonde 2) pic is in mirror 3) Prego retard
You know why guys like banging pregnant women? Cuz it's like getting a blowjob AND fucking at the same time :D
The text on the shirt is either originally backwards, or this isn't a mirror shot.
you cant read it if she took it by a mirror
how come shes not doing laundry
well the guy that laid her up trusted her pretty well till she got faatt!!!!
Alternativa 1# La chica tiene la camisa con las letras escritas al reverso Alternativa 2# Le tomaron la foto con otro telefono disimilando que se la toma con el de ella Alternativa 3# Se tomo la foto a traves de un espejo y luego voltearon la imagen
her shirt words are backwards ! and she's not blonde
You'r pregnant grow up
It says trust me I'm a blonde and she's pregnant!!!!!think about
well it's not the mirror mang, someone took this picture for her.
She's a Brunette. And people say blondes are stupid.
Shes not actually pregnant. she photoshopped that tummy on. look at her arm. Its way skinnier & awkward looking.
NO! she is preggo and in a gad damn smoky room!!!!
thats y shes "blonde" -
in answer to your "why is the writing on her tshirt written correctly", you can flip photos around... pretty obvious, clearly some people have no common sense though.
no you're a brunett thinking like a blonde!
Breeding Pens escapee
She's also pregnant. Not only Blonde...
"If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?" That's the point, the shirt is writeen backwards... the printer had a blonde moment.
that is the joke she is a blond who made the shirt but put the letters on backwards so that i why you can still see them oh and she spelled blond wrong
two things shes prego and shes a bernette
shes fuckin prego
No, you're not.
Her mouth is far too small to have properly swallowed that baby.
shes preggo and she aint blond
she's not blond, shes brunet, and if its a mirror then the real words are backward. huh
Holy shit! Look how skinny those wrists are!
omg!!!! its miley cyrus!!!!!!!
Look at her arms...
Its supposed to look like its backwards without outta mirror to prove shes blonde =P I'd do if she wasn't preggers =[ Ugh
Is the mindfuck the fact that she's not a blonde or is it the fact that she's pregnant AND self-confident?
might be the shirt. or the fact she is wearing a diaper lol
she's blind, not blonde !
she is pregna
that's why she is stupid XD
She put the lettering on herself while looking in a mirror. If you were to see the shirt in real life the lettering would be backwards.
shes not blonde u dumbasses
you can take a picture in the mirror.. you just reverse the picture on the computer after being taken!
I was born blonde, but my hair darkened over time. It's not too uncommon.
In response to the top comment: Maybe she compensated with a second mirror?
wtf! she isn't even actually blonde!
lol, I love that nobody worked this out! I feel special! The joke on the shirt is SUPPOSED to be reversed. So when people read it saying she's blonde, it's supposed to be funny. It's the right way in the mirror because... yes, here it comes... the mirror reversed the reverse text! Yay!
SHES MISSING AN EYE!! and she's a hoe. Duh.
OMG! its a pregnant whore!
That is photoshopped. Why are the letters not reversed when she took the picture in a mirror?
Her shirt says blonde... but she's brunette...
Ok does no one else see the face in the door way to the right? o.0
I didnt, but i bet the father who never new just shit brix.
yeah! we realized that!! you dont use a condom
She's taking a picture at the mirror but we we still can read the phrase
trust her, she's pregnant
o i get it shes a brunette
Of course she's lying, blondes take birth control pills to don't get pregnant.
She is not blonde.
well it could be saying she's blonde (stupid) cuz she got knocked up. That's what I laughed at.
"trust me, i am virgin"
why is her stomach so much better looking than mine was?
Oh my god. Irony ftw.
Actually, there's no flash and the camera is at the wrong angle, so somebody else must have taken this dumb ass's picture.
fucking pregnant eggo my prego
You're all morons..she's preggers!
its casey preggo with caylee!
iff you look at the corner the counter is at an angle so that means she probabky isnt looking at a mirror, someone else probabaly took the pic normal and she is doing that to look cool
3 things she is not a blond, blonds arnt trust worthy in the first place, she said she was on the pill
ur all fucktards..read shirt then examine her closely..shes a fuckin brunette dumbasses
the mirror reflects backwards and its not in this photo thats why u shit brixs
all you dumbasses that say blondes are dumb well ges wat SHUT THE FUCK UP . your all dumb ass mother fucker that can all go suck on your mommas dick you mother fuckin shit fer brain.... And "trust me ur all retades
Hello?! a. Taken in a mirror, sirt is backwards b. Shes pregnant c. Shes ugly as hell d. HER SHIRT SAYS ''Trust me im blonde'' AND HER HAIR IS BROWN
her shirt says trust me im blonde shes a brunette
NO the shirt is really written backwards, emphazing that the fact are blondes are stupid. So in the mirror it looks normal, so now the words look like they are photoshopped in when they are not
wow... it says trust me im a blonde but shes a brunette....
You can read it because because blondes are dumb so the shirt is written backwards ya morons
hope im not the daddy!!!!!!
it is written correctly you dumbass
Its for your "REAR view mirror.
bc the writing was written backwards on the shirt
WTF shes prego.... and her shirt should say "trust me im blonde backwards*
Uhh, really? 1) The letters are written correctly even though it's a mirror picture. 2) The shirt says she's blonde, but she's brunette. 3) she gots a baby 0.0
Or perhaps the text was backwards before it was taken in the mirror ergo becomming readable?
Seriously? It's a novlety shirt.... The picture isnt flipped or anything. The joke is the text/blonde/mirror combination. The text is written backwards. Trust me, I'm a blonde" without the mirror reads "ednolb a m'I ,em tsurT" On the shirt, that's the joke... It's about a blonde writting the words backwards...
"If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?" -Some mobile phones automatically flip the image taken. Or someone took a picture of her holding that phone.
"If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?" Menu > Edit > Flip Horizontally ...what are you, a blonde?
I like how she isn't even blonde anyway XD
She's Not Blonde You Retards. Smh.
no the whole point of the shirt was that a blonde wrote the stuff that way because she was supposedly looking in the mirror
omg, u stupid? she flipped the picture...
the camera puts on 5 pounds
At least we can say we are all mindfucked :P And this fake brunette too
A blonde figured out how to reverse a picture?!?!?! Now, that's a reason for brix to be shat!!!
no she's a brunett THINKING like a BLONDE!!
When you take a picture in a mirror the words go the correct way!!!!!!!!!! DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she is making a dig at blondes for being stupid cause she is pregnant... like saying she is stupid for getting pregnant , and she did it y saying she had a blonde moment....
she looks to be knocked up
Hey! Hey Preggo!
Funny looking kitchen..
I bet she was at mecces!
she's not blond
The shirt is written backwards, so when a blonde is trying it on in the mirror, she can read it normally, not knowing the whole world has to read it backwards, duh she shoulda taken the pic half in mirror half not, so we can see what it really looks like, lol
1. She's Brunette 2. She's Pregnant
bitch ain't blonde
her baby is missing a finger!!!
she is pregnant and the words on her shirt are backwards if it is shot in a mirrior and she is a brunette
the camera changed the letters back the right way?
shes fat
Shes a brunette and pregnant lol
r u a dumbasx seriousley ur pregnet not funny thats whyh ur a dumb bloned.
Belly HAIR!!!!!
for fuclk sake shes got her pants on the outside of her trousers noobs
Mabey its the fact the a pregnant girl is trying to be sexy!?
Someone took a picture of her, while she had her phone out?? duh
"If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?" easy.. photoshop
I'd hit it.. oh wait I did and now I'm paying child support. Bitch.
Guys...Her wrists are abnromally small...has noone else noticed this!?
v Because it was backwards writing so backwards writing will appear perfect in a mirror.
Damn i love Pregnant Bitches!!!
She took a pic in the mirror, so how can we read the text?
She probably has blonde hair as her natural colour, and she thought this is what the fags on Myspace do...
she's in the bathroom when she's supposed to be in the kitchen
No, sweetheart - you are not!! But, you can change to blonde, seing that you are as stupid as one.....
omg thats my girl
You guys are seriously this fucking ignorant of what is really going on with the words on her shirt? The picture was not inverted nor photoshopped; the words are naturally written backwards. Anyone facing her in real life will see the words backwards. While placed infront of a mirror the words look like they're the right way around. Hence the shirt says "Trust me I'm blonde" and the fact that the words are written backwards supports the blonde joke.
shes fukking pregnant u morons!!!
Shes a brunette
Mother of the year.
Oh My God!!!!!! That's my sister Amanda Bennett
Uhh, actually, the shirt says "Trust me, I'm a blonde." When clearly she's not. (:
are she pregnant???
1. She isn't blonde. 2. The words on her shirt should be backwards. 3. Never trust a pregnant woman.
her hair is brown
look at her belly button damn u guys seriously!
She though birth control worked when you missed a pill or two
it's coming out !!
Uh, it's called reversing the picture. It's easily done. -_-
she's a fucking liar she's got brown hair!!!
she's not even fucking blond
has anyone noticed how skinny her arms are??
She's missing a finger
1. shes pregnant 2. she's NOT blonde 3. camletoe
In real life the words on her top are reversed. So in the mirror it's the right way around... hence the joke.. like in 'Mean Girls' when Karen draws the 'K' on her chest via the reflection on the mirror, but in real life it's the wrong way around!
omg it's a prego teen! @__@ ya she's ttly a blonde......gettin pregnant as a teen......woooow
bitch ain't blonde
She was supposed to have taken that picture facing a mirror, like most people do nowadays. If she was supposed to be facing a mirror, the writing on the shirt should be flipped around!
Her arms are way TOO thin!
shes still a hotty
She's not blond? I don't trust her.
You're gonna have kids. TOO MANY KIDS
The words are the right way with photo-flip. Duhh.
STFU SHES A FUCKING BLONDE! it also explains why shes pregnent
uh.. u can flip the photo to make it readable. lol. thats not a big deal. what worries me is that a) she is brunette and b) she is like 12 and pregnant
belly is missing a finger
The words on her shirt we're probably written backwards
She's not blond. Dumb bitch. also the words aren't backwards. They should be cause its in a mirror.
uh....shes a sluty hoe?
Perhaps her carpet is blonde.
Same shirt she was wearing when she got pregnant.....She wasn't blonde then either and the dude was blonde!
That shirt wouldn't fit even if she wasn't pregnant.
She's not makin' me a sammich!
i swear i didnt do it
she isn't blonde...
If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly? She's a blonde
she's not a blonde
She is really a black guy
she's fat.
Wow... Ya'll are actually arguing over the photoshop possibilities of a picture on this website? Seems to me that someone needs to realize that the big joke in that was the blonde yet brunette twist. It'll be alrigt if you don't argue over it.
id fuck her if she lost that demon child
I just tell the guys complaining about the words being written the wrong way that you CAN photoshop the image so that the words are correctly written. Than again, you can photoshop the image and write the words correctly..
shes not blonde.
trust me , im a blond....it means even though her hair is brunette, she really is a blond, down below...
1. the background is tilted to left. 2. the text is written correctly. Even though it was took by mirror reflection
she needs proper maternity clothing
the shirt doesn't fit her no more -
maybe the shirt was purposely supposed to be backwards, stating that she was a blonde anyways
she turns me like crazy. HOT HOT HOT pj1962john@yahoo.com
The worlds are spelled correctly even thought this is a mirror photo and she is pregnant.
Why the fuck do girls (pop tarts)think that doing that duckface make them attractive You has been fucked,get an abortion bitch Then get back to your household chores
Her shirt says she's a blonde but she's actually a brunette
the shirt is inside out. and since its a mirror pic it comes out right. duh
"what a whore XD and a dumb bitch too XD" Just because she is pregnant, does not mean she is a whore. It only takes ONE time.
what a whore XD and a dumb bitch too XD
She's brunette while her shirt says she's blonde nad DUH she's PREGNANT AS HELL.
No it's because one she's not a blonde, and two looks like someone did trust her and know they have got a baby on their hands
someone took the pix not her in the mirror
shes not a blonde
we don't need the shirt to trust her.. the belly says enough
shes pregnant,belly button hair,her shirt says trust me im blonde and shes dark haired.
it says trust me ima blonde but she 's pregnent. I WOULD'NT TRUST HER!!!
If she's supposed to have made that photo with her mobile phone using a mirror, then why is what's written on her shirt written correctly?