Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
it is a repost , WTF , even with the same title! epic shitbrix fail!!!
vote up all messages about this poster being a repost and vote down all the other messages. shitbrix must take this double poster down...
REPOST!!! go to main page , short by time ( newest ) , see this poster twice in the same page , boooooo!!!
SOPA makes exception for repost ?
If you look closely , you will see it was reposted here , http://shitbrix.com/mindfuck/recent/65224-class-of-2010 WTF shitbrix???
Waste my time with a REPOST!!!!!!
Everybody has that one friend...
Everyones asian...but there is a white chick on the side...OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN MIND FUCKED!
it is a repost , WTF , even with the same title! epic shitbrix fail!!!