Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
There is no black guy, and there is no TV. Solution. The black guy stole the TV.
There's 30 ninjas in this pic.
Too easy, is an apartment for 2, only requires 2 chairs, no 4 ;)
ok wheres the fuckin Black guy!
the rent payment on this apt?
Where's the tv? :(
The chandelier is floating?
something about the perspective... can't quite put my finger on it... we need a smart person to point this one out for us
I see a person in the missdle of the window...freaky
Erm the pillar in the right corner
guys, nothing is holding up the lamp on the upper right side by the window
Look carefully at the chairs and the table. It's a dick xDDDD
guy behind the window
there is a head of a man in the middle of the picture...specifically IN THE CITY>>>>
In the window you can see a woman's face, it's hidden in with the buildings. There you go. now shit brix.
the black man who stole the TV is missing a finger.
If you look out the window on the left, covered by a curtain, you can see the rest of the city, it is NOT a painting
the two stools and the table looks like a penis.
somebody has OCD!!!!!
It's Michael Jackson in the window! OMG!!!!
There is a little black animal at the right side of the love seat at the window. It blends in with the base board.
Oh, they pictured my suite! How nice!
i dont see n e thing
The lights are on the far end while the shadows suggest otherwise
Theres A Useless Post In The Right Corner. Haha :]
there is a face in the buildings .
Ventanal gigante y sin balcón.
There appears to be blinking pixels on the right window. also the room may appear to be slanted downwards towards the view.
the white lamp on the right is floating
ahh its a nice cool apartment and i see oooooomfg nothing ..... :/
it's a computer made pic
theirs no door :o
u can make out a man's face just above the bar in the window
1. the chandelier in the right is... well out of place 2. the curtain on the left is also out of place :| too long
All People Talk About ON Here Is Black People ... RACIST MUCH ?
There's a black cat under the yellow orange chairs.
Half the middle couch is gone.
Under the table on the right, there's a little figure with a eye staring at the camera....
If you look real closely, there's a UFO in the background, outside, real small, beside the building.
all wrong look at rug outline pattern of circles. the one on bottom right has the dot in the circle looking up
IF YOU CAN SEE IT... you'll shit brix!
There is a little black animal at the right side of the love seat at the window. It blends in with the base board.
i will never shit bricks aparently >.>
look at the chairs shadows.. are uncorrect when there´s a lamp near the window
seriously guys?? .... there is a face under the pillow on the couch on the left..... just behind the ghost
does anyone notice the footprints on th window?
it might be that the pole thing is right in front of the window
Chuck Norris is too fast for you...
to the retard thats got the second highest vote that says too easy , it is an apt for 2 and needs only two chairs not four.... i got a news flash for ya it may seem strange to you but some people have friends,,, and the chandelier isnt floating you can see the cord
When you tunr ur monitor , you can see a guy looking like karl marx right in the dark spot of the chairs , it first looks like a fifteen , don´t know if that could mean sth , but it makes sense to me to have a guy looking like marx in such an appartement ! xD
with the 2 foot rests, the table and that chair thing aranged like that it looks a bit like a penis
i think, theres too many chairs here o___o
if you follow the candle on the right side of the table, about half an inch up looks like a skull
Scream behind the curtains ...axictu nairect o wait this isnt the captcha
look at the coffee table.. there's face under it.. you can see it when you look at left top corner of the right footstool or whatever it is ..
I FOUND THE BLACK GUY!!! hes under the far rite couch and is screaming!!!
If you look at the half couch in the middle at the top, look to the arm rest, in between the arm rest and the pillow, I swear to god that's a face!!
isn't this just a painting?
it is like a penis
you are all nuts, the couch in the midd of the picture is missing the right arm support
may ilaw pero walang tale nakalutang lang
The painting on the left looks a bit like the bottomhalf of the Shroud of Turin
first thing I noticed is how the hanging light to the right looks like a glowing tetris block.. wow, that's taking retro furniture to a whole new level.
wow no theres a chick under the table in the feetle position
wow it look like a penis in the center were the table is
the reflection of the towers on the floor on the right goes under and behind the table where they shouldnt be able to.
look at the couches and tables... the middle makes a penis..
Its a shitty painting. perspective on the dresser is off making the room seem to open up by about 15 degrees too much.
ok , i give up , wheres the dick?
The kid/dude outside the window looking in?
look from inside the twin towers!
Cock and balls?
wheres the BLACK GUY????
Two sets of curtains on the window?
There's a dick between the table and the two seats at the front..
Theres a girl under the table. i thought it was chair legs but look. then youll see the eyes lookingat you above the chair
i saw ants making babies
i think that is a pole for a big fat women and she left to wal-mart for now i heard that pplz be sayin stuff bout pedobear.....who the fuck is pedobear
I see a face in the top right corner of the window!
is it only me that can see the girl in the window? right of the red roses above the candle, u can see a girls head
There seems to be something looking over the top left dining set chair, but the resolution is too low to really make it out.
flying spaggetti monster...
the fuck. thats racist. saying a black stole a tv.
you can rent the room across the street from the stadium to watch the game
there's a face in the pillow.... lol too easy!
on the table there is a marble holder for the candle on the right side and just a book on the other side.
The seats are real, the rest is a painting.
The tv is under the table
Perfect house in the recession.
The Town looks like a man through the window. A little bit above the right candle.
Don't you see it? 2 chairs + 1 long table = A cock shaped living room.
the light above the table, its floating!!
cant see it
there is no room...
OH!! now i know, nobody is making sex on this pic... problem solved!
why are there so many chairs?
Easy LOL floating lamp
the design of the carpet looks like a fetus.
"There is no black guy, and there is no TV. Solution. The black guy stole the TV." Now hes got the tv AND my bike?DOH!
I see floating lamp
top right the reflection of the light is a girls face
There's half of a woman's face in the first couch.
theres a ninja under the couch
A fucking ninja!
the 2 chairs plus the table make a penis lol
Theres a man behind the curtain.
it's an image.
its the line of cocaine on the table
omg!!!!!!! wow thats weird! thats where i had sex the other night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mindfuck solved
chuck norris under the chair O.O
If you look close to the window, you'll see a city
the right pillar should be a corner, it has no sense there
The room is full of ninjas
you may not believe me but look right in the middle to the bottom and you will see a head then outline it with the floor you WILL see a ninja
Look at the candle, on the right side, then look a little bit up, am I the only one who sees face there?
Not sure, but it looks like there's a pair of folded legs from the bottom of the front left chair, but yet no one's sitting there.
nice apartment, i can see it from my window
I see the girl's face in the window
There is a little black animal at the right side of the love seat at the window. It blends in with the base board.
a random black building, on the right side of the left open window.
Skull of Pitfall :D
wheres the lamp hanging on :D
me too...
It Appears That The Ceiling Lamp was Made In Paint
There's a cushion missing
the mat has a penis pattern
the windows missing a finger ^^
OMFG ITS CLOVERFIELD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The shadows are wrong!
right of the table there is curtains on the wall and there is no window
OMG your so #%#$^#@ retarted the light above the table is not hooked onto anything
the room was too clean..
left curtain is WAY too bif for the little piece of window
2 big dildos on the table
there are curtains on the right wall but there´s no window :D
the table and chairs near the bottom in the middle is shaped like a dick fe
I think thats Ground Zero outside.
There is a face in the middle window towards the bottom.. Very noticeable!
yeah its on a building,the FACE IS ON A BUILDING!
There is a little black animal at the right side of the love seat at the window. It blends in with the base board.
white face under the orange pillow on the left side of the couch couch couch
can't you see it? below the four chairs, you can see the tv at below the first chair
That must be it: This is not a picture, this is a fucking painting, some BAMF drew this shit-brix-realistic painting, respect!!!
girl in floor on right dumbasses
the couch is missing a finger!
Theres a guys face in the curtains in the window to the very right. I think?
face under the pillow
(-.-(-.-(-.-)-.-)-.-) Ninja's are waching you from ever direction
it's a brick floor
look at the grayish couch on the left, then look at the pillows on it(the ones on the left side), look at the grey pillow.. to me it kinda looks like a sad womens face. But I could be wrong. If not, I seriously cannot find anything wrong with this picture ahaha. Sorry. I triedd(: <3
9/11/2001 early that morning hahahaha owned
look at the right upper there a light where it come's from?
u guys are so retarded the city outside is like destroyed if u look close enough
its a giant robot!!!!!!!!!!! someone calls the powerpuff girls!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok everybody who keeps talking about "where's the black guy?" You people are all racist motherfuckers and need 2 shut the fuck up. I'm just going 2 laugh when someone hears you say that out loud and the punch you in the face. Punk ass bitches likes y'all are going 2 burn in hell.
Theres no backside on the sofa closest to the window?
Is that a black guy under the table in the right corner?
isn't it just a painting???
seats and table make a dick
The room is too good to not have me living in it, thus it is fake. My house sucks.
uhm guys, the lamp in the right is just a lamp shade and just kinda hovering there, not hanging from anything or on a pole
there are 7 ninja's in this picture..........
in mirro, a gosth
wheres the black guy i agree? LOL
One small face on the middle window. Big face under the left pillow.
obvious ninjas are obvious
is it that the light at the top of the table is floating????
TOM.C. i ent got a clue ????
or in the middle of the room its a penis and 2 balls xD table and stools :P
its a black guy under the chair. how can you guys see tath.... :/
Ok Most of you guys are wrong, but yes there is a face in the window! this is my Living Room Floor. I Live In Chicago, Illinois. okay so yea. i only saw a couple of people that put there is a face in the window. my brother is good at photoshopping he is accually awesome at it. So Yes. Please dont vote down on this i am being true. and the person 3rd to the top, it aint no apartment its a Pent House. ;)
Now you know what Batman does on his time off.
You're all idiots... Its the fact that there are 4 chairs in a room that is clearly too small for 4 people
no there are huge pillars in front of the window duh
Having really bad taste in interior decorating is not a mind fuck... its normal around here...
The city scape is actually a painting..
it COULD possibly be the dog under the table.. obviously
Is it just me or is The Grudge under the table?
OMG I SEE IT the dinning room and the lounge are one room omg i shat a fuking brick wall
Face in the red vase by the flowers, and guy in the window.
The chair is missing a finger
hahahaha its HL logo on left upper candle ;)
one of the buildings is black
I got it! The left curtain is WAY to big for that little piece of window, since there's another curtain like 2 feet to the right of it. eat it fags
i think it's the floating chandelier.
its missing a finger
there are ninjas everywhere
Middle window close to the bottom above the white bar looks like Albert Einstein
yew dipshits its painted
there's a face on the window. it kinda looks like batman :DD
Man i was searching a looong time.. right above the right candle.. there's a face :D
ok if you look straight out the window and down alil you can see a face you fucking retards ima blonde and i saw that(:
half couch?
Ofcourse, there is a missing finger...
face under pilow duh
white Lamp
You guys are looking to hard. The chair has multiple bowed legs like a spider.
I think it's because the 2 chairs and the table kindly make a sort of.. dickular shape?
there is a ghost in the window you assholes
the lighting is incorrect for the position of the lights.... EASY.
the is a person peeping over the chair to the right of the table
the couch has a missing finger
there is a face in the middle window
If you watch for 34 seconds a person falls past the window holding an umbrella.
There is a little black animal at the right side of the love seat at the window. It blends in with the base board.
The modern lamps don't match the traditional decor of the rest of the room. Pure midevil trickery!!!
A saw a reflection in the window too!
on the picture on the wall to the right has a demon reflection god u guys are stupid
why everyone so racist?????
Thirty ninjas watched on as the missing black guy stole the missing TV.
she's missing a finger and is not in the kitchen.
hey the lamp is floating
The table and the stool thingies make a skull.
im getting soooo tired of all these stupid pics that have nothing in them
pay close attention to the couch in the back near the window, the pillows on it are stacked in such a manner that a back on the couch is required, however, as you can see it isn't there. Another possibility is that the center section of the city in the background is without lights even though the sections around it have power. this is much to subtle (and docile) to be a good mindfuck.
Start at the big candles.... Those are the tits, Move toward window the gold pillows are the head, move closer the two separated stools outline legs and a va jay jay. Yes im perverted for seeeing this.... But you asked!
left side under the pillow there's a cat under the orange pillow
weird view from window
why is the pillar in the middle of the window not the corner like the other one
There is no black guy, and there is no TV. Solution. The black guy stole the TV.