Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
If you squint your eyes you can see members of the KKK. Not sure what everyone else can see. They all have hoods on, real easy to see.
If you cross your eyes you will see two sentences. "Stop Wasting Time" and "Get a Life" lol....
When I cross my eyes my vision gets blury.
=( -
stop wasting your time. get a life.
This is the best thing ever
You don't really have to squint to se "stop wasting your time". Just read it downwards from the word "stop"
Line 6 says 'stop tart' twice instead of 'stop start' ... or am I wasting my time lol
Its a magic eye puzzle, when you converge them it says Stop wasting your time and then it says get a life. not everybody is going to be able to see this one.
lmfaoooo. i honestly can't see anthing. these people are like, " cross your eyes and read it" well i cant cross my eyes for over like 4 seconds and i cant read shit
1) Step at least 4 feet back from your screen. 2) Squint. 3) This is the part where you see the pictures hidden in the lines and shit brix. ^_^
stereogram, look past it to see it, stop wasting your time.
From a distance it looks like some old men walking to the left.
if u make your eyes go blurry a bit then u will see 4 men walking towards the left.
im on a laptop and when i tilted the screen back i saw a giant maze
yes there are the two sentences that say "get a life" and "stop wasting your time, but if you pay attention to white space between the words that make lines instead of just the words, holy crap, you just might see a few members of a certain white cult of the past...
lude the as include the as include the as include osv.
i see the kkk flipping me off
that sentence is missing a finger!!!!!!!!
I See A Bunch Of Bunnies
each line is just the same sentence over and over
"stop wasting your time - get a life" :D
, when u get closely to the screen and squint your eyes u can see the hide message : stop wasting your time get a life
I agree with others, this may be the best one I've seen.
tl;dr? I'm not reading all of this shit!
its pedo bear u moreons!!! ahaha
it is easier to see if you lean closer to your screen before trying to go cross eyed
If you read it backwards it'll say "Read normally you gullible fuck"
Too many words for my brain to handle.
cross ur eyes and u can c horses doing a cnga line
7 lines down second word "stop" then follow it down, it should say stop wasting your time, says that all over sort of
OMG!!! the first line has an extra finger!!!
stop wasting your time bottom get a life
Oo i see it
if you magic eye veiw it the bits that come foward say *stop wasting your time* and *get a little*
This is a stereogram - unfocus your eyes and the "stop wasting time" and "get a life" sentences will appear to leap off the screen
when you look at the white space you can see loads of little people holding hands
Guys, Try And Look At It far away and you will see ants getting food
Yea I've tried. I can see letter and/or picture of something simple. I cannot see what.
If you squint your eyes really hard the spaces between the words are flames.
No, hahah. You guys are dumb. The point is.. nothing is different. Stop wasting time, and get a life. because your wasting time.. so go get a life. get it? haha
Brix has been shat ;) xD
koooL. . . .
no, really. relax your eyes, and it does look like the outline of KKK members lol. also the stop wasting your time and get a life message
''Stop wasting your time, go get a life''
Ahhh im fucking blind now.
You shit bricks cause you read that whole thing dumbass
Ku Klux Klan!!!!
look at stop and read down from that
I just see lots of mini vagina's when I squint.
this is filler this is filler this is filler this is filler this is filler this is filler this is filler
Just seei form a far place and you'll se many of these bastards
make your vision a bit dimmer and you'll see rabbit., =)) ~~Shaker
If you squint your eyes you can see members of the KKK. Not sure what everyone else can see. They all have hoods on, real easy to see.----------------- that is truth!!!!!
its a magic eye thing, it says"stop wasting your time" "get a life"
if you leave your view sleep, you can see a ass o.o
It makes vages.
it says it like 8 times
I see it, but... What exactly is it?
stop wasting your time pretty much sums up this site
it says far life rink far life rink far life rink far life drink haha
move back slowly you will shit brix
I just don't get it... Wait a minute, Fuck...
It's a fucking goatse! cross your eyes!
^ see*
get a life!
wtf you don't need to squint your eyes? go to line 7, and read from stop down. "stop wasting your time" then beside that it says "get a life" if you go down. it's not a magic eye, idiots.
pedo bear!
omg i see the kkk members!
looks like a group of penuses
First 3 words: "lude the as"....= Lube the ass>>.,i think it's the secret message
look at it cross eyed you will see a picture of something. do you see it
its missing fingers
KKK / Ninja rabbits? ;D
i saw it :D if u watch close u se that on the top its says: Lude the as include, over and over again and the same thing down, if u cross youre eyes in the right amount you get a 3s effects of the text and then in the middle it lokos like some part of the text are in forground :D
omg it worked thats crazy that shit like pops the fck out!!
if you look away from the screen you can see a man holding their penis
theres no period.. !! this dammm ass!!
take 4 steps back and youll see a- OH MY FUCKING GOD ITS A KKK GUY RUN AWAY (IM NOT BLACK)
I just wasted my time...
OMG KKK meeting
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww i cant see ='(
I can't see nothing
tetris is telling me* stop wasting your time get a life* use 3D view to see it ;P
stop waisting your time, get a life :D
I see 5 KKK walking to the left
lmao shit brick quality right there
look at all lines, there are only a "meaning" on every line...
diverge your eyes and thou shall see it.... it's a magic eye pic
when you squint your eyes you see 4 big boobed topless girls?
damn look just cross you eyes and you'll see four guys walking.. they look like the american online crap.. the little yellow man
stop wasting your time
It is one of those 3D visual puzzles, if you know how to do them. Two text boxes get highlighted "Stop wasting your time" and "get a life".
If you squint you can see the GHOSTS from gostbusters!!!
hahaha funny its the kkk when u squint
best thing EVER!!!
if you squint your eyes you can see 4 men with hats on walking to the left.
I think all of you seeing Clan members need to take a long look at that racist that lives in your mirror.
If u look at it up and down in some of the sentences say get a life and stop wasting your time
squint yours eyes alot
oooh!! Thay are bunny rabbits!
5 KKK members walking to the left if you pull your eyes outlike an asian
If u make your vision blurry... I see the friggin KKK
grandpa simpson
Stop wasting time & get a life !! ;D
If you know how to make two parts of the picture conjoin and put it into one, the pic says,"Stop wasting your time, get a life" no joke.
i cant see anything =[
you'll see a boobs being touched by a hand between the spaces of the words
WTF you can see the KKK if you squint. and they are all misssing a finger
what a load of shit am i fuck reading that!!!
Besides the "stop wasting time get a life" phrase, MAKE YOUR EYES GO BLURRY AND YOU WILL SEE THE KKK!!!
Its teh KKK
The 17th line down it says "this is filler"
haha thats a good one!!! i did waste my time but it made me laugh.
White power!
there are aliens in there!!!
im pre sure ther is like 4 stick figures wanking
squint your eyes as much as possible, but so you can just see, just do it :)
look in the 7th line
its a magic eye its says stop waisting your time get a life
Dude!!!!!!!!!! Its the mitherfucking Predator!!!!!!!! He has a spear in his right hand and he is facing left
in the 7th ;line you can see the word STOP and in the 8th line wasting and the 9th your. and so on. And oh. i followed the instructions.
these are so fucking shit
its these men taht look like elves walking...
Stop wasting your time and get a life
stop wasting your time and go get a life XD
Clever ..
This is the shitbrix
This, is what i call a "hidden message"
its 1 of them 3d pics where you have ot make your eyes go weird, it says "stop wasting your time"
that is weird !
When you cross your eyes it looks like fucking fire. It's one of those things like that one Goatse one.
that sentence is missing a finger!!!!!!!!!
stop wasting your time and get a life...
rofl thats crazy >.< i crossed my eye and when i saw the words i couldnt uncross them D:
ohhh i see 5 little humans that has a BIG HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!o.O
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LMAO..."Get A Life" ... "Stop Wasting Your Time"...
Either candles or the KKK.
There is a KKK with a penís in his ass
I see bunnys
KKK members, lined up.
It's a stereogram, if you look at it, "stop wasting your time, get a life" pops out of the letter!!!
haha stop wasting your time and get a life XD
Its the KKK. :/
no matter how much i squint i dont see anything but wen looming thru u can see thing written diagonally maybe its cuz i have glasses?
I read each line a couple of times fast, I read phrases like "wait a minute", "this top star", "play card time", "I may go bottom", "Back and Forth" ... can you make out more phrases?
Sorta like a stereogram, if you stare at it for a moment, the spaces between the words form a pattern. You will begin to notice that the image is jumbled at first, but then your mind begins to sort out the pattern, and you should notice that the image is of at least four " Pedo Bears , side by side. Not shit! Take time to sort out the pattern. HINT: Squint slightly until the patterns appear, you will see it.
"Stop wasting time" "Go get a life" That, my friend, is the best one I've seen all night,
i cant cross my eyes!! this SUXS!!!
do the eye illusion thing an it spells out "Stop waisting your time get a life"
OMG!KKK. if you squinjt your eyes you can see KKK
Ezio's assassins, Ezio's assassins EVERYWHERE!!!
i saw a lot of bunnies:))
read diagonally from stop (9th from the right/8th from the left)
:they stop start where is the "s"????? ok that was fucking waste of time
God Look Down Some Sentences in the Middle And You'll See "Stop Wasting Your Time" And "Get A Life."
holy muther fuken shit i saw it do u think i should get a square toilet ?
NO every single line is repeating the same 3 words! line 1: "lude as the include as the include" line 2: "ute a right minute a right minute" GET IT?!
stop wasting your time lol
i see a lot of ROBOTS!!! only me?
If you squint your eyes you can see members of the KKK. Not sure what everyone else can see. They all have hoods on, real easy to see.