Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
BIg Black Dildo on the Right Side of the Screen
the black 'dildo' is a dutch pole called 'een amsterdammertje'. they're everywhere in amsterdam. beter watch it!
its old greg in the water!
he's carrying a tree on his back
I GOT IT!!! look closely. behind the bridge theres cars and a road and stuff like that, but then it just turns to water. it doesnt make sense
hurry! push him off !!! (:< lol
yay That;s amsterdam! and i cannot see what's wrong
Do you all have problem? Look! The brown building is falling to the right! eaaasy
the bridge has a number on it as if it were a hotel room or a house address haha dumb shits!
that fucking funny
Its amsterdam! wheres the weed
there's fifty ninjas in this picture all dressed in black!!
If you look, there is a river, but the distance a road and a car is seen on the other side.
she shat so many bricks that it formed a bridge
What a bollard? :p
straighen the building (apt on left).
WTF that's is literally right next to my house..!
Black guy swimming under the bridge.
Notice the leaning building to the left you fucktards.
HOLY CRAP look above the Br in Brix bill cosby and george bush!
OMG Boner!
Look below the stop sign behing the man theres an image almost looks like someone wearing the mask from Scream besides that on the second floor you have the door largewindow then the smaller window a large ghostly face in the smaller window also a faces in the upper level windows as well
No no no! Am I the first one to see it? There is a creepy guy staring out the 2nd story window of the building.
The dude with a mullet is kissing a ninja who has a boner while Chuck Norris wears the pedobear seal of approval and faps over an asian dude dressed as a girl with tits and a pizza man wearing skinny jeans kisses a wild snorlax who just realized that there is a ghost in the window of a black dude who likes to scream "OMG WATER BALLOON" and put his hands down a uniboob woman's skirt. And they're all missing fingers.
It's gotta be the crack. Like the caption says, shit bricks, and evidently a shit builder. Shit's gonna happen to the dude on the bridge if he don't move.
cant you see it, The houses on the left are slanted.
i hate it when they photoshop moar than 1 scary face into a photo
There is a mexican trying to cross
u guys are stupid.......cant u see that the whole pic mostly the building is on a angle
lawl, this picture is takenn in the netherlands :D
godd am i the only dutch one here ?
Goatseeeeeeeeee under the bridge
there are fases below the bridge!!! duh!
its cool the moon onder on the man
Where is the river after the bridge
Look behind the bridge... what are those cars and trees doing there?
There is a skull below the bridge in the water !
penis Brown in rigth
nobody else is there. zombies took over shitbricks. >:3
the boat and the cars duhh
een Amsterdammetje? dude, I live in Den Haag (The Hage) and those dildo's are here to. They're takin' over whole The Netherlands!
morons there is a boat that gonna cross so of course the bridge will rise and the dude falls i think
the brige sas 230 on it
wow giant gator under the guy
blurr ur eyes and the white building looks like r2 d2
im swimming in the water under him
Easy, the river have reflex, but the bridge have no pipes at the another side, that means is a continuos path. Its not a bridge, and I don't know why the river have relfez. Still, it's a lame pic.
The bridge is cracked!!! It looks like it's gonna fall down!
Theres a face in the water! u guys are blind
Look the text below the image ;)
You guys are morons. The right side of the bridge has a big crack thru the bricks which equals to "brix shall be shat"
how about the lone knob on the railing and the face in the top double windows
theres no black guy under the bridge.
if you look to the side of the women she is looking into the river but if you look at her she's looking back at you
:D AMSTERDAM!! Holland is the best (l)
No no no! Am I the first one to see it? There is a creepy guy staring out the 2nd story window of the building.
on the brown building, look at the 2nd story, and the 2nd window from the left.
Belly button and tit on the bricks?
the buildings hardly falling over you twats its just the picture
OMG its in Amsterdam drugs is legal here
Jeeeeeeeeej Amsterdam <3
there are cars parked next to water instead of a street you dumb fucks.
wow giant gator under the guy
It's Tuesday and he only goes grocery shopping on Wednesday.
He's not smoking weed
No no no! Am I the first one to see it? There is a creepy guy staring out A 2nd story window of the building.
theres a fucking boat on the side walk not in the river thing.....(right side) dah?
Theres a boat on the side walk morons...
theirs a sniper on the roof top duhh
the tree is growning in that building Oo'
Brudge is such a shit hole.
face in the water in the bottom left screen perves
apt buildings to far left isnt leveled right (timber!)
you see the big white house behind him? that is my house! for real!! :O :P
The brick he shat his underneath the him, to the left. Either that, or he's gonna jump. Do it, Johnny!! :D
There's a face in the water, kinda looks like michael jackson
this is the bridge that was in their final stand in Saving Private Ryan
there's a skull in the water below the guy dumb fucks.
The Background has no water ,while the front has
sniper in the window!!!!
there is a boat near the bridge
Its a bridge to nowhere.. to a building
there's a face under the bridge
it's amsterdam and there is no hooker or drugaddict on the street
IT'S A BIG BLACK DI- I dont even... on the right side
I thought it looked like a penis in the thumbnail as well
vbSAdfweB vfhgsdf
Uh is it just me or is there a window in the water?
There is some faces in the water, pedobear on the balcony to the left and some other face under it....
face in window second floor up
I don't care if there's a black guy or not stop looking for them, you dirty white peace of paper misted with crack bitch
second story window above the doorway on the building on the left. There is a face in the upper portion of the window
big white dildo in the center of the screen
two faces in the water
Bottom middle of pic.A hand and a head,looks like its yelling for help.
Blur your vision and look to far PEDOBEAR
Pedobear is in the water
shes missing a eyelash!
u retards haha, behind the bridge is water, that yellow thing is a boat and that red car is just parked along the water hahaha
u guys r stupid! the only thing wrong with it is that the sentance, "brix will be shat" is under water!
That bridge has no structural support at all.
Lol wtf..? Is it the words under the picture? Is it just me but I can't see half the words...?
He didn't pay the troll toll
Crack in the bridgee ?
bobo kau,mangmang, tanga, walng utak!!!
I noticed that one of the fence posts has a ball on it. LOL
I think it's the building, look, it's not not straight. Looks awkward even if you say that the angle of the camera is side wards.
there are terrifying faces on the windows. that should be it
Building on the left. second floor.third window. spooky face.
Pedobear is in the window on the left
Ther's a SH4RK in TEH W4TEH
if you look in the center, there is a huge fag
they sell dildos like that in Amsterdam! trust me, i''ve been down the red-light district
look at thw white building blurr ur eyes and see r2 d2
the fact that there isnt a fucking baby in the water
i made that house out of all the bricks that were shat on this site!!!!
theres a face in the water
Theres a boat on the side walk morons...
squint you eyes and look at the white building its a penis
the buildings are leaning
Look in the water.. You can see the reflection of something... Maybe a ghost or a fake scary face? Its level with brix
look in the water under the bridge to the left theres a scary face waving a hand
The bridge is cracked on the left side you can see it in the bricksand the pavers on the right side of the bridge are lower than the others....
The building is falling
bottom right, the bridge is breaking
he totally saw it, HE SHAT A FUCKING BRIDGE!
faggots, look at BRIX SHALL BE SHAT!
If you look closely, theres a fag in the middle of the picture!
A skull-like reflection in the water at the bottom of the picture, a bit to left from the middle.
OMG! all of this bridge is made of brix!
theres a tigers face in the water
The building the the left of the man looks like its tilting...
He Has No Fingers.!!!
at right the cars is driving at above the water
tha apartment complex is curving to the right... its bad architecture
The guy is missing a finger
the man's reflection in the water is cut in halve
its funny cause its a man-girl holding a bag HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
if you hold your monitor side ways you see an alien with make-up in the water.
so clear u dorks all never been in amsterdam before. VERREKTE KUTTEN
got it. picture of amsterdam not involving weed, cheese, tulips, hookers and get this: no bicycles. THAT IS COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE. trust me i live there.
sniper three floors up
WOW. There's a face at the window, second floor, 3rd from the left. Amazing.
No hes in amsterdam and he doesnt have a spliff thats the mindfuck!
there is only one ball on the railing
OMFG! It's the way "brix will be shat" is displayed, and it has nothing to do with the river...
People, look at the building the most to the left: on the window right above the front entrance, there's a face!
all wrong there are people skinny dipping under the bridge
i saw a white face on the building to the right (first) on the second floor third window. the same building will fall to the left if you pay attention. FOUND THE BLACK GUY! he's under the bridge waving under the water and theres a dildo on the right of the screen
Cars on what looks to be nothing?
the bricks on the right wall have cracks.
theres 2 hands above the "S"...
creepy face in the water jack-asses. look into the waaaater
theres a banana boat in the didtance duh
there is a motha fuckin dude with a sniper rifle tryin to pop a cap in that sexy college kid...damn idiots
or maybe that building is fucking curving
A Ghost face on the window of 1st floor,right above the entrance below
that's not a penis, actually that is a thing called "amsterdammertje", its to prevent that cars can drive on bridges like that. And all the buildings in Amsterdam lean to the side a bit
just look at the white window...
The water just started to dance
HAAAAAAAAAA....look at the right side, closet the yellow boat, there is a Big Black pennis.....
Under The Bridge Left side WTF is it?
under the stop sign, god its creepy
this is in amsterdam!
This picture had been taken in Amsterdam. That "big black dildo" of yours are poles which you see often in the city. They are meant to seperate the ways for the pedestrians and the car drivers :)
Pinochio(?) waving under the bridge
does nobody else see the 2 ghost sister faces below the bridge? in the dark? cmon guys :P
The building to the left looks a little weird
Only 1 rail post has a round wnob on top
there is a weird shadow in the water?
1st building on the left. 4th story up, 2 windows from the left. a white face in the window? :o
uhh The river isnt going anywer?
The building is falling down.
there is a face in the reflection of the water
Hi there under the bridge!
sunken boat in the riverrrr!
There's GODZILLA in the Water OOoooOO !!!
Wheres the troll?!
there;s a big ship crossing to the bridge (right side of the screen).. can't you see??
Theres a gator under the bridge, right side
No no no! Am I the first one to see it? There is a creepy guy staring out the 2nd story window of the building.
There is a black man who is waving with his hand in the water.. Right?
look at the terrist!!
Anybody else seeing the kid in the tree?
am i the only one who thought the white building looked like a penis when you looked at the picture as a thumbnail
amsterdam RULES
I hope you all know the second building is where Anne Frank hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam, right?
Weird girls face in window /:
It's the face in the third window from the left, second row up.
This is Amsterdam
why are there cars on the water
LOL thats not a dildo that's a pole... findable everywhere in the netherlands...
This is kinda hard to see, but in the back, in the trees, it's a baby. Might be hard to see but its there. Also, whats with you yobs cursing when someone spells something wrong?
you see the big white house behind him? that is my house! for real!! :O :P
Where does the water go?
The building leaning is normal i think because its Amsterdam..Wich is build on muddy ground on poles so allot of buildings tend to tip over
How scew is that building on the left???? RUN!
Looks like it is in amsterdam, the building is meant to lean over like that, alot of them do over there.
It is the face under the bridge -
how about the kayak on the sidewalk behind him
eh gagoh ka pala eh!!!!
black dude waving in the water....
Do you drink Baylees from a shoe?
someone push him...
There is a face in the water o.o
Don' t you see ??!?!?! look at the house compare to the water ! ...may you see it now..I think so :) ( sorry for my english , I am from germany )
the building on the right is leaning like a mutha
The man has groceries!
The house in the back with the trees looks like a penis.. Just sayin
uhm, it looks like a river in the front, but behind its a road with a big truck driving down it, but really, the river is on the side, and the road turns
FuCk YoU - it'S a MaN
He's missing a finger
goatse in the reflection bottom left of bridge
I see only the creepy big white-face left under the bridge
if u look closely you ca see a fag in te middle
There's hands in the water! in front of the man!!!!!
WTF that a giant dildo holy sghit man
the tree is wearing sunglasses?
BIg Black Dildo on the Right Side of the Screen