Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
He used her sentence as if it was "getting my dirty ass CAR-WASHED", which means that she would be washing her ass at a car-wash. Yes, this is a explanation-for-dummies.
i cant call that guy dumb ass for shit can i :(
This is what happens, when you don't use proper punctuation. captcha: Marko tkonmen
what a dumb ass
i mean dumb ass vvv
To the guy who said "1. Who would call his car ass etc..." 1. You are an idiot. 2. The same reason you wash something... And 3. It's pwnage to those like yourself and other simpletons who don't get when people get their asses pwned. Okey?!?!
He used her sentence as if it was "getting my dirty ass CAR-WASHED", which means that she would be washing her ass at a car-wash. Yes, this is a explanation-for-dummies.