Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Im a girl, +1 me and i will come to your house and fuck you right now :)
A wild C.U.N.T. appears! It's very effective... :D
Ohh, +1 if u love CUNT
meh... too easy... Don't be a C.U.N.T. shitbrix.com , post better stuff! :D
The first letters of the four columns spell out "cunt".
Im a girl and if u want me to suck ur dick +1 ;)
It spells out what I have, and like to touch at night.
"Im a girl, +1 me and i will come to your house and fuck you right now :)" THUMBS DOWN , THAT SHIT CANT BE #1
"People still read newspapers?" But of course.
the third person is on about batman
They're having a sale at Penney's!
Will the real opinion can go a long devoted to a life freakin awesome?
What are they trying to tell us?
"Im a girl, +1 me and i will come to your house and fuck you right now :)" is #1 comment? 1955 people here are forever alone.
Lawl CUNT! this isn't a fail its a Wiin! xD
"Im a girl, +1 me and i will come to your house and fuck you right now :)" Whoever +1s that is either a troll or an idiot. -.-
"Batmans not the only one who's devoted to a life of fighting crime!" above the N in "cunt"
The first letters of the four columns spell out "anus".
Fap Fap Fap Fap
G.I.R.L. = Guy In Real Life
Journalists win
They fired them all...because they're CUNTs
C U N T LOL. I already saw one spelling P E N I S But this still awesome :D
IT's senior staff columns ...and we can see 1 girl...
thats to obvious....newspaper editors really just wanted to have fun for once
Committee for Utilizing Natural Terrain for Spiritualism? Did druids write this? I dont get it...
C U N T- C U next Tuesday ;)<3
+1 if you believe the +551 comment is actually made by a Fat guy living in his moms basement
Top comment should die
Mmmmmm, cunt....DINNER!!! lol My caption says Mouth watering!
I'm a dude, so +1 me and I WON'T come to your house and fuck you right now. :')
Farewell columns from senior staff... blablablabla...CUNT. Seriously i lol'd so hard now.
Four columns at the top are fucked up
I laughed brix, not shit them.
Really? "I'm a girl +1 me and i will come to your house and fuck you right now :)"... Just to get a rating? This pic must be describing you then. And you're a sad one at that -_-..
That top comment shows how pathetic people are
Anyone else get a boner?
"Chrony" isn't a word, Ms. Whitney.
No black people here?! This sucks.
+1 if u like dick cuz I will go to ur house and fuck u right now
Which one is the Cunt?
they are all nerds?
"Im a girl, +1 me and i will come to your house and fuck you right now :)" Like this and you'll be fucked alright, fucked out of getting laid.. Oh, and your new name should be dick knife.
"Cynical can way politics" (2nd colomn)
And thats just what you are.
if u read the first column on left in the vertical you can see the word "wet" (will, editors, this) a nice addition to the cunt that came after...
I'm a guy, +1 me and i'll go after girls that lie saying they're goin to fuck you for a +1.
OMG u said u will fuk me come do it right now
Their Bad bitches, their Cunts!!! They'll kick those hoes, punt!!!
+1 and i'll give you the best bj you ever had ;)
The second guy is just a head.
Oh this is frim utah U, i have this paper senior staff joke. Lol
See you next Tuesday
Im a girl, +1 me and i will come to your house and fuck you right now :)