Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
"god damn, im tired of these stupid not funny comments, when i cant find something weird, i want to read the comments of the smart people that actually found the real thing, but instead i gotta read all these comments from fucking retards" i agree with you ;)
Look at the clock! its way past thier bed-times!
The closet. They came out of it.
the closet leads to narnia
if you examine really close, you will see that these guys are raging homosexuals.
if you look carefully, you'll see two douchebags
"god damn, im tired of these stupid not funny comments, when i cant find something weird, i want to read the comments of the smart people that actually found the real thing, but instead i gotta read all these comments from fucking retards" me too
I changed the brightness: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/4376/thedoublepoint79749.jpg I think these are SM toys and a negligee in the drawer?
on the top shelf in the closet there is a fish!
Dudes the guy is nopolian dude i totally suck at spelling but hes the 'shut up and eat your food tinia' guy
ITS THE SAME GUY!!!!!!! photoshop...bad photoshop btw
Look at the kid on the right, something funny about his jaw line... BATMAN?!
If you look closely, you'll see 2 retards.
wait on that clock is it a.......lambada? gordon where are you
If you look in the closet theres a little demon that looks like a zombie
Lol, Evil Monkey in the closet
The picture is just a jet breaking the sound barrier. There's a dude in the closet; you can see his eye in the hanger.
why isn't the other guy not pointing at Obama
there's a face right behind the guy in the reds ass. no fish. no black guy.
Is that a fish in the closet?
each guy's clothes are the same color as the poster right next to them ??
black dudes face in lower hangers fo sho! ahhh scary
if you cross your eyes, you see FOUR wankers
Alien in the closet
NOWAI He's like totally holding light in his hand!
faggots. no brix shat.
inside the open door looks really fucking creepy, might be something in there
napoleon dynamite and his butt buddie
They're about to have consensual gay sex. MINDFUCK
i think theres like a fish on the top shelf of the cupboard
oh my dear lord. okay look at the hangers in the bottom of the wardrobe. no ones touching them but dont they appear to be moving? like surely a hanger would just sort of hang down instead of beeing in that position?
wtf the closet is open because............................they are probobly nocternal and sleep in it!!!!!!!
That's not a black guy!!!! That's a dead fish!!!! :T
its not the eyes in the top left corner of the ferrari poster is it?
the guy on the left looks like napolen dynomte!!!! i know i spelled it wrong i forgot how to spell those words
That's an enzo! not a lame ass vette
Black Slenderman!
the dude in red seems to have a thumb made out of pure light :P
The dude on the right has boobs.
the guy on the right is a poster
I know one of them is voting for pedro
Oh wow, did that guy really just come out of the closet.. Come on guys.
guys look at the wardrobe whats that hand holding the coat hangers i shat a house with luxury items when i noticed
Is that a fish in the closet?
Holy shit, Napoleon Dynamite?
holy cheese alnight masturbating
I SAW A FISH!!! thanks ollie
Look at the door
Napoleon Dynamite
napoleon dynamite?
the door is not on the wALL
Five dollar foot long!
"dude..i love you man" "dude love you to" DUDE IM SO HAPPY WE CAM OUT THE CLOSET! "wtf johnny your gay!" "dude but u jus said" "I WAS FOR REAL IM GLAD WE CAME OUT THE REAL CLOSET"
the guy to the right is cheating, he has a laser gun :((((((
Dang, when did napoleon dynamite show up?
oh... he doesnt have many clothes in hi- WTF ITS PEDO BEAR!!!!!!!!!
theirs a fucking guy in the closet holding a coat hanger and his buddy walked in on them
i dont get it... y dont see anything!!! =(
I think I know these guys. XD
is that napoleon dynamite on the left
the bedroom door looks bent
Their guns are invisible
theres a jet comin out of an egg
"god damn, im tired of these stupid not funny comments, when i cant find something weird, i want to read the comments of the smart people that actually found the real thing, but instead i gotta read all these comments from fucking retards" thumbs up if you agree
Is that a fish on their closet shelf?
holy shit a coat hangs going to kill the fuckers ru.. wait dont lock the door and die muhahahahah
Looks like a foot in the closet
the car is driving on the steps in to the closet
this is stupid!
he's holding LIGHT!!!!
Nobody but you .
If you look at they're hands u can see they are mind killing eachother
I think there's a black guy in the closet. I see an eye in the middle of the hanger.
the guy on the right has boobs
The cupboard has been photoshoped in, look at Napoleon Dynamite's shadow. It's where the wall should be, because if you look at the other guys shadow it looks the same but there is a wall behind him.
Theres a brick on top of the closet >:O
Holy shit that looks JUST LIKE MY COUSINS ROOM
It's Pedo Bear wearing an invisible cloak
Looks like an alien head coming out of the closet, the eye being encircled by a hanger?
LOL that actually does look like moot
Its in th ecar poster aument the brightness c
I see a transformer hiding in the closet...
Bläck guys in tha closet!!!!!!!!!! :o
oh, now i see it...THESE FAGS SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN BED AT 6!!
OMG they are gay, and the evil monkey and pedobear want to have a 4-way
IT'S M??????????????TYKINS!
Is it the fact that the guy on the right looks EXACTLY like Napoleon Dynamite?!
lol theyre in the lambda complex (reference to the clock XD
Alll the clothes in the bottom of the closet are girls clothes.
There's a fish in the closet :O
its about how never of them will ever get laid
rkelly photobomb
m00tikins!!!!! <3333 z0mg, thats great...
Look at the hangers. They don't float at that angle. And stop with these retarded comments. They are not funny. Shut you cock suckers and put the real thing
I think people just post random pictures of themselves and trick people into crossing their eyes and concentrating on the picture for hours.
the is not comming out from an egg.. that is a sonic boom it means that the plane breaks the sound barrier
Their shirts match the poster each one is standing in front of
the egg(??) did their pose too
Its in th ecar poster aument the brightness c
If you Look Reaaally Close ;; youll see Two gay guys FINALLY came outtah the Closet Xd Noo;; Acually look closely in the Closet ;; ull see a Face;;
if you look closely you will see two fags
Face on the poster in the middle above the car, press ctrl and A
look in the closet. there is a light. its a camera, they are being watched
Lol On the bottom of the shelf there is a guy lying down, it's hard to see him but if you look closely you can see his legs to the right, then his arm and part of his chest to the left hahahahaha!!!
Ok I'm sick of all these I think theirs a black guy in the closet I'm black so it's racist to me so plzz stop
im scared some scary black guys face will pop outta nowhere and scare the shit outta me
Retards, it looks like the plane is coming out of the poster
Looks like a small body on the second shelf in the closet
Napoleon Dynamite and Moot are congregating.
The cloth hanger is fighting gravity!
Where is the Nigga?
napoleon dinomite much?
Vote For Pedro!
Watch his closet, its full with women clothers, And he just came out of the closet, Now go and shit bricks.
if you look very close into his eye you can see a REFLECTION of your mum and in the closet there is a black guy and he is missing a finger.......
The closet its looking mess up, looks like one of the kids where hidding on it and notice the door from the closet looks like a small cord to hold the door from indise
black man in... THE CLOSET!!!!
wow on the top left in the closet theres a dead fish lol
the picture in the middle! its blowjob, those two were gays
There's a gorilla in the closet. No lie.
the guy to the right is moot
One of the guys looks like Napoleon Dynamite
There's a FACE in the HANGER to the left of the guy on the left's butt. You can se its teeth.
theres a ghosty in the closet look at the coat hangers
theres a fish in his closet
the kid on the left looks like Napolean Dynamite
and one of the idiots.... the one in the right is missiong one finger
looks like a giant glass dildo on the top shelf of the closet.
The one on the left is Napoleon Dynamite?
The poster is a egg with a gun gonna kill the two gayboys
Hey dude, what time is it?? FAP TIME MOTHAFUKAS
cool story bro, got it?
they came out of the closet you stupid ass fuckers
Guy in red t-shirt got no thumb on one hand
i rlly almost shat brix wen i realized tht wuz napolian dynamite
Wait, the left.
Beavis and Butthead!
AC Today 6620 19th Street East Suite #113 Sarasota, FL 34243 941-799-1889
skeletons hand behind the guy in the white t shirt
Is....the plane coming out of an egg?
racist people can go to hell
i see fish in closet
the closet is full of dresses and nighties idiots
its r kelly in the clost
Theres an alien in the closet!!!!!
OKI was here ...
theres a chick in the closet right above the awkward hanging coat hangers
The hanger is floating.
Theres a fish in the closet
I think there is a black guy in the closet, look there.
não vejo merda nenhuma
XD there a guy in the closet with like edward scisoer hand things on his fingers XD
ok. that clock has three hands and tho see that picture on the poster type in "sonic boom" on google images.
I FOUND IT OUTT! at the left side of the left guy [ with glasses ], theres a hand holding a broken hanger.! Catcha : vliet occuoant
Pedo bears face getting out of the closet
"god damn, im tired of these stupid not funny comments, when i cant find something weird, i want to read the comments of the smart people that actually found the real thing, but instead i gotta read all these comments from fucking retards" IM ONLY HERE FOR THE COMMENTS! D:
i now it there is no scary face!!
they killed each other with their imaginary guns OMG
black man in the closet ftw
There's a body on the lower shelf in the closet.
Holy shit i totally know these guys! Haha
closet is a fake...
A fish in the closet left above
"dude im going down on you". "no way dude im going down on you"
hey that kid in the red rides my bus! haha
that means one of this two is change the pointers of the clock!!!!!!THAT'S ITS
olha ele tem ali uma pila xD
OMG, I give up, wheres the black guy?? serious i cant find him :(
theres a kkk outfit in the closet?
The guy in red only seems to have one thumb?
The guy on the right has boobs.
There is a fucking snake in the closet.
fish in closet
I think the clothe at the bottom of the closet, looks like a black dude, sneaking in on them!
How about the head by the messed up hanger in the closet?
Count the number of fingers the red-shirt dude has.
there is a fish on the top shelf.
There is a black guy crouchin in the right side of the closet
the guy on the left is napoleon dynamite
it looks like there is someone in the closet. o.O
okay i give up, where the fuck is the black guy
it looks like pedobear with a tie:D in the closet:D checking out two faggots with dildo's:D
Invisible ninja is invisible.
The jet is flying out of the poster!
Hey dude mines this big.
iguana top shelf of the closet
the hanger is being held by a hand in a white glove or something and u can see the guy stnaidng in there.
bottom left near the white shirt bitch
There's a head in a mesh bag in the closet shelf
my 5th grade teacher had tht poster! and no the plane isnt coming out of an egg its passing the speed of sound
Is that a fish in the top left corner of the closet!?
two doors open they both just came out of the closet
dude alien in closet by coat hanger
in the cupboard wher the white coathanger is there is a black guy!!!!!!! im not even kidding
There's a white skeletal hand holding clothes hangers, behind the first guy's back.
I see Moot and Napoleon Dynamite.
holy shit!!!...it's napolean dinomite
Took me a while to see but someone cropped out the guys thumb so everyone can be all like OH HES MISSING A FINGER!!!
Uhm, guise, in the closet~ I think there's someone in the closet
WHY ARE THEY NOT IN THE KITC....... wait......
They character on the guys shirt is walking down the stairs
"god damn, im tired of these stupid not funny comments, when i cant find something weird, i want to read the comments of the smart people that actually found the real thing, but instead i gotta read all these comments from fucking retards" i agree with you ;)