Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
hahahah , arrogant prick wants to show off about his size but on his right leg you can see the shadow of his.... NEEDLE-DIIICCCCKKKKKKK! :D :D :D
Justin Bieber`s dad
Shadow of the beast...
The man is missing a...no, there it is!
Haha! Took a moment - I like that!
a bit optimistic there, eh?
Look at the shadow on his right leg....Here is the finger!
I'd suck that little Cheetoh.
his dick is missing a fist XD
It's not a beast, it's more of a pocket monster.
White man, black penis ?
He has a mouth on his belly?
look at the stomach theres a face
Look at the Shadow!
hes white but his penis is black?
his balls are missing a finger
Has anyone noticed he doesn't have bellybutton!?
LolLolLol...He's missing a half os his finger...
my tictac ain't gonna suck itself
His cock is a big black square - mutant!!
His stomach vomited his dick
At least it's a small fail.
Holy Shit i've got a black box instea of a penis aswell!!!, i feel warm not alone anymore XD ps i see the needle
he had no bottom
OMG! The electical plugs are sideways! 0o0! Kill it! Kill it with fire!
The outlit on the wall is sideways, as well. (:
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL look at the dicks shadow xD
OMFG He has a black bar for a penis!
why is he taking a picture of it anyway like okay lmao retard
Tiny penis shadow lol
both knees have face in them the left side looks like a baby the right side looking down at the table
Just imagine when he swims in cold water, damn the thing is gonna dissapear.
the wall socket is the wrong way
Lol. For a second there I almost thought he had a vagina. How's that for well indowed??
the black penis is censor
the penis is missing a finger
The shadow makes it look bigger than it actually is.
A hair less man child with a miniature penis, just look at the shadow.
OMG!!! Sneaker!!
he's holding the wait thing with his a**!!!
hes dick goes through skin so he can penetrate anywhere he wants
THANK YOU GOD for the black bar
it just want you to stare at a gay picture
of course...the black guy on the black strip
want a small black blowjob I can't find mine
White man, long black rectangle cock
Haha I didn't notice the shadow at first I thought he crapped on the desk
at least his face wasn't showing. that would have been embarrasing.
its a white guy with a black, square dick!!!!
hmm..the censor is much too big!
Um rosto no joelho esquerdo.
Is there anything wrong with his legs? o.O
to mutch steroids i guess
See kids... DONT USE STEROIDS! your dick, like the one above, will shrivel up like an old ladies vagina.
white guy black video game style dick weo weo weo wo
It was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie a very disappointing thingy, that we all laugh at, giggle, and point! :D
that's another way to find girls
Clive tindale gargles jiz
his dick is small! see the shadow?
At first I thought he crapped on his desk
Pants are around his anlkes. =)
shadow of the colossus.
epic fail :D
They censor this dick but not the other billion dicks on Shit Brix?
Lol its the shadow of clitoris on steroids....omg this is too much..i mean...to even think about look at that small penis..he/she masterbates with a tweezer...LOL
Looks like his legs are cut off from right below the knees.
I don't know, maybe that's a shadow of his pubes that he molded with hair gel and spit.
i lost my needle... OH THERE IT IS :D
OMG did no one else notice the freaky womans face looking through the window on the right????
o ha ri haha nice try mister fake-o
The funny part is that I did point and giggle, then I scrolled down and read what it said
If you look realcareful, he's had a bad reaction to steroids and has left a pile of sh1t on his gym equipment...
the outlet is sideways
hmm..the censor is much too big!!
Why did i click this..
It's an eeny teeny peeny!
lol the censor bar tries to embellish the truth!
Bieber oO?
its a girl...
Someone photoshopped the "shadow"...
And that children, is why steroids are bad
pretty easy to lift that weight!
That sure is a little bird, isnt it
I dunno... if that penis is so small, then why use such a long rectangle to cover it up, huh? Also, as we know, depending on the source of the light, shadows can be very deceiving. But am not defending the person - guy's an a-hole for taking a picture if his weiner. Not impressed.
You are pussssay in the ring of...Jamar John! (Daxing)
The bar looks big, but the shadow looks like his weenie is hitchhiking.
lifting weights with ur pants off. great idea!
teeni weenie got no spunk
Here i was thinking it was the electrical outlet on the wall sideways...
If it showed all his body he would be missing a finger
The black bar is 90% too big.
Hey ladies, wanna see this guys big dick? Oh... Nevermind!
Jus go to show bodybuilding ain't gonna make it bigger
He has a c=3 not a C==3
no, silly dillys the outlet/plug on the wall was put on sideways u dum fucks........................................and he really has a small penis
hmm..the censor is much too big!
Its a blackguy with white skin
He just wasn't hard. :P
the weight thing is goin up his ass
For all you guys out there self-conscious about your penis size, this mindfuck ought to make you feel a bit better.
Um, where are his legs from just below the knees down?
OMG .. he put the thing in his ass O-o.. talkin about training
The sensor is small :\
Lol. Took a moment, but it's obvious now!!
im 14 yrs and even mine is at least twice as big D:
OMFG he has a black bar for a penis!
photoshop, ur doing it wrong
haha! best yet!
Mommy, my belly button ran away :(
hahahah , arrogant prick wants to show off about his size but on his right leg you can see the shadow of his.... NEEDLE-DIIICCCCKKKKKKK! :D :D :D