Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
microphone. penis. micropenis!
D: He's Masturbating!
Nice going google ads. http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/8320/hardlyacoincidence.jpg
A wild Palin appears! Go Mccain! Mccain use penis point!
It kinda looks like Sarah Palin is reaching for the little girl's boobs!
wow mccain i ahd no clue
McCain punched through Palin's head
i always knew McCain was a dirty old man. microboner! lol
when you see it you will shit .... republicans .... wat da fukk?!?!
It looks like there is a dick coming out of her throat.
Yes i see the penis but did anyone notice Sarah is pulling the little girls shirt to get a better look
eww, old guy's boner ~_~
Hand through the head & penis...
microphone penis and Palin feeling up the little girl. or about to...
wow.. Sarah Palin is reaching for the little girl's boobs while licking here lips to prepare a kiss and McCAIN STOLE OBAMA'S PENIS! Will pornografy never stop !!??
gay gay gay gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! baby humper
does someone else saw the woman going to press the girls boobs?
Would look so much worse with the girl photoshopped out...
wtf? has someone jizzed a drop on the camera lens? (startin where girl's ear would be)
Right through your fuckin' head, in your fuckin' head
one of the many reasons why sarah palin should have been aborted...
there's a child under the hands of the woman, look closely in the walls under the woman's hand
Pedo man and Headshot in Sarah Palin...
McCain ... whatch youre winer...and look at youre hand killing the ugly lady. Friends help lol ... brb gotta shit republicans...McCain...why man ... look at obamas winky ! right on youre hand youre a penis robber!
palins showing the girl how its done
Please lady, you'll have to talk on the microphone
[size=18] MCcain : Haha Idiot . i have a black penis Kid: Mom , i really need to suck it :( ? Mom: think on obama [/size]
Common little Sussy, don't be shy.
I never knew how much John McCain's cock looked like a microphone.
im fuken hrny that i will kick my dog 2000 fuken miles and spit in my family cereal anf foricate
It is a micropenis!!!!
whats new?
what a big ppenis
pedo bear aprooves
All of you fail, there's someone between both girl.
He's going to be nailin pailin later ;)
good going bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'here little girl, ill show you jow to do it...'
old guy has a boobs!!!
Hey little girl, talk into my penis!!!! :)
"Hey you! Yeah you. Get your slutty ass over here and pop one for daddy!!!"
The old dude is a pimp O.o
wow.. Sarah Palin is reaching for the little girl's boobs and McCAIN STOLE OBAMA'S PENIS! Will pornografy never stop ??
Talk Into My Penis!!!
hes missing a finger
Hey jammed his finger right through her head! And no grey matter!
the add i see above this right now is be a great dad to your little girl irony
OMG, His Pennis...The Girl Wishes smells - not
"HEY, YOU!", yelled McCain as he pointed at an unsuspecting child, "Come help me clean my microphone!"
oh, those republicans wont stop coming out
Sarahs getting to second base wuth the little girl
phedobear aged.
"the old dude is a pimp O.o"-- to the dude who said this,.. that's john mcCain and Sarah Palin you fucking idiot
oh wow that was just perfect timing xD
McCain is playing with his microphone again! Quick get that little girl away from him!
you guys just post idiots coments! grow up!
palin likes mccains "microphone"
McCain was the last guy I would think is half-black
[size=24] It looks like he's arm is throught the woman's head! o-o [/size]
he put his finger through her head
Would look worse if the girl was photoshoped out...
hes that evil beast from the poltergeist!
Micropenis. I´ve officially shit Republicans. -Markus
Lol why is sarah palin looking down that girls shirt?
microphone. penis. micropenis!