Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Ummm ladyy? are you sure you really need english being the official language? cause apparently you need to go back to 2nd grade so hen you can learn better english!
He? She...? Is offically a bad speller.
merphy law in action ;)
bricks were shat, it is offical
If you want America's OFFICIAL language to be English you should probably make sure you know it first, you dumb bitch.
Its is Offical Brix have been shat...
i thought english was our language
Notice it has a ring on both hands, But on the middle finger, instead of the Ring finger, Not brick shitting worthy I would say. Mispelling is also not worthy of shitting bricks, theses things really do go down after a while.
Paul McCartney?
lol @ dumb ass in last comment:
look middle bottom , the sign does say what he claims,
what else could it be -
i can see M.E.A.L...
Isn't English already America's official language? I'm a Mexican-American and I'm ashamed of having American included in my ethnicity! Many of these retarded Americans want this country to only speak English but many of these retarded Americans can't even spell, read and/or speak English properly!
Fat guy has a gun pointed at another fat guy on the right, but if you look REAL close you can see that they are both missing fingers!
The real one is that she misspelled "offical".Also the main one is:If she's making english an official language it consists that the official language is some otheer.BUT!If english isn't the official one,why is the sign written in english!-.-What a dumbass!
Make English Americas offical Language crossword: MEAL
THATS A LADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
man boob in the back round.... :) and she spelt official wrong. brix were not shat
guess there is another black dude hiding in the tree
Mrs. Obvious finally strikes!
The bitch is missing a fuckin finger.
Simply moron lol
She needs to learn to freakin spell. OFFICIAL. DUHHHH!
you should speak native American...
Well I didn't shit bricks. She's american.
do you NOT notice how her....or his arm is bigger than what it should be?
Silly teabaggers
its not the spelling morons its the guy wearing a shirt with the mexican flag.
Bricks were shat. It's offaecal...
I think she wants a meal.
an colony
The man at the left is naked under his coat !
Apparently, Texas is not an colony
Offical xD
Look behind the sign post it says "Texas is not a colony"
OOOO theres a mexican in the back
Look, even spellchecker has underlined it!
official is spelled wrong and it there seems to be something above her left shoulder, looks kinda like a teddy bear in the distance o.O
wow and we get mad when other countries call us ignorant?
Damn it's times like this that I really wish I knew how to speak English...
she spelt official wrong XD dumbass
eye hart amerca.
yay to that old fucking granny that needs to stfu and go back home.
This made my head hurt...
The guy on the left has no pants ._.
Am I the only one who sees a moo-cow?
merphy law? no, im sorry. it's mUrphy
The first letter of each word that is capitalized in that sentence spells meal ^_^ Make English America's official Language
does the sign on the ground in the back say "texas is not a mexican colony?"
It's just a spelling mistake? These images are getting more and more lame.
AHHH! Dumb shit yanks!
no 1 hand is different to the other
bahahaha...typical ignorant americans!!!
DUMBASSES he spelled official wrong...
lol offical
look at the main person... look at there arm look at the minny man's head right above her arm
the beaner on the right has an american flag around his neck and a mexico flag on his shirt
lean friken english dumbass
hahahaha Texas is not a mexican colony! hahahaha
Its not spelled wrong?
Dear Mr. Top Comment. Look who's talking. ~ Sincerely, M.H
Evar sence I saw this pitcher i spelt it like offical
It's photoshopped but still funny.
If you take the red and blue letters from top to bottom it says M E A L and also she spelled official "offical".
just shoot the bitch
Somebody will not receive his lunch today.
she didn't even spell OFFICIAL right, she said OFFICAL. duh.
ahhahahaha Stupid American grandma!
idk there is a mexican on the right
when you read the big letters you see meal...
wrong grammar is acceptable. but wrong spelling!? :)
hey hey hey Americans cannot complain about this woman's simple spelling error when they spell words like color, mom and replace about every 's' in the REAL English language with a 'z' for some reason.
i like how all the faggots that cant find it make shit up, she spelled official wrong dumbshits
Ignorant people make life fun. They help us laugh some times.
penis left of the granny's head
I didn't know that they spoke Engrish!
AN colony???
ENGLand ENGLish Clue's in the name, dumbitch. Make your own language.
I have offically shat brix.
The brick she shat replaced her brain.
The fact that the top comment about someones failed spelling is by someone who fails at spelling, fails.
She wants a meal look at the first letters of every word except for OFFICAL which is not a real word?
"OFFICAL" language.... oooo yeah
zabe da englaesh bitchesssssssssss!
middle left the old guy looks like he has a massive penis
"Ummm ladyy? are you sure you really need english being the official language? cause apparently you need to go back to 2nd grade so hen you can learn better english!" Think you will find that you failed in your spelling too. You put 'hen' instead of then, and a few capitals missing too = epic fail!!
Ummm ladyy? are you sure you really need english being the official language? cause apparently you need to go back to 2nd grade so hen you can learn better english!
:-D the man on the left side of the pic is naked under his coat
it says MEAL!!!!!!!
Make it our offical language? Are you sure you don't mean official? Also, there's a mexican behind her.
I can't tell if that's a penis or not...
lol guy in the back right..... George Bush?
actually English is not America's official language.. idk why though lol bt i remember the perve i had for my history teacher saying that it wasnt...
Apparently, she's in the wrong country because in America we speak English not dumbfuck.
dude r yall stupid? theres a old naked guy on the left
haha "MORANS"???
haha I laughed too.. -
offical is missing a finger
That lady as a racist bitch?
She's like IMA BITCH SLAP U CAMERA Also lol looks like a person with their arms up
This was officially stupid!!
Is the typo in the comment below the picture ("so hen") supposed to be a joke? Yes, it's amusing that she misspelled a word in the language for which she is advocating. What is more amusing is the poor grasp of basic grammar on display in the majority of the comments mocking the sign holder.
she spelled offical wrong
pedo bear
What- the- Fuck! You stupid bitch!
look its sex and can in a middle corner!!
anybody else see the swiss flag behind the tree?
offical is Texan for dumbass
English is America's official language...
yall are dumb! maybe shes not married so she doesnt have a ring on her ring finger and then second everything is spelled right so and shes right so...its whatever
anyone notice the apostrophe in Americas which would make it "America is second language " Just sayin
Dustin Hoffman is in the back!
My Engish is more better then hers
it's $
wow, actually, look at her shirt.. thats a clue..
She misspelled official, and the sign below says, as far as I can tell, "an colony", whereas it should be "a colony." I'm an american that has lived half his life abroad due to the military, and I see on a fairly regular basis the self-inflicted bad image (and it's consequences). These kinds of morons piss me off. If you're going to be an ass, might as well be a smart ass, not a dumbass.
You idots, there's a smile face in the top left tre XD
the dude in the red pants grabbing a boner .-.?
AMERICA=/=USA, why people think america is usa? canada, mexico and southamerica is ALL AMERICA dumbs.
It's offical...this country's just gone down hill.
this is more of a fail than a shit bricks but still lmao
The anagram is MEAL
the acronym is meal and official is wrong spelled
Me fail at English? That's unpossible!
bad spelling AND the caps all together makes M.E.A.L
Not only the way she spelled "official" is wrong, but English IS Americas official language.
he? she? HERMAPHODITE? conclusion=she is a short-sighted snail. (alliteration location) (rhyming timing) O FUCK ME
that's a mans arm
EXS A COLONY didn't know they had 'em
This makes me ashamed to be a texan...
Damn it's times like this that I really wish I knew how to speak English...
The guy left of the woman has one large penis...
umm "offical" is spelled O F F I C I A L !!.
it said MEAL!
She probably painted that sign with her huge mutated hand... that's why it's mispelled XD
ok, i`ve read a lot of valid points but does no1 see the building(s) in the background missing huge chunks? looks kinda like the W.T.C. just sayin`
Oh boy, did she bring the wrong sign to this rally. --Snyarhedir
...and my faith in America just hit rocks /:
Americans are FUCKING STUPID!!!
they badly need it
man on right has an american bandana and a mexico flag shirt on
that sign is missing a finger
fuck you captcha i solved the goddamn test you motherfucking zombie-racist asshole
Make english america's official spelling!
off-ical? Bitch you best be get an offical dicitonary
Ma'am, has anyone ever told you that you have extremely manly arms?
the guy in the white shirt pulled his penis out
Make English Merkin's Fecal Language...
Omg, someone is a little retard today... and this time it ISNT me
ever thought of seeing the first letters like this? M E A L
Omg...you're all so busy capping on the old broad in front and her misspelled word that you're totally missing the naked flasher behind her. Look at the old guy in the open trench coat exposing himself with the sunglasses. Stop being so politically combative!
there's someone on the door, oh don't worry it's just IRONY
Am i the only one that saw the dick on the old man on the right?
Twin Towers.
"Ummm ladyy? are you sure you really need english being the official language? cause apparently you need to go back to 2nd grade so hen you can learn better english!" ... So hen you can learn?
Texas, not an colony...retard
to the person with the top comment. it's quite ironic that you said 'hen' instead of 'then'.
the damn sign was photoshop!
I live in texas and remember seeing this on the news, the other sign says "Texas is not a mexican colony", so that's not brickshit worthy either. all in all, disappointing.
the other sighnt sayz sex on a colony? lol
the fact that the board spells MEAL
am i the only one that noticed that the sign says MEAL...?
Make English America's official Language
the guy in da bak has a sighn that says texsas but the pole from dee ladys sighn is coverins da A so than it has the letters that spell sex
Then* I don't think she's the only one who needs to go back to 2nd grade
The sign to the right of the person says "Texas was once a mexican colony"
LOL! This goes in my list :3 Origonal, Rasin, and nor Offical! ^.^
Shocker! The dumb redneck that cant spell is from texas!
look behind the lady on the edge of the screen ITS THE STREAKER!!!!!!!
suck my dick
English is the official language in the USA
dumb conservitive bitch, english IS our OFFICIAL language
lol @ white people
ah... -
You didn't even spell "then" correctly..
Prolly canit spik it good ither!
to the guy to posted "He? She...? Is offically a bad speller." It's OFFICIALLY....don't comment unless you are sure of your own spelling....lol
The sides say MEAL. America is fat as fuck.
teehheee they said to make English the official language then they spelled it wrong. :)
it's supposed to be " official " and nOt " offical "
GOOD ENGLAND!!!! (english)
u guys are gettingit all wrong, the old man in the back round is a flasher!
TEXAS NOT A AMERICAN COLONY is on a sign behind the person in front
the dude on the right is wearing a shirt with a canadian flag...
Holy shit this lady has no wedding ring?!
She's saying that she wants English to be the official language. Read it closely, she forgot a comma. XD (as for the colony of Texas...it's near the border, who is taking it over? put 2 and 2 together.
LOL stupid gringa is stupid xD (what a surprise...)
I'm pretty sure the guy in the corner has a shirt with the Mexican flag on it haha
The hypocrisy is strong with this one.
You all are idots, there is a smile face in the top left tre XDXD
She forgot the i, cool. She's retarded, just the worst speller I've ever seen. This is barely ironic, let alone worth all these comments.
Typical American!
The man on the left behind her head looks like he has a big dick in his pants
"it's OFFICIAL or OFFICIALLY not offical or offically ya'll don't even know how to spell!" people are spelling it wrong in their comments on purpose R-tard............
looks like the two guys on the left are about to start swigging
I agree with her cause, but this chick is a dumbass. Learn the fuckin language.
omg has no one seen this? the 1st letters of each word excluding official (which is why it was misspelt) make MEAL lol epic find!
o_o theres a mexican to the right of her
"Ummm ladyy? are you sure you really need english being the official language? cause apparently you need to go back to 2nd grade so hen you can learn better english!" You spelled then wrong...
All you morons!!There is no "official" language for the United States, although some individual states list English as their official language.
its offical texas is retarded
the sign is missing a finger.
Isnt english already our "offical" language?
lol letters are meal!!!
It's not WHOLE America's official language. Lol.
theres a naked old man next to her head :p
epic fail
Top comment, don't you mean "then" instead of hen?
Sorry its already britian's LOL
I saw MEAL in the text, but then I got totally shit bricked.
The fact that she's terrible at spelling and she's got no wedding ring. Oho gee what's wrong nothing better to do than bitch about something to get attention? Pah.
wtf is nxt 2 her head?
TEXAS NOT A AMERICAN COLONY is on a sign behind the person in front
hey dumbasses, how about mexican in the background?
guy in the background is dragging the flag on the ground.
you dumbass they are makin fun of her god your stupid
Spelling, too!
look right above her/his arm (a little bit to the left of her wrist)
*puts down cigarette* "I'd do her. Could be fun."
this seems shopped?
Lol, so many typos in the comment about her typo. XD
Did anyone notice that if you see every first word spells "Meal"?
never go full retard.
Lol "Texas is now a Mexican Colony"
dude u bone head there spelling official like that cause there making fun of the sign derrrr also not only did she spell it wrong but she almost didnt put the word official in there it almost look like it was gonna say make english americas language
Oh noes she spelt official wrong! This is terrifying!!!
I can read AMERICA'S. Norht America, Central America and South America, that make one continent the great continent of AMERICA, but she mean that not only United States speak englis, she mean all country's of America, like Mexico, Guatemala, bla, bla, bla. Remember AMERICA is not a country is a full continent. But in Canada and United States, Jamaica speak english. And the rest of the continent speak Spanish, only in Brazil speak portuguese.
There is a penis right above the woman's right shoulder.
You fucking ignorant, there's an accent ( ' ) on the word "americas", so he's referring to south america and the latinos
TEXAS NOT A AMERICAN COLONY is on a sign behind the person in front
am i the only one who noticed that the sign says MEAL....?
Yea! Everyone should learn to speak ... and spell English...officaly!
Niemals! Das lassen wir nicht zu, haha!
Ah, Americans. Such loveable morons.
its texas is not an american colony
God bles the Tee Partie! We takening this cuntry back!
Texas is not AN colony?? ANNN?
TEXAS Not A American Colony on the sign behind the person in the front
Everybody makes mistakes, good thing she made it in English or you all wouldnt of got it
Two guys on the right having a psychic battle.
Ummm ladyy? are you sure you really need english being the official language? cause apparently you need to go back to 2nd grade so hen you can learn better english!