Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Pink and Green Rangers don't have belts.
They all have truck heads (they didn't back when i used to watch, this may be a newer series or something)
Pink Ranger has a boner.
Yellow ranger has a beer belly.
All arrows pointing to the crotches.
Thats all I got lol
Racist Rangers kicked out the Black guy!!!!!
the red on is shitting a brick
pink ranger has a bulge
Ironically the pink ranger has the biggest dick.
girl in the pink has a dick ! hahahaha lmao
Aww, Only bluey has a shadow... =( Pinkey has a Dick, Yeller has over-dosed on the Twinkey's again! and they got they're heads truckified. D:
the pink ranger has a boner!! FUCK!
Pink Ranger has a surprising penis.
Meanwhile, in Japan...
If you look closely to the very left there is someone that needs to be in the kitchen instead.
omfg look at their helmets lol
You guys are noobs. Look in the shadow of the Blue one. The white (non-shadow) part is an upside down cock and balls. Basically, the blue one is standing on an image of cock and balls.
It´s the gay flag XD
pink got a skirt also
But what you guys think it is is wrong. They're helmets/masks are semi trucks.
only the green ranger has a shadow?
looks like the red one shat a brick
pink ranger Is a trap
There is a white cock underneath the blue ranger.. COME ON GUYS
they yellow one had downs syndrome and the green one forgot his belt
Yellow ranger's pregnant, know to figure out who's the father. We can rule out the green ranger cause he aint got no balls and only has he's eye's on Reds package. Pink is clearly a tranvestite. Blue wouldnt know what to do with it. And Red doesnt seem to know where he's at. So it must be the the guy with disappointment on his face in the back ground to the right, With the other guy looking at him with the WTF expression.
uuum. transformer power rangers? D:
ok i thnk we all c the pink ranger squinching her legs tryna hide the stiffy
Wheres the "whitepower" ranger?
Pink Ranger Has a RAGING Clue
white power................ ranger
It's a TRAP!!
Yellow ranger's pregnant, know to figure out who's the father. We can rule out the green ranger cause he aint got no balls and only has he's eye's on Reds package. Pink is clearly a tranvestite. Blue wouldnt know what to do with it. And Red doesnt seem to know where he's at. So it must be the the guy with disappointment on his face in the back ground to the right, With the other guy looking at him with the WTF expression.
The Chinese let a girl live? Oh she has a boner
if you look EXTREMELY CLOSE you will see a picture!!! oh, that pink one? nah its just a boner....wait what....KIDZ GTFO!!
I think they are in Japan or China, look at the signs in the backround
red on is fat XD
pink is a flat chest :(
this is what mitsubishi salesmen look like when there shedding, omg they got trucks growning from their heads
if you look closely you can see power rangers in this photo
isnt the pink ranger supposed to be a girl??
pink ranger with a boner, yellow ranger has beer belly, green ranger no belt, blue ranger has bad posture? XD aannnd, they're helmets are trucks. wtf. XD
The pink ranger has a skirt.Rangers aren't supposed to have skirts!............?
pink ranger has a boner
there's an asian in the photo.
Omg Pink ranger is hard dick
pink ranger is a gay because he has penis
green guy lost his belt i was there and he said "please dont tell my boss"
Jesus christ,
"Hey, wheres the black ranger?" Itsjust too dark to see him.
red one is shitting a brick :P
nice belly yellow
truck helmets
Pink ranger is a shemale with skirt and penis
If you notice they are advertising foe a company on China
only blue ranger has ashadow
writing is backwards on the signs ..// fliped image///
there is only one shadow..
Morning Stiffness.
Lol, so obviously a guy in the pink...
the pink ranger,its a dick!
Boners on pink and red... Maybe they like each other!
red one is shitting a brick
Pink, yellow, red and green don't have shadows?
THE RED ranger shat a brick! lolz
You can tell they are asian because the chick has a bigger cock than the men
Spidermans attacking!
Red ranger was already having a tough time, but now he has to poop a brick.
road head truck with an arrow pointing to there dicks
only one has a shadow
They have no shadow
japan is weird
power rangers really rocks.
the pink one has a dick !
On the upper left corner "D-CORE" is written from right to left.
the pink one has a PENOR!
Brix shat me
I also want to comment on the trucks, look at the truck, i think there must be ISUZU logo not MITSUBISHI..lol
the pink ranger who has to be a girl has a penis XD
Green and pink ranger have no belt... Pink ranger has a boner
When did the yellow ranger become a fatass?
they dont have a shadow
their all chinese fjldhsdfjs;vjlh !!!.????
the pink one is wearing a skirt and has a boner? A gay man or a girl with a penis?
the sign at the left side EROC-D
the blue ranger has a dick underneath him... outlined by the shadow of him...rlly...no one noticed that?!
The back of the blue truck helmet is going BEHIND the guys head standing all the way back by the real trucks. (Plus all the wording on the banners are backwards while the name on the truck isn't.)
one dressed in pink wears a skirt stands like hes gay and holds his hands by his sides like hes gay.
Yellow ranger's pregnant, know to figure out who's the father. We can rule out the green ranger cause he aint got no balls and only has he's eye's on Reds package. Pink is clearly a tranvestite. Blue wouldnt know what to do with it. And Red doesnt seem to know where he's at. So it must be the the guy with disappointment on his face in the back ground to the right, With the other guy looking at him with the WTF expression.
the chick has a dick
they have trucks on there head..can you see
pink ranger have penis
one dressed in pink wears a skirt stands like hes gay and holds his hands by his sides like hes gay.
binay ahahaha
look at the pink ranger she's have a dick
The costumes havE arrows pointing to their dicks
pink has a boner! yellow is fat! and green has no belt but that is not funny!
there heads are toy cars
Go Go! Power Trucks! xD look the head OMG
Yellow Ranger has no fingers
It's mitubishi logo... But wait... It's ISUZU on the truck?!
Holy shit, Yellow ranger's pregnant, know to figure out who's the father. We can rule out the green ranger cause he aint got no balls and only has he's eye's on Reds package. Pink is clearly a tranvestite. Blue wouldnt know what to do with it. And Red doesnt seem to know where he's at. So it must be the the guy with disappointment on his face in the back ground to the right, With the other guy looking at him with the WTF expression.
They have no shadows D: Those ninjas are fucking sneaky bastards!!!
and the man in the back wearing a black suit said to his friend, "man these guys are weird" and he totally agreed
noooooo- Murdoc Nicall's in the truck on the right lol= someone must've replaced his winebago...
shitbrix just love woman's with a boner aren't they?
they have no sticks.
"Ya know, in original Japanese series, the yellow ranger was a guy... hell if I know why they made him a girl in the western version."
^^In the original western version, yellow ranger was an asian girl. It was too racist and they had to change it in later versions. -
the blue rangers truck head is bout t hit the japenise guys head
Last time I checked, the power rangers didn't fuck Optimus Prime
Woah!!! All of them are guys!!! The pink ranger (should be a girl) has no boobs and a boner, and the yellow ranger (again should be a girl) is chunky and has no boobs!!!!!
fuck me hard
OMG They have trucks on their heads!!
pink has a dick dude! should be a girl..
i think pink ranger is a man...
FAIL !!!!!!!!!
*coughs loudly twice* Are you telling me no one, NO ONE AT ALL, noticed that the red one is, literally, shitting a brick?
They're headgear are trucks.
... I think I'm gay... I Swear! SHE WAS PINK! I THOUGHT IT WAS A GIRL!! I thought it was a girl! I PROMISE!XDD
The power Rangers and Men in Black!
Yellow ranger is being touched inappropriately
the green ones car is a garbage car look at thier heads
pink ranger is in a skirt
Where did the black ranger go?
Everything is mirrored except the writing on the motor home on the right.
The picture is mirrored?
Everyone said "Fuck it we don't need shadows."
you guys are all wrong. the shadow under the blue ranger is a penis.
some of em haz no shades
they dont have shadow?
they wearing toy cars in their heads!!
You guys are retarded. Look at the shadow under the Blue Ranger, or rather what's in the center of the shadow.
I get it, the green one is missing a face
purple one has a boner
This picture is a proves that asians have a small dick
pink and green rangers are SUPPOSED to be girls (i don't think they are now tho PINKY HAS A DI*K or a vagina boner) thats why they don't wear belts. every thing else is in the comment directly or a few below mine P.S. i think red also is turned on shity costumes and shemales
The pink ranger has dick
Mga Siraulo
theres a brick in the behind of the red
Boner shadow under the blue one
the ads "D-CORE" and "Fighter" printed mirrored.
if you ;look at the pink one with the skirt u will se it has a boner
Look under their helmets, they are all BLACK I'll call KKK on them niggas
the pink ranger is a homosexual shit
the pink one is a girl ahahha
the pink one has a penis
No one has a shadow except that blue ranger!
Lol their helmet is a truck XDD
No the sign is upside down!
Pink ranger have a dick!!
the girls boner is missing a finger
pink power ranger has a chubby
red ranger shitting a brick??
that isn't a shadow dumbass, that's water on the ground
look on the floor where the blue ranger is standing, the dark area outlines a penis!!!!!
pink ranger has a boner
OMG THEY HAVE TRUCKS FOR HE-oh wait. They're in Japan. They mix EVERYTHING over there. Nevermind.
The pink power ranger has a dick.
its lady gaga!
technically, in the series, the yellow ranger was a girl too, so.....and the black guy playing the black ranger, is hiding somewhere!!!
on the upper left corner, "D-CORE" is written from right to left.
Pink women has a boner
only the blue ranger has a shadow!!!!
Boredom is an emotional state experienced when an individual is not interested in their surroundings or available activities. The first recorded use of the word boredom is in the novel Bleak House by Charles Dickens, written in 1852,[1] in which it appears six times, although the expression to be a bore had been used in the sense of "to be tiresome or dull" since 1768.
there helmet is have a car
its somting for trucks there hads ar trucks!!
they have NO shadow
When did they make a movie with power rangers and the transformers
Pink and Green Rangers don't have belts.
They all have truck heads (they didn't back when i used to watch, this may be a newer series or something)
Pink Ranger has a boner.
Yellow ranger has a beer belly.
All arrows pointing to the crotches.
Thats all I got lol