Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Stop scratching and get some Vagisil!
She married a mexican midget.
i didnt shit bricks i jizzed...
Cant see anything weird in this picture! Nothing wrong with self fisting in public! :D
its obviosly the guy at the top of the picture in the background with his head in a blue box.
Molly was so used to filming porn that erverytime someone came out with a camera she had the uncanny urge to touch herself...
mommy why does your hand smell funny ?
She got lonely with the kid
so wat u doin wit that hand down there mom?
milf is fingering herself
She's missing a hand. rofl...
masturbation, for when your bored
OMFG theirs a klansman in purple in the back!
leave her alone shes fixing her tampon lol
shes scratching her pussy
aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww a little kid and his ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww snap giggedie
she has her hand up her cooze
Wow. She's horny,cuz he was good. Look at his smile, he's so fucking innocent!
she's fisting herself?
Apart from poking herself shes sitting in midair while he's standing up
Little extra cheese on the taco
i wish she was my mum... =/
i would love to dry fuk that bitch
its not a hand. i think she has a deformity and her hand is just in her lap to keep from exposing herself in the pic.
She misses a hand :x
she looks like britney snow
someone's happy about getting their picture taken
perfect time to do that
it looks like there is amark on the kids head which looks like a vagina, dam wonder if thats why she has a itch which she needs to scratch!
-Mom... can you keep your hand out of your skirt?
Black guy inside the purse
She has no fingers on right hand!! OMG SO SAD!
Shes missing fingers!!
Lucky kid..
Just what exactly is she doin? Front wedgie?
Poor girl in the back thinks there is a pinata there...
Uh look in the top left..... Looks like some guy is mooning XD.
Stop scratching and you, kid in the left top corner, stop putting your head in the bucket!
ok she obviously didnt wear underwear and dosent want her vaj on the x-mas card
OMFG! She's fisting, and... I swear to god my pants were black, not white...Makes me wonder a little..
Fuck yeah dude. Fuck yeah!
Hey! That chick is missing all five fingers on her right hand!
oft making me wet . yummy mummy :P wouldnt mind a lick
She's got a penis, she doesn't want us to see it and the guy in the back is masturbating !
she almost scratching at her inner thigh but she's shy at the camera..lol
blue snuggie!! fricken riteous.
im crazy stop me please before i fuck his mother
That midget has some nice shoes.
who see's the guy in the backround with the shirt all the way down to his ankles? Makes the picture 10X more fucked up.
i would love to slide my dick in her beatiful pussy...
@ person top right: I PUT ON MY ROBE AND WIZARD HAT
why mom why
naughty nuaghty
She only frigged herself to get that smile
There's a guy sticking his head into what looks like a portal.
i would.
i love how everyones totally missing the black guy/girl? with the t-shirt so long you can only see the ankle part of his jeans
"mommy why does your hand smell funny ? " Damnit, I nearly choked laughing at that one...
what you didn't see is where her left hand is at.
she didnt wear any underwear so she coverd herself duh u dumbasses cuz she would totally finger herself while shes smiling next to a 6 year old
top left corner someone is trying to shitbrix while standing
i wish that was my hand ;]
Do I see a guy squating... Wait? ~Scrolls down~ ... Enough said.
well. at least she aint touchin the kid!
Her hand is in her weewee. ._.
its either the guy with his head in a blue box in the upper left, the superman giving a blow job in the upper right, the kid with the bruise on his forehead, or the broad with the bruise on her cheek and an itchy vagina. take your pick.
I bet a hundred bucks she smelled her hand after
shes masturbating 0.0 lol
Masturbating Mom and her SON :D
Midgets missing a fing- oh now i see it...
mommy told me masturbation in public was frowned appon!shame on u simpson!
"just stand here a few more mins im close ahhhhh"
LOl she piced the perfect time ;)
theres a wizard in the background
she's putting her dick away like her son told her
OMG dudes playing back
I dont have any Thumbs up :(
Oh yeah she really missed him.
lucky kid
That's not her child.
I didn't even notice the girl I was looking at the dude I the blue which I thought was a gorilla in a robe xD
rofl shes masterbating
the girl is a midget and her hand is up her dress not missing
the guy in the back is shitting some brix
want me to help you there girl ???
мондовошки её заебали, лол!
lmao she's scratching her vajina
she has her hand in her va j j
She is itching her crotch!!!
Stop scratching. It's called Vagisil!
jizz in my pants :o
sexy ;)
Oh your bottom is sexy, little boy!
she really loves her son...
There`s in a dude in the back bending over
I guarentee my tongue is so much better than her fingers since my tongue can do the wave really fast.
if you will jack off to this you will jizz bricks
she fingering her self!!
Did you notice where her hand is? She's playing with herself!!! EWW Dirty, with her kid???
she's hot
"Itchy, Scratchy, This is scratchy! Itchy, Scratchy, its alright now!!"
the only way u can get her to smile :)
I see a semi milf with a hand in her cooter.
look down just for a second kid :o
quick were the fuck is pedo bear hes in that icture somewere maby up her dress
how dare she wear leopard skin print bag with black and white?? and honestly, how many layers of socks is that kid wearing??
her purse doesn't match her outfit
shame on her (WHY ONFRONT OF HER KID)
Lucky bastard...
Hi, I'm Chris Hanson with Dateline NBC. Why don't you just take a seat?
look dat boy is so...WTF!!! get in the car right now!!!
she obviously didn't want her foo foo on show lol
Dude that kid is stuck in the swing in the back left
she's touching her pussy!
not just that she's fingering herself, but anyone else noticethe guy in the background bending over?
@i didnt shit bricks i jizzed... me too...she's hot!
well it IS a hot kid.
the thing is..its just a wristband she for some reason has around her hand instead of her wrist..and resting her hand on her lap. idiots.
no wonder she's smiling...
wow i went to school with that batch
straight shotacon xD
wtf mum!?!?!?!?
black in back
she wants to tell his son what pussy smells like so she put her hands in it
did anyone else notice the guy in the background apparently wearing a really, really long blue shirt?
shes hiding her penis
Baby you and I can try for a little white kid next time!!!
are you pple stupid they are saying blacks graduating im starting to hate this site fucking racist fucks
Is that ET in the background?
Diddling the bean!!
you know they make toys that can do that for ya
Omfg shes picking out the fish from last night :P
I jizzed bricks.
There's a guy in a purple wizard costume behind them.
Wait for it. She's about to pull a rabbit out.
ОЛОЛО амерекосыпидарасы
Theres a vag!na in the middle of the kids head... and for the captcha i had to type "Schaeffer Needs"
Pedobear got to her. And her kid.
Couldn't you at ;east wait until the picture is done to touch yourself. Besides, I thought only guys did that.....
mmmm. guy puking in the background. cute.
EW. hand=location=ew.
she is sticking her puss*
hay mommy lemme help you - Jino
hes trying not to look in her skirt but he cant its to srong!
shes fingerin herself an da lil boys ass....damm lil dude gon be scarred for life
Holy shit big foot is wearing a blue dress
Must be itchy down there.
Pedo!!!!!! They should make him drink MILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh wait it's female -
She was fingering herslf!!! Ahahaha. Priceless, but only in a pic with a little child. Ahaha.
yeah! let's touch it why not?
when you see it youll jizz
she has her hand in here dress
is she fucking herself ?
she fingered herself thats the solution
look n' her hands^^
anyone notice that it looks like the joker took his knife to this girls mouth and it healed but left scars? also MILF ~TS~
i like tacos :P
Jizz in my pants!!
Mommy, why does your hand smell of fish
son, you are adopted
What is she doin in there?
I jizzed bricks.
itz probably a transexual n hidin his boner
wtf man? that's just, ehhkk.!
OMG what do u think they were talking about u tard?
lmaooooo the kid looks like he has a heart on his head hahah
stop doing shit on your pussy
The guy in the top left corner shat himself because he saw what the mother was doing
ya i'd do that to
guy in the background bending over
MILF is fingering her self
Where ever they step plant life dies!!
OMG CROTCH GRABER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she has craps
she try to get her pocket..between her pussy
bricks shat.
jizzed bricks
is that a rubber glove on her hand? What was her motivation in this picture?
I'm thinking she wants to pull her vagina out and let it be in the picture. She's luring it out by pleasuring it. DAMMIT IM A FUCKING GENIUS!!!
is that michael jackson?
someone needs vagi-clean
the kid gave her herpes -_-
masturbate much? lol
oh my god...what a pervert milf :>
She's gonna pull a bunch of flowers from out of there, it's her party trick.
Oh shi- my doppelganger
That's Hot!
haha use some vag-isil that made me LOL
Lol look at the kids forehead. looks kinda like a vag going down over between his eyebrows. Explains why shes fisting, trying to get his hair out.
thrush can strike at any time ...
she is just bursting for a piss, is all.
LOL this is kind of creepy. What's wrong with people these days?
Time not touching your front bottom = time wasted.
so then do you CUM here often
why do the little kids get the luck
I don't want anybody else, when I think about you I
She checks her balls.
shes playing with herself..lol
i scream you scream we all scream for vagina cream!!! VAGISIL!!!
Pedobear's sistar ಠ_ಠ
What's wit the long ass shirt in the background?
I see a milf
if i was that kid..ide let her do me :D
Where is the OTHER hand?
Oom pah loom pah doopadee doo! I've got another puzzle for you, What do you do when theres crabs in your pubes? Scratch it and scratch till your hand turns blue.
dont look down jimmy look right at the camera. yeah there ya go right there oh yeahhhhh mmmmmm good picture
Upper left, someone twerking...
She is getting her juices to let the boy taste.
The first thing I did was look a the kids eyes. And then I saw it.
Scratchy vaggy
It's a midgets head on a normal persons body
Can't YOU guys notice the freaking hand?
That bag with that dress? Clashy
its mommy playin with herself lol
there's a guy with a blue light saber
cute mama
Mom, not in public!
she obeviously like young boys? O.o
Nice shoes kid.
she is horny
Top right, bluebox head alien!
Those are some pretty sweet shoes that kid has
i want that mom !
damn!! i think i have fleas living in my vagina!! (scratch scratch scratch)
the kid is a vulcan
Did she have to put her hand so far in her dress? I mean really!!!!
Btich r fingering
it's a trap! She just don't want anyone to notice
am i the only one who noticed the guy in the guy in the background puking?
The women is masturbating
i see wats wrong.theres a bottle on the ground.people need to recycle
This is embarassing for the half of u saying she married a mexican midget cuz thts a FULL GROWN mexican
her hand in in the back of pants and her other hand is fingering herselff
Is she happy to see him
uhh theres a dude bending over puking in the back also, other then the woman fingering herself
good thing i'm wearing size seven pampers. I need to change them
look at the top right !
It's a good thing she covered her upskirt, otherwise this picture would be embarrassing.
she's fingering herself
Stop scratching and get some Vagisil!