Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
"and my rainbow colored dick will appear in the sky", says the weatherman
New York is gonna get white rain....
The nuts are in Kentucky and the head is in Pennsylvania. I guess Ohio got shafted!
Jawaharlal, I'm gavrelle.
I wish I had a giant, warped, multi-colored penis.
and then god demanded a storm cock
kentucky got t bagged
owned. -
Wow...that guy could screw all of america with that weather forecast!
Rofl this one hardly needs pointing out (get it?) in reality, if you had a penis that big you would die when you got a boner due to a lack of blood to the rest of your body =P
radioactive peniss!!!! :O :O
oh yeah, make it rain, baby!
HEY LOOK, Michigan is about to give him a HAND JOB! trolololololol
poor Pennsylvania....its gonna be raining white stuff
Can you see the veins on my epic penis?
Today's forecast is a little cloudy with a slight chance of...omg that's a boner.
:O omfg guys!!! his dick is radioactive!!!???
if you look closely at his right hand you se he is holding his dick(+ the dick cloud thing)
And the weather forecast calls for a giant rainbow-colored dick to piss on the entire east coast
shit my dick is on radar
Shit, the red dick clot is literally right above my whole town. Richland County, OH. Google it, faggots.
he wishes it was that big
hahahaahaah cockstorm.
i guess the weatherman put the picture of his dick
Somebody said fuck Ohio. !0 FUCK YOU! 2) We are literally the heart part of the U.S. 3) At least we are not shaped like a glove, pan handle, or a fucking wang!
We need to go deeper into the country..
you know this is actually funny, cuz i live in ohio.
Whit Kid Bengala
hahahaha oh columbus..
Sexual in yer window.
weather man: "man i wish it was that big"
Gods cum is green?
the guy is have a long penis
today forcast calls for giant dick fapping and cum showers
ignore the giant rainbow penis, look at his lower hand whats that he's holding?
Hmmmmmmm. Dnt see it
almost as big as mine!!loll
does this mean its gonna rain penises? 0.o
"and at 12PM Ohio will get miles of multi-colored penis."- weatherman
holy shit i dont care that he is like 40 damn the is fucking huge dick
hahahahaha.ohio got fucked...
The penis is missing a finger.
i now offcially am in love with the weather guy
haha i remember that day! I lived in columbus then thank god not anymore
hey fuck whoever said "fuck ohio"
i saw this when it was actually on the tv.
how about fuck you! suck ohios nuts
woh this guy badly needed a relief
Does this mean a long hard winter?
I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.
and yeah longer over here to east its gonna be a little hoter ahhhh
looks like its gonna be a hard winter
thr man is holding his dick
no my rainbow coloured dick will appear in the sky haahahaahaahaahaahahaahaahaahaahaahaahahaahaahahaahaaahahaahaahaaahaahaahaahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahaahahahaahahaahahaahahasahaahahaahahahahahhaahahahahahahaaahahahahahaahahaahahaahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahaahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhabhahahahahaahashahsahhahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhsssssshahshsagghadfhshvcyxGVSSSSSSSSSSSSSD
partly clowdy with a chance of jizz
The warmfront is THIS huge!
We need to go deeper in the country..
PENISSSSSSSS I live in ohio Asshole Fuck you
Dis f00 An't got noo Dayuhm Business 2 beeeh showinZ Dat on Tv.....Nd He iz brodcasting News channel.......Watt....they didn't give yhew ebough time 2 zip up ur dayuhm WINNIE!!!!!
The weather will predict everything...Even the slightest boner
at least it didnt get me here in wv lol
its funny because i always pictured a hurricane as a giant ass-hole
climate shamed him
hey dicks in the southeast just like every one else there
Weather Man- 1 Ohio- 0
And we have quite a large storm appearing in the mid-west...
i love the vein on the dick
no you guys... he's missing a finger
so if you look over there. you'll see my penis growing at a rapid rate and soon I will take over the world. thank you for your time. I'm Richard Banger. (dick banger)
omg hahahaahah thats nasy!
obviously his holding his penis, duh!
look at his hand... there is a remote in his hand... it almost looks like he is holding a small dick from his trousers! LOL
apperntly he had too much viagra before the show
great slongs batman there a giant squawl comeing our way
"and there will be a 95% chance of sleet falling in the midwest in about 5 minutes"
His penis is discoloured?
radiactive bukkake
It will be a snowy day in New York. so wear something to protect your self.
Its kinda hard to miss that one.. o.o
And in the north you'll see my multicolored Dick coming from the west...
Darth Vader Penis mixed witha green one!
Mine is bigger than all 3 of those states combined
In your endo...
lol hes had so much viagra that the map behind him is showin how long its gone ova da country lol. oh and hes missing a finger :D
bunch of dicks in the mid west
lol, my captcha for this is 'mooned career'
hmm... is that dan rather??
I never knew Lake Michigan looked like a penis...
His Poor Poor wife
I wonder if he's going to stick it in the ginormous vagina that attacked Florida during the RNC?
Thats my local news 10tv. Thats Carlos Gonzales. When i first saw this i dint get this but i do now lol
When I put my hand here it looks like the southern border of Indiana is a black stream of my demonic cum.
i dont get it?
we will be expecting 12 inches today
is that why it has been snowing alot lately???
he's gonna cause a tsunami of pee
thats a fail
and over these states it will my jizz will rain from the sky all u girls who wanna get pregnant open ur legs
dam wash ur penis it got mold around it!!!
He's overcompensating, using weather.
like a penis of weather man
O_o oh crap i live in ohio!
When I do hold my dick, its usually monstrous, in Predator vision, and like a Mini Gun.
That's it, right there buddy... stroke that rain cock!
my rainbow hairy* dik will be in ur mouth if u dont STFU <3
Look at the way he's standing and where the balls start
The picture is called sexual innuendo. Didn't take *that* long to see... "once you see it" brix were not shat.
YAY! OHIO your just all jealous because it is the most mention named state in movies/tv shows
can i get a HELL-YEA ?
"Pennsylvania will be expecting a small blizzard"
there will b lots of snow
I live in Ohio....
Looks like we're going to have a long and hard winter...?
It's right over where I live Ohio
weatherman: today will be cloudy with a slight chance of my balls
It's every whore's dream.
And tomorrow we have penis winds leaving the west coast......
Followed by some light jizz in the afternoon.
The storm is Growing!!! Growinggg!
he had them set this up this way....
...Fuck that's my forecast.
THUMPS UP powers activate!!!
uhh wheres the hidden black guy?
tonights forecast 80 percent chance of a pearl necklace for Philadelphia
rainbow dick and hes holding one thats making a border cum line
does this mean its gonna be a long hard winter?
and my dick is THIS BIG
look that dude is holding his dick
i pee more let me at it ITS GONNA GET NEWTURED
Indiana's fucked
world record, biggest cock in the world!
too easy......the weather looks his PENIS......
You guys might think its the weather cloud thing. Its not. Look at his right hand. now follow the river. I thinks this guy needs to see a docter. His juice is the wrong color.
i don't see it....
i guess new york will have some severe thunderstorms if you know what i mean.
It even has veins
lol this actualy a real picture
Now there's porn everywhere...even in the news...-.-
Lol this is in my city
fricken anus juises "why does he have a red green and yellow cock.
i think rainbow stormcock is a pretty cool guy. eh kill teh america and doesnt afraid of anything.
"Coming from the south-west..."
I feel bad for New York lol. XD I've never actually seen that happen, and I've lived in Ohio for a long time
nyan can v.s. nyan dick
I saw it straight away... damn I'm dirty minded
Dude, that is one BIG boner.!!!
waht kod it be....
Look how it enters Pennsylvania through Beaver County.
Lol fapping on Pennsylvania
White Kid Bengala
OOH long penis!
OMG!! It's a double Rainbow!!!
"and my rainbow colored dick will appear in the sky", says the weatherman