Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Left of the girl in pink there's an elephant
Box illusion
Anyone else notice the person falling out of the window behind them all? :D
i see three lazy ass bitches
All you guys are fucking idiots on this website. I cant look at one picture without out some dumb ass trying to be funny or can't fucking spell. Yes, I know all you guys think your funny when you say "Missing a finger" or "Hidden Black Guy". No, It's not funny over 2,000,000 fucking people say it. It's not funny its annoying as hell and why don't you all take a break from looking at these and go back to fucking school, morons.
Impossible box.
The "box" is flat. It's an optical illusion. A good one at that.
MC Escher made some practical childrens toys back in the day.
Wild Snorlax appeared!
you idiots that are saying there is not 27 months in the year, its obviously got the correct date format day, month, year rather than the wrong american format month, day, year. Seriously now, it's no wonder people call you lot dumb.
look to the left!!!! a wild snorlax has apeard!!
The box is a illusion.... the leg at the front is actually in the back and so on... (bad english? Im dutch :P)
The fat one on the left looks hungry... FOR SMALL CHILDREN!!!
holy shit, when i saw this i suddenly understood black holes and quantum phsyics and time travel...then i looked away...and it got kind of dark. long story short, i forgot.
Invisible bunnies!
Why aren`t they in the kitchen make me a sammich?
i think it was the right girl that have 21 fingers
Dr. Josef Mengele
It is not possible to have a box like this.
Two disappointed kids?
No the lady on the right has a gun
omg!! pedobear is inside the car!! run girls run!!!!
2 little girls trying to fuck a fail box made by the other three lazy 13itches?
The guy falling out of the window is missing a finger
the kid is falling off of the biulding behimd the chick with glasses
Escher box is at it again.
i dont know about you but i think the lady on the left is ready to rape someone
M.C. Escher's family
there isnt 27 days in a mougth
Look at the date stamp!!!
the box is not real. its an illusion but its awesome!
right corner, there's numbers on the grass and her shoe
Impossible box is impossible
zomg a wild snorlax iz tryina steal da box
satan in women form?
Hilary Clinton?
the women aren't in the kitchen makin sammiches
i see a blue bird next to the woman with glasses.
and they dont know how the rabbit escaped!
Wild Snorlax appeared.
i see three women who should be in kitchens
Dude,theyre all wearing winter clothes during a hot sunny day!
A wild SNORLAX appears!
"it's an optical illusion" there's a difference between an optical illusion and a shopped picture
The box is an impossible shape.
Look at the cube its planks are all arranged strangely
The box is levitating you can see the one little girls feet are under it!!??!!
"Happy fuckin birthday we got u some wood built like a square go play with it in the road"
they are not in the kitchen where they belong.
Self centred americans, in other countries we put the month second. so its the 27th of October 2007- nothing strange about that! Look closely at the box its an illusion
a few things: -to the right of the old lady in the back...is that a mudkip hanging on the wall?(that could actually be a person falling too..) -pay attention to the wooden box
A wild Snorlax appered
If I hear one more "she's not in the kitchen" joke, I will poison your fucking food, fools.
To the one that says go back to school...your funny =wrong, You're funny is correct. "you're the idiot"
thats their christmas gift Lol
this one hurts my eyes
How did they get out of the kitchen?
by her feet it is a face
this is an usual PS'd impossibility, there's quite a number of'em
Man,look at this fucking cube!
Hey! I FOUND SOMETHING ELSE NOT THE BOX! There is a spider on the girl`s right arm!! xD
under the hand of the chik wereing the gray jacket thers an eye
ommfg what is it with you people and missing fingers? seriously. God. its old.
its not really a box it just looks like a box from this angle
the face of the woman standing to the left of the girl in pink...
omg some1 fallin out da mofo windoww in da black , i mean back , gee
Its like the box have a gap :)
Yall are so pointless!!!! LOOK AT THE DATE!!!
the back right leg is facked
Alright Who Has The Boner!?!?!
Twitter bird
Its a hypercube
they are not in the kitchen and they are women!
Hilary Clinton?
time stamp
uh the blue thing top right between two women?
do you see how the woman to the left of the girl in pink is staring?
Black guy hidden behind the bushes.
some people just have toooo much time on thier hand....and isnt one of them missing a finger??? LMFAO
a blue bird to the right of the woman in the glasses head
its actualy not a ful box its to or three peices angled just right to make it look like a box at first then you notice its imposible to build it like that its just fuckin confusing
That is one effed up box...the slats are not put together right...optical illusion. And now you see why the girls look so happy to have it.
Trolls with the longest comments naught said
The mom is missing a finger!
damn... impossible figure
They are teaching the little girls to grow up to be mexican
*wild snorlax appears*
i see 5 women out of the kitchen.
three bad actors and a shopped box
Where's pedobear when you need him?
Pime Taradox!
So...where is your god now?
the box is wrong
theyre not in the kitchen
Wild Snorax appears
u stupid fucking retareds its that date it say 27/
Is that even possible?!
27/10/2007 the date on the pic makes no sense...
27/10/2007 the representation is typically MM/DD/YYYY they are 15 months over the actual 12 months...
"Left of the girl in pink there's an elephant" i lold sooooooooooo hard
look at the fucken box
i see it
Wild Snorlax stares..
The fat one on the left looks hungry... FOR SMALL CHILDREN!!!
to the people mentioning the date - in england and other various countries it read's day/month/year opposed to month/day/year
Uhm you dumbasses, the date on the picture says: 27/10/07 does that tell you anything?
How do you not see the face behind the girls back looking like it is coming out of her ass?
''nobody notices the date? lol''
If you'd just think, you would find out it's october 27th. -
omg! the kid in white doesn't has hands!
mommy i built a penis
a wild snorlax has appeared!!
No look at the date stamp
the box isn't cube
Thats one trippy box
The box is a illusion.... the leg at the front is actually in the back and so on... (bad english? Im dutch :P)
scary box
its not a cube
The lady to the left looks like a sex offender, by the way she looks at the little girls..XD
horny fat bitch on left
ok first of all youran asshole whoever posted shes an elephant and its a box allusion. p.s she looks fine.
is it the old woman thinking 'kids of today! we never messed with the laws of physics when i were a lass!'
Pedo bear, guy falling out of window, and box illusion.
look out its hillary clinton!
it hurts my brain
ok i see satan and an illusion box... i dont think we're in kansas anymore...
wild snorlax appeared
one of those girls actully has a dick in a box.
It's an invisible rabbit
The box is missing a finger.
the box only has 3 fingers
Look at the date
its easy to see how its possible. two of the pieces of wood are cut so it looks like the other pieces are over lapping it...they just angled it perfectly. so where they look to be overlapping...there is just a gap
The fat bitch on the left has a beard.
the girl in pink is holding a square doucher !
A wild snorlax appears.
AWWW. What an adorable invisible bunny!
There's bird poo on the arm of the woman at the right.
it's the impossible box <3
ohh theirs the box theres a pole stiking out of it
u guys r retards its the impossible cube
D8 thats impossible boxing
the women on the left is a tramp easily amused by the optical illusion of the box
i have a headache
I'm thinking it's the fallow in the very back of the picture with something hanging from it.
who needs mexicans when you have kids
my mind has been fucked and i just shit the bead
imposable box
Look at the date stamp
The box is missing an eye, there is a hippo to the left of the girl in pink, they aren't in the kitchen.
... Hillary Clinton?
WTF U IDIOTS you're sooooo busy looking at the box you don't check the date?
Bitches not in kitchen?
Get 3D Glasses
i don't see any--....wait....*brain explodes*
its the date on the bottom left hand side ret
"Yes, I know all you guys think your funny" *you're "No, It's not funny over 2,000,000 fucking people say it." *it's ...not funny *if over *9000 people... I'm not a grammar nazi but,,, if you complain about spelling, YOU shouldn't make that many retarded mistakes.
its companion cube
woman far left "Dat ass..."
there is a cum stain on the womans left jacket sleeve, duh?
Twitter bird at the white wall behing the old woman in the background;
parece a hillary clinton a loira de preto
The left like meat
SOLVED - The girl in pink is holding a separated 4-sided frame in front of the box.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvVfcyVCdNA watch
Impossible box is impossible.
The box is flying. Now some old banner of my home country. Do you know the meaning of 88 and HH? Fuck Nazis!
whats up with the blue monkey thing falling behind them all
i see pedo bear 0_o hes in the car in the back.
Why aren`t they in the kitchen make me a sammich?
There is a guy in blue falling out the window kind of to the right of the third lady with a black coat and short blonde hair :3
Peeing on each other!!!!
The fat one on the left looks hungry... FOR SMALL CHILDREN!!!
Owch mind can't process, ow ow ow, MY BRAIN!!!
There a Twitter bird on the right side of the woman with glases
girl on the right has bird shit on her sleve
It's the date at the bottom
The piece of wood is laying down on the ground which is making the illusion seem real
box in front yard
Woaahh Thats Well dodgiiee Mate ! The Box is confusinn x
Arghe, my brain!!!!1!
invisible table game!!1
There is a damn person falling outa the window......... start at the top right and then go towards the middle
good optical illusion. and yes-it's possible.
is it just me or do the adults look like they are about to eat the cildren?
No.............. The box is on the girl's foot, ouweee
wtf that is jacked up
how about the small trees ? :D
The Month In The Date Is Ridiculous
Ther's a missing thing from the box. It's not an illusion. It's just missing. It's the dude in the blue falling-or jumping out the window, idiots.
why dont you shut up about the missing finger crap its not funny
Why would those parents let them play with that!?!
What the bejebus is wrong with that box??? ahhh. my brain hurts...
Wow mum thanks for my birthday present
I'm thinking it's the gallows in the middle of the picture, towards the back with something hanging from it.
there's a broken wood at the top middle box
People its not the Box Its the dude falling out of the window behind the old lady!!
Girls can't build.
1. the box 2. look at the date
the woman on the left is a zombie
look at the date.......0.0
The Woman with the light blue jeans on has a walther PPK in her left hand, as if she is hiding it, waiting for the right moment to shoot the kids in the head
um look at the date! its not the box it says 27/10/2007 the "box illusion" is just the little girl holding another square. there is not 27 months in a year.
the right woman has cum on her jacket´s sleeve.... LOL
Look at the box legs they split the wood in an impossable way. the legs going down should be infront of the pieces that go across
Is the black guy hidden in the illusion box?
Black guy in bushes.
that woman on the left is looking at the little girls ass :/
NO !! ... NOTICE THAT FOOT OF THE GIRL ? .. wearing brown jacket ? ..
The box..
omg people the woman in the black with the blonde hair its female hitler
AHHHH!!!!1! My brain blew up.
The bottom of the box has on of the things through it and its angled to look imposible
If u see the cube as a trapezoid it's not that confusing^^
incrible Oo'
next to the car there's a white hand doing " /,,,/"
The Woman with the light blue jeans on has a walther PPK in her left hand, as if she is hiding it, waiting for the right moment to shoot the kids in the head
OMG!! They're out of the kitchen!! O_o
lol she dropped it on her foot
The cube is an illusion
theres a bird color blue
A wild Snorlax appears!
The box is an optical illusion. And look at the date of the picture =]
the date is put together wrong
Why? -
two extra planks of wood on the closest side then correct picture angle
Face coming out of the middle girls ass
.......there's a 27th month? When the fuck did this happen?
In the backround is that a person in blue falling down?
just mind the box!! you will see it!!!
that is what hapend when girls make stuffs
girl with hands crssed there is a bird right nesxt to her
I see three bitches that should be in the kitchen, a box, and an elephant.
The Woman with the light blue jeans on has a walther PPK in her left hand, as if she is hiding it, waiting for the right moment to shoot the kids in the head
Does anybody not notice the date?
Has anyone noticed that date of the picture? 27/10/2007?
I know what wrong!! They're not in the kitchen :P
Mudkip in the top right!
It isn't funny ._.
the date is fucked up!
the blond head looks evil
The woman in the background is shitting!!!
Girl on the right look at her lovely hand
I was very surprised to see us on shitbrix. We are from Germany and the date is correct (DD/MM/YYYY). I'm the woman on the left but I'm skinny now.;) But you are right, I was a Whale! Greetz from GERMANY
My mind refutes that box. o_o
"yone else notice the person falling out of the window behind them all? :D" Its a bird -.-
girl on the left side is the fattest of them all o-o
A wild snorlax appears
The vertical sides of the box are impossible
Wait a moment..... That's not a kitchen!
Just get in the box before "He" gets home!
hedge is missing a finger.
cum stain on girls jacket arm
-faps to chick on right-
Besides the box, did you guys notice the woman on the left staring at the kids?
well im looking at the date. as far as i know there is not a 27th month to me.
"well im looking at the date. as far as i know there is not a 27th month to me." The world doesn't revolve around you retard Americans different parts of the world have the date first.
no dumbasses the date, its the date! theres no month thats 27!
i always hated "cube" xD
The little girl is missing a finger
Wow, very obvious photoshop editing
i think we need a better builder
hyber cube O_o
hey the two girls fucking the box XDXDXDXDXD lmfao
you just divided by zero, didn't you?
there's a midkip in the background
ders something wrong with da box
Im pretty sure the fat-ass on the left is looking at me :O
Person wearing blue is falling out of a window behind them :P
The Woman with the light blue jeans on has a walther PPK in her left hand, as if she is hiding it, waiting for the right moment to shoot the kids in the head
Does ANYONE notice the child in blue falling from the top right corner.... ANYONE?
I'm thinking it's the gallows in the middle of the picture, towards the back with something hanging from it.
what's wrong in this picture is their all women, which can't construct something complex as that "cube"
A wild snorlax appeared!
The Woman with the light blue jeans on has a walther PPK in her left hand, as if she is hiding it, waiting for the right moment to shoot the kids in the head
There's a whale to the left of the girl in pink.
there really is a person falling out of the window...
Hilary Clinton is missing a finger...
its the box look at it closely!!!!!!!!!
Not only the box, there's a blue squirtle flieing, at the right side of the head of the woman with glasses. x]
no one noticed the massive sideburns on the left womans face?
i see a baby falling next to the blond lady's head...
the box looks confusing
Noooo the evil box gone from the pages in books into real life!!!
they are missing fingers
Chuck Norris Is INSIDE The Box
There are mutiple parts of the box
Also, Doees anyone notice that the box is also on top of the girl in the purple jacket's feet?
omg some1 fell out of a window
were ever you look the box will be effed up hahaaha FTW
Does anyone els notice the lady in the brown shirt to the left, she has a weird face like she is about to rape the poor child in the pink.
The box is not an illusion because he feet are under it.
Blue Angry Bird next to the women in the backgroung.
woah i see it! now i have testicular cancer
It's the Prequel to two girls one cup...WHARRGARBL!!
it looks like america and the date says something weird as american date
that elephant is sayin in her head hey baby want to come to my place and make us a big pot of wet cat!
twitter bird in the top right
its the box artards and it was cropped and put there cuzz look at the little girl in purples feet
she shat out the date
the date is 27/10/2007 duh duh durrrr
It's my dick in a box
Wild Snorlax appeears!!!
The box is missing a finger. Oh, and there's a black guy hidden over there.
OMG the impossible square is missing a finger!
The month on the date is 27
Does anybody else not get this photo AT ALL?!
That isnt a box it's an illusion!
dude...trippy o.O
i think the one on the right shat a couple of bricks herself
they cut it in hte perfeect spot to look like that\
SOLVED - The girl in pink is holding a separated 4-sided frame in front of the box.
think the yard is actually a golf course ..
The fat one on the left looks hungry... FOR SMALL CHILDREN!!!
Kitchen looks weird.
whats the differnce
Blue ninja bird going attack her!
The fat one on the left looks hungry... FOR SMALL CHILDREN!!!
okay who are those girls and why are they not in the kitchen?????
The date is show like that in our country... the 27th of october 2007. dd/mm/yy
Left of the girl in pink there's an elephant