Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Bottom 2 pics make it seem like the top guy is giving it doggystyle to the bottom one.
Once again God pitches a tent
"Look Dad, No Hands"
dumb as shit c'mon people post some actual mind fucks or stuff that will make us shit brix pleeeease!
The mountain is missing a finger
Wtf? where's the porn?
A warm place to put it in.
God is "Pitching a tent" and bottom 2 are going doggystyle.
Well that's just Shit.
it says wat is this at the top
This comment will for some reason get more likes than any other.
god pitches a tent, guy fucking guy in other picture, guy "being fucked" puking.
Pitch that tent God!!
Bottom 2 pics make it seem like the top guy is giving it doggystyle to the bottom one.