Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
NEVER order Pizza with sausage with "SPECIAL" in its name ;) Pizza Penis
Pizza SO good it'll give you a boner!!
.....is that supposed to be his shoe...
Lol penor... and... and joints!
woooow! Somebody reeeaaallly like smoking joints with his pizza
burger and pizza flavoured joints anyone? -Kyle
Pizza joints! lets smokem!
thats what I call a pizza with extra sausage.
1 pizza joint pls *.*'
mmmmh... joints.
Three worms dancings...very odd
Come back when you're a little MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM RICHER!
they sell joints too. BRILLIANT!
Really? Burger and pizza joints? That is origional. And what is up with the chef's huge penis?
Yep that about how low mine hangs and im italian
penis delivery
wow kill 2 birds with one stone smoke the joint then kill the munchies with pizza
now serving bread sticks
He's foot looks like a p3n1s and he looks at the wrong thing and it says joint ^^
Can I have a pizza with extra sausage!
dude omfg that crazy nice fucking penis but did anyone notice the extra arm near the pizza WTF?!?!?!
i'd suck on that
I know they say the size of a mans foot... but I never knew a foot could be two things at once.
Burger, Pizza and Joints. All 3 are pictured in this image. :D
thats a foot but it looks like a penis
OMFG It's not kosher!!!
is that a penis in his shoe part????
it working like a kick stand
Ron Jeremy
Theres a Penis
Shit I dropped my penis :(
the chef is a spy
who wants the boner special
Don't forget to leave us a "tip."
I couldn't find the apron without the dildo on it.
@:".....is that supposed to be his shoe..." lol he got a dick-shoe ? now that's cool!
The foot looks like a pennis '-'
It took me less than a second to find it.
Hi there! Can I have a pizza with extra sausage?
jon foot penis
fuck yeah pizza joints! lets smoke em
its just a shoe
He's missing a finger..No wait..A hand.
lol,this foto is so funny lolololol
your all wrong :D his drinks exploding
cool there are joints
You guys are all wrong!! The pizza's missing a finger. C:
Secret sauce
where did he hide the Salami ??? bahahahahaha
pizza joints, morons
Widdly scuds.
is that a penis?
he missing a pines
Boner patite!
whats up with his legs? the one on the ground is hella farther back than it should be...
Ahh I got it. It's supposed to be the bottom of his shoe. He's taking a step forward. It does look like a cock though lol.
His penis is out duhhhh!
Holy shit I've been there! It's in a podunk town: Jamestown, Kentucky.
he has 4 arms and a penis
mommy!! mommy!!!! i want the kind with the hot dogs on it!!!! like the funny man in the picture!!!!! (mom: ) GET IN THE CAR SAMANTHA!!!!!!
i dont want him touching my food
my real question is, what was it supposed to be?
i bet most of u girls like this one
mommy!!mommy!!! i want the kind with the hot dogs on it!!!! GET IN THE CAR SAMANTHA!!!!!!
what hte hell.....mother fucker...
3 hands and his legs are f'd up
Extra legs
haha looks like he has a dick lol
Whoa! I didn't order the longwienie!
Look closer, not to burst bubbles... but i think its his shoe not something sticking out XD...
pizza nob
o sapato dele parece um pênis DIOSHOIDHOSHDOIHOSD
look at his foot,the one he's lifting.It looks like his dick is flopping out over his pants.
when you look at his shoe and his belt its like its his boner
What? You see a boner? Where?
Why does he have a flipper under the arm with the beer????????????
order a pizza, win a salsage.
his dick looks like a foot.
where's his foot
One Pizza, Extra Sausage
"John footpenis" "it's Hancock now" this is why
he got 2 left legs and 2 left arms........
the pizza is missing a finger
the guy´s penis is hanging out :D
What? you see a boner? where?
burger and pizza but he's holding beer and pizza!! retard!
if it's not a dick, what is it then?!
how many arms does this guy need?? and jesus italians arent that big...
Om om om
what no hair
"WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten years old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital, so the government decided that the best idea was to get rid of her, so they set up a special room to kill her as humanely as possible but it went wrong, the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. Apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow"