Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
In Soviet Russia, the maps fuck YOU!
Горжусь Россией :)))
"In Soviet Russia, the maps fuck YOU!" And in usa you fuck maps?
^ So we have to jerk off to escape the fire?
Вот вам Русский Хуй, ребята! :Р
To the person that said "Creepy! They can't write in English" I would just like to say what the fuck? You DO know there are other languages out there, or are you just so self centered that you think the world revolves around the English speaking nations?
ХУЙ ВАМ!!.... пиндосы...
Горжусь Россией :)))
In soviet Russia, BRICKS SHIT YOU!
In Case of Emergency all the TROOPS must escape the TIP of the building using your ANTIFIRE WHITE COATS.
turn left at the scrotum...........
ахах. блять.обожаю свою Россию.за такие идиотизмы
Ejaculation plan
In Soviet Russia, the map still looks like a dick.
i want to go there
It... has really, really small balls...
tiny balls...
it should of said mindfuck literally.
С любовью из России.)
Бля :D ну и похуй :D тут есть еще Русские картинки Хуле орать - то?
Ah u russians with big dicks and small balls... all the utensils for fucking but none of the confidence...
a hand holding a dick! lol! x[}
По натуре, мужик дрочит :-))))))))))))))))))
It's a hand holding a vibrator! Oh nope that's a map
lol yeah its a hand holding a penis
Penis-like Russian Trade Center - that's fucking awesome. By the way, I live in Russia
Я двенадцать лет и что это?
OMGI I see it! There's a sale at Penny's!!
English is almost the same as any other language and theres not really any difference for example "hairband". In any other language its the same word just spelled differently, so basiclly(sp?) the other languages eventually get translated into english some where into the translation process.....sortta -_-" Im getting confused..!
a vagina?? nooo... its a peni-NINJA!!!
Why Do they Build Penis Building Everywhere
I think whats standing there in Russian means: Look at this map, it does seem a dick, doesn't it? But they believe we can't read Russian, so they weren't afraid to put it in! -Me
Ejaculation plan
hva i helvete i faen helvetes helveballesekkfaen
wow that first comment is definatly even better than the picture itself
Masturbating map .......
No in the USA, were lazy and use gps...
A penus gun?
ололо, давай больше кириллицы и подобных картинок из рашки. Пусть пендосы поугарают
it's plane for escape in fire
Wow.... Seriously, are people this retarded to make these designs on accident?
its a hand and a penis get it right fucktards
Биг пенис !
"You can escape right under the balls. Thank you."
Я тоже Русский
Не ожидал увидеть такую реакцию наших DD Так держать!
У нас и заборы строят так: Пишут ХУЙ - а потом прибивают доски
Theres a sign
Урааа РУССККИЕ!!!!
Holy shit the map's masterbating!
building designers these days. sigh
Oh my... 21 century - in every picture people can see only DICKS & DILDOS. So smart. P.S. Fuck you. All of previously comments suck dicks.
НАША (OUR) РАША (Россия)(Russia) Держава (Country) Наша (Our)
seems like it is a fucking huge penis :/
Oh, fuck. Yeah, our russian evacuation plans are sooo russian :-D
got some tiny balls
Found it! The map has tiny balls.
It's not a penis, turn your head. It's a revolver.
That actually looks like a nice mall.
I like how the tip actually bends to make it more suggestive.
ti - huj ты - хуй
In soviet Russai maps fack only fuckin` americans =^.^=
In Soviet Russia, the maps fuck YOU!