Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
A girl hiding behind her backpack to avoid having her picture taken...no reason to shit brix...
no brix coming out of my bum, ty
I see an eye in the top left of the pic. Like some chick is hiding behind camping gear.
is that a motherfuckin shamwow?
I wish the site wouldn't allow stupid shit like these pictures to be uploaded. Also, I wish I didn't know where waldo was in every where's waldo, this shit is lame.
its just a black girls vagina.. god damn..
So that's where my mail order child is
Missing a finger.
There's an eye to the top left. I did shit bricks because I only saw it when I clicked next haha :P
Penises on the pack!!!!!
Madeline Mcann....FOUND!
wow. an eye. ooooo.
Bricks were shat LOL!!
this website needs a fukin comment filter......so nobody can post gayass “missing a finger” or “whers the black guy” comments....there fuckin gay
who the fuck needs a backpack to carry bananas?
that chick scared meee!! :D
I pissed cement
There's a black ninja hidden in a window, he is missing a finger, and goatse-ing....
okay, I looked all over that backpack and didn't find anything... so I just gave up, when I saw the eye in the background and - YAY, I shat brix for the first time since thousands of lame ass crap pictures!
Noooo the thing in he middle! It's a dick!
i thought the yellow part looked like a womans leg with fishnet tights and black underwear
dude where is my car?
Whoa! That actually kinda scared me!
It's an optical illusion. You can't tell if it's three bananas or four.
i spy with my little eye.....
A girl hiding behind her backpack to avoid having her picture taken...no reason to shit brix...