Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
The horse on the birthday cake has no cock! Oh , they put it in the other cake! :D Also left hand of the little girl has a tatoo!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear PENISSA happy birthday to you!
Who made the cake cum?
penis cake looks more delicious than the horse cake... is it normal?
Oh, I wanna deep-throat that cake.
The lady is about to blow that penis... I mean, that penis cake's candle
WERE they thinking? O_o
oh, the cream is so delicious How did you get that flavor?
The woman in the white shirt looks like she has dried "cake" on her face.
D'aw, she got a Spirit cake. I loved that movie. =) ...that's it, ignore the other cake... ignore it... look at the cute horse from your childhood...
who would BLOW that cake?
Cute little horse there :)
A DICK!!!!!!!!!
The baker having balls of pie's.
That Girl Have an a Tatoo........................
The chick with the black hair is molesting the little girl.
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the right bottom.. you'll see a head wearing glasses ........
Seriously, who made that fucking cake?
pen0r caek
Horse cake---horse faced woman. LOLOLOL That's not a penis. It's a wrinkly lighthouse next to 2 rocks. JEEZ!
Penis cake. The candles on that will definitely be fun to blow out.
I want that cake to cum all over me<3 and shove it up my ass<3 #Certified gay
"Mommy, I want that cake on my right. No baby, that's your father's."
and next, pedo bear the clown!
LOOK! Mommy has birthday, too.
who wants penis cake? look, its dr. seuss's penis! yes, yes mr president the erection results are in...
All the kids are tattooed. FREAKY. Penis Cake. HAHAHA
One of the candles aren't lit. You guys are retarded! 0.0
Lol its cumming!
is the candle on the penis cake a pot leaf?
you couldve at least shaved your balls for the party.
Mmmm... frosted chocolate layer cock.
that's gross
That cake was left over from Pedo Bear's Party
I bet it's vanilla flavored xD
That one on the left is for grandma. ;D
She grows up so fast
can't you see? :D the penis is actually a mosquito! :D propably a comic figure
Look at the PINGAS cake, then look at the woman in the white shirt. You can lol now. I did it, and it was funny. And the chick with the black hair is so fucking fuckable..
Yummy! This cake has everything! Balls, jizz, and pubes!
Happy Birthday dear child.... Please meet your MAKER!!
fuck that bicth as mom talk about scaring kids for life she shoulda had her own party if she wanted that cake not let the kids see it you anit getting no mom of the year award from me fat bicth
No innocent way to explain the other cake. Lotsa things are phallic, but this one is obvious.
http://shitbrix.com/mindfuck/352-three-singers/popular/19 That cake would go perfect with the singer on the right.
I find this way too easy to mastrabate to...
ohh i get it now! mommy and the girl both have birthdays, everyone got their cake :D
what were they thinking.....
i'd say thats a creampie!
eww why is the tip blue? It looks like that penis got frostbite...
Those Kids Are tatted !
Oh, Das birthday cock. Das ist gut.
Happy birthday, dear. Now, EAT IT
The old lady blew out the candle on the little kids cake, you can see she's blowing and the little girl isn't, rude bitch.
She owns a horse.
sex and the city themed party, there is a penis cake and a cake of sarah jessica parker
Cock cake...
why to go dad wrong store!!
Grandma sharing her bday with her grandaught..... Gma: here baby this your cake you this one and gma will take care of the one over here"
Little girl has a Tattoo on both arms
Check the size of that cake!
Where can i buy that cake?
That seems to be the last thing you want next to your kid's cake...
the other cake looks like a dick.......
penis cake next to the little kid's cake...what were they thinking??
OMG Guys Its obivius its photoshop. Look close !
the old lady is blowing the penis BLOWJOB :D
like it
Guys, it's Rapunzel in her castle.. what were you guys thinking..? :D
ohh i get it now! mommy and the girl both have birthdays, everyone got their cake :D
Is it just me, or do I see a hand reaching up and a face below it in the bottom right corner?!
1.A cake (in bottom left) is penis 2.The cake (in the middle) is horse 3.The young girl has a tatto0 in her arm and the boy too
I find this way too easy to mastrabate to...
Mom:Alright Kayla what do you wish for? Kayla:A Piece of that dick cake right there. LOL XDDD
Well, the penis cake is obvious, but I shat brix when I saw the 5 fingered hand (minus thumb) on the left side of the little girls body.
granny is like, ooooooh, cock cake. mmmm yum
there is a horse in the cake
OMG the horse is on fire! what, no?
Is it me, or is there a fuckin penis cake?!?!?!?!
I don't see what the cock is wrong with this picture.
betty cocker
A cake having a member is one thing, but the fact that they even threw in a couple of "eggs" at the base, really takes--well, the CAKE! And I guess the dark sprinkles imitating pubescence is is the real icing on--well you get the idea.
Look at my horse. My horse is amazing.
Is that penis cake cumming? O_o
What is that even supposed to be??!! Dirty momma.
Mom looks really eager for the um, dick on the cake. LOL
Cum oozng from the dick cake
LOOK! Mommy has birthday, too.
kopal sina
that cake is deeeeeliciosass....
Happy horse-cock day little girl!
Tattoed... penis cake... a horse....Sarah Connor in previous ages. That explain everything.
ok so u get the horse, grandma and grandpa get the cock. Agreed?
hahaha..nice cake!:)
Relax it's probably a wash away kids tattoo. The dick is disturbing....
fucking terrible parenting
Tak 5 dozen eggs, put em in a bowl, mix the F*CK OUT OF IT. and what do you get???
Too poor for two parties, hell with it we'll have her bday and the bachelorette party on the same day!
Mommy what is that? Oh well see it's your father penis. We saved it and made it into a cake just for you. YAY MOMMY! I wanna eat daddys dick
hey thats a fake tattoo duh! its like one of those that u put on ur arm and put water on then it comes off on ur skin duh its not like they would let their daughter get a tattoo!
That's Sick
this little chick has 2 tatoos, not 1, and her boy friends also has a tatoo
HEY that was stollen from cakewrecks
COCK ALERT!!! 2 testicles.... 1 penis.... MINDFUCK! and 3 festering bruises!
OMFG! Call the FBI pedophiles right there!
its a weener!! i just got it, lol
It's supposed to be a princess's castle or something, but someone had a dirty mind that day......xD
Its funny cus its a penis
She's really 4!
I see the penis but what the fuck is sprinkled on it
People should be an example to kids x.x
Theres a demon face on the cake!!!
my dad always used to give my mom a present on my birthday so maybe this is the same concept...
the tatoo cud b fake pff
There's a little jizz dribbling
its a weener!! i just got it. lol.
look dear we got you a pony,NOW EAT IT!!!
I call the gray penis tip.
LOOK! Mommy has birthday, too.
time to blow the penis i mean candles XD
Lol granny is like "ooooooo" five seconds later smasher her head in the cake!
it isn't a penis you perverts it is a castle -.-
Guys, it's Rapunzel in her castle.. what were you guys thinking..? :D
birthday cock
he"s cake is testes and he"s one cake is picture of horse
Little girl has Tat on both arms
fuck, the penis on the left cake orgasms.
the cakes dick is hanging out
WTF!!the baby girl has a tatoo!very unusual! hmmm/...
fuck that bicth as mom talk about scaring kids for life she shoulda had her own party if she wanted that cake not let the kids see it you anit getting no mom of the year award from me fat bicth
I thought it was that the grandmas chin looks exactly the same as the elbow to her left...
Holy Horse Cock!
Tak 5 dozen eggs, put em in a bowl, mix the F*CK OUT OF IT. and what do you get???
The lady in white shirt yes yes her SHE is celebrating her 15th year as a professional hooker ...
hahahahaha the cake is shaped loke a dick!!!
Unfair :( She gets two birthday cakes and I just get one!
Penis Cake on the left.
The girl is only smiling because she gets to taste that huge cock after she blows those candles
i think the pink cake was for the mom but what the fuck you shoudln't have that at a three years old birthday party fucking dick suck bicth
Are those pubes on the other cake?? Eww.
do you reall want to know what they were thinking about DIS DICK!!!! thats what they were thinking about
Birthday Cock
Happy birthday
This is just wrong!!!
i love my second b day wen a huge 12 inch dick is sitting right next to me
my dad always used to give my mom a present on my birthday so maybe this is the same concept...
That horse was packing so much that they had to make another cake just for it.
The pink thing is a castle spire with some of Rapunzel's "Tangled" hair
The horse on the birthday cake has no cock! Oh , they put it in the other cake! :D Also left hand of the little girl has a tatoo!