Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Anyone else than me seeing the little mustache? :o
I swear I see pedo bear in the water puddle.
Wow.. shes so beautiful. But most of you fucking pricks think girls have to have big chests and have to be super skinny like, what the fuck is wrong with you guys?
no guys. it's because she's the last emo. everyone else has gone scene.
why are you people so fucking mean?! I think shes really pretty! Geezhus! D'=
WOW! I love her hair! I am sooooo jealous. I think she's beautiful :).
Her breats are so not different sizes, if any of you have gfs, ask her to extend one are out and leave one down... Stretching to hold a camera, for instance, just pushes one up higher. They're squishy. They do that.
shes super pretty(: i love her hair
wow idk about you guys but i think she's beautiful, too bad all of you guys have high as fuck standards
i just see a cute girl
i wanna kiss her and then fuck her *-*
she´s HOT *-*
ZOMGOSH, The puddle thing looks like Patrick the Star!
theres a dead guy on the right
she has no left tit fucktards
pedobear puddle. nothing else looks very interesting
Anyone else seeing a face in the top right corner?
look at the fence in the right.....
I think she's hott
look at the ground next to her, there is a rapist holding a bat xD
She's Not in The KITCHEN!
Bottom left, there is a cartoonish wolf that touches his cock like a pedobear!
She only have one tit.
i wouls still fuck her asshole =D
there's an eye to our right, between her neck and her hair.
can someone please tell me what pedo bear is
i don't see anything wro-OMG WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?! D:
It's a fat chick trying to be hot! Kill it! D:
Black guy in camo outfit in the back.. :o
look the eyes
its the puddle theres a creppy little face
OMG!!! It's Boxxy!
look at the fence. . . .
She doesent have tits!
that is a really hot girl, AND she isn't black and hidden! YES!!
He's pretty hot
i can see a angry eye in water
holly fuck its Hanna Montana
only one boob?
All of you shut up! There is a face in the fence!
what are you fucking talking about, hot ass chick? even by emo standards that chicks beasty.
it's miley cyrus
mustache and loock at the right its looks like a dog face !!!
I Bet She Gives Good Head
One boob is bigger than the other....duhhhhh!!!! come on pplz!
Dont you guys see??? A little (looks like) midget devil is taking dump? Im lower right corner.
She's missing a finger
Pedo Bear can see that her hair isn't the same color......as the hair on her head!
top right corner on the fence, 2 things (cant tell what they are or who) fucking
her eyes are diffrent and her boobs are photoshopped... oh and there's a pedobear at the puddle... and she got some thing on her lip..
OMG her wrists are intact, you guys!!!
no there is a like an ufo at the back next to the pink wheel a standing ufo who keeping something in her or his hand
she pissed on the ground
She looks like a clown
There's a retarded lemur on the wall. And a cartoony wolf in the floor.
she has herpies, LOL
Shes not fucking pretty if she has makeup caked on her face.
Spiderman is on the fence.
I'm putting her on a jailbait demotivational poster
look at her boobs >..<
it's miley fucking cyrus
That's a nice looking herpe.
she got shot with a double barrel whore gun.
i see a chick that looks like a girl i dated
she is not in the kitchen?
look at her lips...
There is a Robocop in the wood wall at right. with a red eye... Anyone else saw this?
i think this is a guy
I see no mind fuck, but I fucking would.
Yall are retarded there is a face image in the wall
one boob is bigger lol
No boobs, no cum, no fun.
yes shes pretty but the shit brix thhing is that there is a face in the green stained glass window. its baring its teeth and i think its satan. its in the middle of the windoow....
i deff shat brinks wen i saw this... since the is a pic of me O.O
Ohh, i know. She not in the kichen.
she's bloody HOT!
LOL she has aids on her lips
No you retards!! On the ground. On the right. Check it.
she has a herpe on her lip...duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
id tap that and im a black guy :D
the boop is not balance!
id hit her
shes still alive!!!!!!
Hey pretty Boobless Girl... Did you know there was a wolf in that puddle besides you?
its a emo!!! :O
I would hit her,,,
The patches on the fence look like a cat/lion or something...
herpy's on her lip?
Im pretty sure I see spiderman on the fence.
Shes fucking bagable, i would lick her ass all dayy!
..The Photoshopped texture is over her hair O.e
look at her mouth.....shes got herpes....
lol color of her eyes is diferent
Everyone missed that disgusting thing on her lip!
theres a tiger in the fence.
PIKACHU !!!!!!!!!!!!! IN THE FENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's missing my finger in her ass
Or maybe your all stupid and fail to realize the 2 different sized tits. GF
Uhh there's a lil lil bit of herpes of the mouth goin' on there But I must agree she is realllly pretty.
There is a hidden black man with no fingers. I don't know where he is? cuz he's hidden.
look at the grass portion, there's some kind of snake... (far rigth, in the midle)
guys, she has different colored eyes. duh.
no shes flatchested on her left tit and has like a c cup right one lol
there is actually a face in the bottom right of the pic
one tit is bigger than the other. dumb fukks
There's a reflection off of the puddle onto the fence.
side boob thats all i saw LOL
She has bushy eyebrows haha
This girl is hotter http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001819246691 :3
I wouldnt mind-fucking her lol
At least it's not a DIRTY SANCHEZ!!!! LSHIFOMDJKIDHADBIIDIWNHBD (laughing so hard i fell off my dinosaur just kidding i dont have a dinosaur but if i did i would name him big dave!!!
No one sees the huge blister on her lip?!?
guys i things her eyes
I see a teen TG dressed up...
umm Mustache .. no thanks..
Blue eyeshadow went out in the 80's
Crazy ex girlfriend! Right there in the middle left!
she is actually reeally hot (:
the pattern on the fence in the top right corner looks like a face
DIGLETT! don't come out she's not ready to sit down yet!
i see that she is hot but she got only one boob
Anyone else notice the dog on the bottom right on the ground, dummies..
dumb asses she only hase one boob!
Boobs like Jagger !
shes just an ugly emo hehhe LAWL
i know the mind fuck: she's not in my room
ignoring the miley cyrus wannabe , i see a draon dog in the bottom right on the floor and a eagle thing in the top right
Emo kids still exist?
The face at the right of the picture
Am I the only one that realizes the backround is a fence painted to look like leaves? Pretty sure that is the only mindfuck here...
you know, i may be wrong, but i believe she is standing in front of a water color picture. is that supposed to be it? idk i cant pay much attention to anything else shes too hot.
It looks like Chuck Norris on the fence
yes shes pretty but the shit brix thhing is that there is a face in the green stained glass window. its baring its teeth and i think its satan. its in the middle of the windoow....
It's not the Scorpion. His eye is actually the mouth of Domo-Kun on the ground. And Jigsaw doll is on the wall.
its not herpes, dumbasses. its a lip ring. yer dumb as shit. there's nothing wrong with her.
pedobear on the fence
Only emo chicks have mustaches. And emo dudes have fake cuts. That's how I know them apart.
I heard her queeve
i see a clock on her shirt
her BOOBS. the shirt is covering up making it look like one is much bigger than the other
if you look at my lip u can see it haha it was bc i bit it thanks for calling me hot
if you stare at her eye and quickly look away...it's as though she winks at you...idk...
HOLY SHIT CANT ANNi1 see her nose is the shape of a dick
did ne1 else notice that devil eyed duck thing on the green wall to her right ?
She is not beautiful.. I mean, she DOES have great potential, beautiful body and face but that emo-style ruins everything for me.. Hate when girls that can be bautiful ruins it like this :/
1 big, 1 flat. nice boobs 0_o
the mindfuck is the face in the back
I see pedo bear in the fence at the back right
She has herpes idiots look at her bottom lip.....yal sick talking bout fucking the shit out of her whip off all the clown makeup and you got a cheap looking hooker
That Girl is Ugly as fuck? -Pjaxx
On the fence, the two red dots make eyes, underneath it a mouth, CHARGIN LAZER etc
i cna't tell, either one boob, or herpies on her mouth.
on the wall and the ground .. its IRON MAN's face..
she's incredibly flat chested?
it looks like an elfant in the water pudle
She has different sized/shaped boobs!
How about the Herpes on her lip???
it's a boob missing 0o
On the wall there's a chibi Spiderman... look for the red mask and you'll see the rest.
Obviously there is a cat ghost on the fence.
The weird face shaped figure top right on the green wooden fence
It's a dog at the right side, dumbass'es :)
Pikachu in the fence! :D
if u look hard ther is a emo uglt chick
miley cyrus
file for HARRASSMENT what a dumb cunt lol shut up and go fetch your boxcutter
looks like miley cyrus
its probably a lip ring......
top right, a face
If you look closely...really, REALLY closely...you will see a giant clown with blindingly horrible electric blue eyeshadow. Oh. And it has a mustache and herpes on its lip.
i see a fit bird with a little hitler tash
Lmfaooo that's a guy (: all ya that said you would fuck her are at af ! (:
On the rock is a face thing. Looks photo-shopped.
She's so fuckin ugly, i think it's a guy
Check out the lump on her lip...
shes missing a boob!!!
You see the dark spot to the lower right of her shoulder? Theres a face in it that's smiling.
I'd like to be mind-fucked by her
only a dingleberry.
too obvious.theres a scene kid in the picture.
look to the right u can see spider man no joke!!!
Obviously, aside from the wolf in the puddle, there is a cat ghost on the fence.
Either a woman has big boobs or is a guy. Thumbs up if you agree.
A Woman out of the kitchen!
tits or gtfo
i deff shat bricks... since this is a pic of me O.O w...t...f....
I dont know. My mind isnt being fucked. BUT my mind is fucking something in this pic.
1. breasts same size 2. not a mustache it's a shadow she's in a shaded area and 3. this is just to keep u fuckers busy and waste ur time
a wolf on the ground with yellow nose
the pattern on the fence in the top right corner looks like a face
just a dingleberry
He's pretty hot.
she has herpes by the looks of her HUGE coldsore
ugly ass emo cunt?
spiderman on the fence :D
In the wall you can see a face who looks like a moron like every single one of you !!!
I see a Pedo-Dog in the water.Pedobear vs Pedo-Dog? NEW CHALLENGER APPEARS!! :o
flat chest
It's Hannah Montana posing as an emo!!!
sucks for you , amber
its the herp a lerp on her lip
there is a kid in a hospital bed, in the upper left corner. u can faintly see it
her lips is broken... she always suck someones dick.. peace out
some1 punched her in da face!!!
An ugly emo with no tits.
Alchemy, I say!! Basque Gran wuz here!!!
she only has one boob you ass holes
am i the only one who thinks she looks like a goth Miley Cyrus?
I see Wario in the wall!!!!!
Pedobear is in the water!!!!! Hide your kids!!!!
only has a BOOB :)
Uuhhh any one els notice she's extremely lopsided? O.O
Her eyes t two different colors
she got no boobs !!
Missing a boob.
A really cute girl who is actually my girlfriend. I love you Brooke.
She got one big titty and one small titty we called her bitch biggie smalls
Other than the fact she's wearing too much make-up? If she wasn't wasn't wearing that much, she'd be even prettier than she already is.
lamest mindfuck ever!
Man, you dickwits only think she's pretty because she's caked in all that shitty emo/scene makeup. Did you miss the part where she's got one big titty and one little titty? How about that mustache? Maybe it was the herpes that caught most of your eyes.. Yeah. Soooo hawt. lmfao!
i Don't wanna kiss her look ad here lips it's alive :O:O
guys turn your head 90 degrees to the left and look at the puddle. its a dog!
The mindfuck is the silouette next to the hair. By the way, LOVE the hair.
id cut my taint to feel her flappy pieces of skin. then id go emo and cut my wrist and then id motor boat her rolls and her hamburger buns
Its a TRAP!!!!!!!
She's ugly and she has a mustache
duh people! there's a face on the lower right corner with the scary eyes
I bet she's a monster under the make up.
I think she's missing a boob
right side theres a face
To our right of the jet black thin strands of hair to our right of (her) left breast, in the puddle next to the large stray leaf, theres a baby face. :) REAL, RATE UP
I see pikachu in the top right
there's a face in the pattern on the fence in the top right corner
to all who want to bang her, this girl is only 14
if you look down her shirt there is one boob
yeah looks like she has herpes or something
I shit bricks when I saw that big ass herpes sore on her lips. Poor thing...
''Wow.. shes so beautiful. But most of you fucking pricks think girls have to have big chests and have to be super skinny like, what the fuck is wrong with you guys?'' What the fuck is wrong with u fat girls?? ..End of discussion!
I see Obama in the top-right hand corner. You know? Like that "Change" poster or whatever.
there's a face in the stones next to her a little above her elbow.
guys look at her lipst she´s got huge herpes!!!
there is a clown on the fence behind her.
pickachu in the fence lol
This one's easy; there's a face on the fence.
breast are not the same in size... by bencyforyou mendoza
All I see is an ugly ass scene chick
the face on the fece
Weird... it looks like theres footsteps on the fence
A pretty gurl with herpes
she look like she hot but she got mustache thats not good for me
lol its not her thats got somethink wrong look in the top right corner its Pedobear on the wall :D
its a snake not a bra strap
No thank you, I already like someone.
mabye ill go out with her after she shaves her mustache
All I see is an ugly chick. Didn't shit brix over this dumb picture.
she is pretty fucking hott ;D oh an there's a face in the puddle lol
she has no fingers :o
one boob is bigger than the other
oohh, she has a mustache. got it!
It's a face in her hair :D The upper-left corner.
I no her lmfao
lolol. you guys dont see that herpe on her lip?
you fucktards are crazy, the hair is phucked up and shes not sexy, a tiny but cute but not someone i would wana hardcore fuck, probably has a flat ass like mt playstation 1
she has herpes u dumb shits
She has one boob
It is pedo bear! and ya know wat you put it on the internet for everyone to fucking see theres nothing you cn really do if you dont like the god amned pic then you shouldnt have put on your ever so loved "myspace"!
She probably has herpes
goddamn she has a beard!
are you guys THAAAAAAAAT stupid???? her BOOOOOBS! the shirt is covering up, making it looks like one is bigger than the other
behind the girl, the whole place should make you think she's in the woods but if you look closely behind her you'll notice on the green background that is just a curtain
She has no personality of her own. Oh shit, now I see it!
Is it just me, or is there a face in the bottom right?
I know whats wrong... She's outside.
stupid she got herpes
Bitch is you drunk?
It lacks a breast.
i see a emo chick with cool hair and a FUCKING MONKEY ON THE BACK FENCE GAWD
The mindfuck is, that everyone spends forever looking for something out of place, but there is nothing. got it? We all just got mindfucked preety hard ;) Happy brickshitting
there is a kid in the leaves
id rather fuck her!!
Look closely at her upper lip... iz dat sum stache growth goin on?
her eyes are diff color???
she looks like my friend. and shes mad hot
Is that a cold sore on her lip? DNW. Probably because my standards are above a herpes riddled whore.
If u look to the right and a bit down u can see a water stain that's shapped like a face
I see a mustache... and eyebrows that need waxing. :D Besides that, there's a creature next to her on the ground.
Everyone's comment: "I wanna bang her." She's probably like 15-16 guys.. ._. Fuckin' perves.
She Can Has Moustache? yus yus.
all i c iz 1 sexy goth girl
There's a dogs face on the ground look CLOSEL
I can't see it, but I'd sure hit it!!!
The mindfuck here is the silouette next to the girl.By the way, LOVE the hair and eyes. :)
what about the cat head in the grass?
U bumch of fucking pricks ! The background is a WALL!
the chick is gorgeous...but i dont see anything wrong with the picture.
you idiots the background is a curtain!
pedobear on the bottom right corner !
a mustache
Did this chick go to APSHS?
one eyes purple and the other is green
Pink monkey with a cap on and a tooth brush in the back ground!
if you turn your head to the left and look at the shadow on the ground it looks like a dog
ONE TIT 0.o /me goes for a shit....of bricks...
no boobs :/
at the right side there is like a shadowy stuff that's trying to grab her right hand ? right ? :)
Pikachu in the graffitti
there is like a face on the right side of the fence
shes missing a finger
you guys are fking retarded making your stupid ass coment, i think shes beautiful........ i mean seriously mustache, rly is tht actually necessary?
She has rainbow eyes..
She's not really outside
every single one of you pricks who say something like "Wow.. shes so beautiful. But most of you fucking pricks think girls have to have big chests and have to be super skinny like, what the fuck is wrong with you guys?" are retarded as fuck, places like this on the internet are supposed to bewere assholes come together and make fun of shit, and just be assholes, so if you want people around you to be nice and have the same perseption of beauty as you, then in the words of every troll out there, "go fuck yourself, bitch" ......also, bitch got a penis
SHE HAS HERPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG KILL IT WITH FIRE AND HOLY WATER!!! *sigh* the joke is that im talking about the girl yh i know im probably gonna get sum response like 'ur such a jerk. blah blah blah. shes really pretty blah blah blah ur just a stupid twelve year old without a girlfriend.' u people assume any negative comment made is pointless and have no sense of humor btw i know this response is ridiculously long and pointless by now and you might a s well stop reading at this point.
she has difrent colored eyes u dumb fucks
Aaahhhh! herpey lips
I see Hannah Montana emo version.. anyone else?
the herpes lip
Mindfuck: woman out of the kitchen!
Its invader zim you fucks
only has one boob?
theres a motherfucking clown on the fence!
She has herpes. You can see the coldsore.
in the camo fence it looks like a rabbit jacking off
i dont see anything im too busy lookin at the hot chick
Look at her eyes. I think they are painted on her eyelids. She has green eyes but i. Can see a blue outline
buttom right side she has a herp and middle right of pic is like a pedo face in the puddle thing
He's pretty hot.
Pink shirt with boobs topped off by a green demon face on the middle section of the right of the picture?
on the ground in the darker grey area... half face
The fence is painted with green leaves!
evil mario in the right corner!!
"Her breats are so not different sizes, if any of you have gfs, ask her to extend one are out and leave one down... Stretching to hold a camera, for instance, just pushes one up higher. They're squishy. They do that." -did you notice her arm is not touching her boob ?
disgusting slut!!!!!!!! Ugly as shit
pedobear in the water lol
A beautiful emo girl in the picture
the mindfuck is that she isnt in the kitchen
That's a mad mickey mouse :S
If you look really closely, you can see a poser who claims to be 'emo'.
I want to fuck her full force in all 3 holes, and im 39.. What does that make me? -Horny i guess..
Turn your head upside-down look at the fence, youll see a clown
bottom right KILL IT WITH FIRE
lol how bout the curtains behind her?she's inside dumbasses!
:p -
well i'm a girl and if i saw something like that walking on the streets id ask her to lay down so i could walk across it. trust me. people need to quit screaming attention and consult Jenny Craig. www.facebook.com/20bell12
id tap that shes fucking cute
Is it just me or is there a rooster with a hard-on in that puddle?
Looks like oral herpes and a moustache...
She has herpes on her lips
EViL ASS deer on the ground and Gary the Snail in the top right corner!!
im mind fucking her right now!!
Herpes is missing a finger
Is it me or do i see a evil cartoon wolf with white eyes next to her left boob...nah im trippin balls
Just look like a regular fat girl wait.... Fat girls aren't regular
is that admiral ackbar in the bottom right pavement? its a trap!
maybe if we feed it, it will go away
Gay test if u first saw pedobear or a mustache, I have some bad news
there's a black president! wtf?
she has 2 different color eyes......
u guys r dumb ass hell the fence behind her theirs a mess up cat face.
Stupid looking bitch. I SEE IT!
Ok for the dumbasses who cannot see it. Look at the wall in the back ground. It looks like a painted face off to her left. Almost the same expression as her....derp.
the right boob is bigger than the other :O
Her lip has herpes. Cold sore ftl.
lol no one's noticing the shaven stache XDDDDDD roflmao...
HERPES !!!!!!!!!
Look at her lower lip people she has herpes
she has Herpes
i also see pedobear
One of her eyes is purple and the other is green. o.o
Gettin' real tired of these stupid vaity pics.
she is missing a finger
Emo with a one nipple
There is a anime guys face right next to her and on the fence in anime people kissing.
she dirty
If you look real close, you see a really fucking scary clown.
It seems like she got only one boob!!
I dont get it theres nothing weird and why is everyone freaking out about guys opinions of girls? its stupid this place is supposed to be funny isnt it?
there is a face, just to the right of her shoulder in the dark spot
i like her hair
one boob looks biger than the other
yes shes pretty but the shit brix thhing is that there is a face in the green stained glass window. its baring its teeth and i think its satan. its in the middle of the windoow....
Most of the girls at this site bitching about mean guys are obviously new to the interwebs
Her hair isn't the same color......as the hair on her head!
yes shes pretty but the shit brix thhing is that there is a face in the green stained glass window. its baring its teeth and i think its satan. its in the middle of the windoow....
shes got one tit! yum yum
Pedobeat :DDD
There are at least two PedoBears here. We're doomed.
there is a face, just to the right of her shoulder in the dark spot
Bunny with a hard on in upper right corner and another bunny below it ..must be Easter.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Not every girl belongs in a Kitchen! Fucking assholes!
Its that she only has one fucking boob guys.....
theres a wolf in the puddle? well it looks like a cartoon wolf maybe just my imagination tho
Okay I see pikachu in the top right corner ha
You all gay, thats a dude. a moustache and a fllat chest.
I've wanted to fuck almost every emo I've seen. She's gorgeous and I can't get my cock back in my jeans.
these pictures are so fucking retarded!!! they're not even funny!!!
she makes herpes sores look good
She is beautiful, especially her eyes, but the blue eyeshadow... eeeehhh.
omg look at ths lil wanna b emo b1tch!!! wowzerz shez more transperent than a window frum the windex comersh!
Uhh you fucktards?! its the herpes on her fucking lip!!
Wow I would totally stick it on her butt
i saw spider man
man almost hsat myself if u look at the pic shes an emo
she's got herpies
She is sexy! Moustache or not! So take that all you fat pricks out there!
Hot girl, I woul- AHHH KILL IT KILL IT!
she dost had the right boob
top right, clown.
I see Obama's face in the fence, top right =^___^=
what's on her lip
I see an ugly bitch with a mustache and some leaves
i see it she is wearing clothes
Anyone else than me seeing the little mustache? :o