Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Holy shit !!!
Miracle , when the dog pees jesus walks on water!!!
I'm telling you , Jesus is the shit!
And then Jesus opened his mouth , and then there was shitstorm , amen!
I always knew , religion is full of shit!!!
Why am i staring into a dogs asshole?
Its a subliminal message! Dog is god backwards....: O
When you see it , jesus will spit/shit bricks...
Don't mess with Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!
who the fuck stops and checks there dogs ass to see if it looks like jesus??
people say holy shit for laughs... but this is LITERALLY HOLY SHIT!!!!
now you know why Jesus is pronounced JES-ASS...
Hitler hole
Geebus! Geebus!! GEEBUS!!! Es a faaawr!!!! Or a dawg's arse that looks like a Geebus...
i carn't see shit
Swear this was on Russell Howards's Good News...
why who wood check there dogs arse for god!!!, are they insane???
god damn it that dog is a atheist
who checks their dog's ass hole to see if it looks like jesus?
When you see it you'll shit Jesus.
Jesus dead in DOG ASS realy cool -_-'
Jesus? Is that you?!
that's what i call, shat like gods
Jesus has to puke.
i like how jesus has balls lol
I'm kinda wondering how he came to find this...I mean how often does the average person chill out around his dog's bunghole, while thinking about the bible...? Maybe he had a dingleberry...the dog, not the dude...
Thats not Jesus...Its Andrew W.K.
I knew he would come back
I always thought Jesus was an asshole, butt now I'm sure
Is not there Sacrilege?
I was wondering where he got to....
Jesus Christ !!
This was the proof I needed to accept Christ into my life.
triple anus
Jesus= Doggy Style
well they do say 'there's a little bit of jesus in all of us'
god wanted 2 leave his mark
if you look closely u can see an asshole
Brix were shat. Now i can finally get to work on that twenty story brick skyscraper, i shat so much.
So this guy is saying that this Dog's ass, is a message from our Christ, Lord and Saviour? What was he doing when he found it anyways?
I took a picture of my dogs ass but I only saw Elvis
when you see it he will shit Jesus!!!!
Jesus Did ride on an ass to Bethlaham
I always knew Jesus was an asshole…
Jesus came back in the form of a dog's ass!
of all places why the ass hole, why couldnt he be like the virgin mary pancake burn?
that isn't jesus christ. its just a Mexican. look at the mustache
Jesus performed miracles such as walking on water.... oh and talking shit!
Haha his head is the Dogs ass
That's not Jesus, that's Barry Gibb from The Bee Gees.
...Is this why dogs go to heaven...? Because of their asses?
insert cock here
forgive me lord, jesus is an ass
You are the stupid fucks for staring at a dogs asshole trying to figure out what the fuck it looks like. How did that work for ya? Oh ya fyi, you are also probably gonna burn in hell for comparing Jesus to the dogs asshole. fukkin wackjobs....wow, Im really surprised the webmaster didnt pull this pic just due to the dumbass comments.
This picture appeared to me about five times yet. It's annoying.
Hole-y communion anyone?
It all turns paranormal when that dog unloads a shit. We won't think it looks so cool then... Hey Jesu- Holy Shit! Literally.
Why am I starring into a dogs asshole, and who takes a picture of their dogs asshole anyway?
Dat ass ^^ Dat poophole^^ Dat Anus ^^ …. Dat smell D:
viva el ateismo!!!
U got mail xD
Its a boy!
Looks more like hitler
jesus is an asshole
This guy is a real asshole.
I wonder why so many dog's asses look like jesus... omg people, get a life!
Jesus is an asshole.
On the "preview" it looks like he has has hand put into the dogs asshole
GG Alan sneak attack pt3. Like if u know what I mean
Jesus will trough up bricjs
Holy shit !!!