Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
"Dude, how does feel my dick on your neck ?"
I know what's wrong... THE BITCH STILL HAS HER CLOTHES ON.
OMG a Snake trying to dive
god damn white stars things blocking the way
This picture made me jizz in my pants.
i dont get it? i dont see anything... ohhh? surprise butt sex later ;D?
is that a boner im feeling in the neck dude?
Rick, why is my neck getting incredibly warm?
Girl on left, splash looks like ejaculation, 2 guys playing chicken naked, and girl in dress in pool
whos up to play chicken? no no pants hold me back
Girl in dress has cigarette... in the water
there a snake going into the water and a guy gets a dick in his neck
Literally a dickhead
Darn u star things!!! i wanna see NiPpLeS
The snake is getting into pool!
Damn, that woman is all covered!!
Two gay guys ?
LOL THAT REALLY IS A MIND FUCK...g...get it? Dick in the guy's h-I'll stop now.
tang ina
The man at the back (at the top ) is naked!
the title, Drunksexorgy.com :P
Do not go to the website whatever you do...
uma cobra na pisina
everyone must like nudeity.
That is not a snake going into the water. It's the hose from the pool cleaner. Duh.
Look... I've come out of the closet in front of everyone! Happy???
if you don't see 4 girls, you have serious problems
ok1. bitch is orange!! 2. homie has his dick all up on guys head and 3. bitch on the edge still has her dress on w.t.f?!!!
the guy on the left is pissing it to the pool
this is neckfuck, not a mindfuck :D
ll these pervs... lol get your action in person, not through a screen desperate pervs
GODD I wish I was at that party.
so people can show dick and s3x but not boobs ...-_-
this man is a gay..
its the fucking snake dumbshits
Anybody getting a huge boner right now
UGH Get a room.
I can see the main guys dick
...The girl with clothes on is holding a cigarette...in a swimming pool
is that a snake? O_O
Secks Party
At first i was like oh shit to naked guys giving a piggy back ride but then i realized that the girl was still wearing her clothes!!!!!!
I see, there is a star at her tits
wine glass is floating
IDIOTS !!! The only thing thats wrong is .... FUCKING STARS ON THEIR TITTIS !!
Your snake! God damn it!
i think it's nape..
Rock band (Whitesnake) in the water.
Your brain feels so fucking great.
Girl with dress on has jizz on her tits
so thats how you make friends?!
best pool party ever just lose the gay guys and the stars!!!
oh haha its the two guys in the back haha
Dont focus on the gross homos at the top right, focus on the lovely naked girls in the center!
there's a naked guy on top of another naked guy's shoulders...eewww
Boobs boobs alcohol boobs. What does it take to get an invitation, I wonder.
chick with the tattoo does porn http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=344284836&utm_source=PBWeb&utm_medium=MGP&utm_campaign=PBWeb
Naked dude giving another naked dude a piggy-back is missing a finger.
shit!! they are all naked!!
at first i saw the naked chicks and was like "wat" then i turned my head and was like "WAAAAAAAT."
the man who is holding the other man has no penis
lol my captcha says "here, onsperm" fits surprisingly well with the pic
I know whats wrong! there is a star on her tits! :D
I think one of them is naked.
3 girls ready to fuck
How embarrassing been the only clothes one in a nudist party
Um, i don'tknow if anyone has seen this, but there is a FUCKING SNAKE GOING INSIDE THE POOL!! Wow can't belive i'm the only non pervert here that saw it!
I get it now... they were having sex against the wall!
there is a FAG
Girl still wearing a shirt, with a bunch of nudists, I assume. And the naked chick with her back turned to the camera is also holding a cup.
ll these pervs... lol get your action in person, not through a screen desperate pervs
Literally a dickheaf
more like, "dude how does my dick feel on your- OMG A SNAKEEEEE!!"
dude you got served!
haha the wo gays right xD
Get down. Give me your man cards. NOW!
Censored !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEY!! Why the fuck does that chick still have clothes on?
3 girls ready to fuck
darn take off this stars of the way :/
ys dat one bitch still have her cloths on
Damn wish I coulda been there.
yall are fuckin stupid. hop up off the blow up sex doll and notice the snake going into the pool. shit
well it is drunksexorgy.com...shit happens
Theres a naked dood on top of another another naked dood.
Uhm the buy to the top right is sitting naked on another boy? its a sex orgy you know? totaly unfunny. Requesting /b/lackup.
Wait.. Everyone is looking at this all wrong!! Not only is he getting neck fucked... He's getting a blow job by the pool vacuum hose!! Oh yeah, and stupid white stars.. How dare you.. We gave a rib, I want to see boobies!
dick on neck!
shit !! a man in the upper left is pissing !! no its not..
So this is what happens behind the scenes on Jersey Shore.
Didnt anyone notice the chic in the dress has cum on her dress
I was there, wasn't that cool. Fahkin skanks pissin on the floor n sheittt
You realize, it's actually the woman staring at the other?
Clearly the guy has a small penis
There's a snake getting in the pool or is it just me seeing it? o-o
dick ;)
Who smokes in a pool???
Why is there a snake in the water?
I can't tell if it's because of the thing on that girls head, or if it's the floating wineglass in front of the girl to the right...
he has a pussy on his neck
The girl with all of her clothes on looks as if someone nutted on her boobs. Look closely, you see some semen trails on her top.
It feels great
Um, i don'tknow if anyone has seen this, but there is a FUCKING SNAKE GOING INSIDE THE POOL!! Wow can't belive i'm the only non pervert here that saw it!
"Dude, how does feel my dick on your neck ?"