Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
You just can't spell "ESPN" without "penis".
Kirk is missing a finger.
Party on, dudes!
A brief demonstration on how to gape your anus.
Fuck Stanford and especially that fucking tree!
The Home Depot is missing a finger.
lets go to the movies
Hey look! Columbus is playing Chicago tonight at 8:30 Eastern.
Why doesn't ESPN ever televise the Vassar College football games?
The tree is missing a finger.
Eye of the tiger!
Oh, shit! It's Voldemort!
Go Trojans! Just don't break under pressure like your condom namesakes!
San Dimas High rules!
Do you Yahoo?
Why would I "penis"? And HOW would I...?
Isn't he holding a joint between his right hand fingers?
You just can't spell "ESPN" without "penis".