Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
i like cookes
if you look closly at teh bottles its boobs
When you see it, you'll shi*
:) -
i see in the bottle at the middle . is the guy that taking the picture
Scary face
Middle bottle,
Look at the right of the guy's reflection
Above the S -
Kendall-jackson? sound a bit li
how can jackson possibly be making wine when he died last week?
Stop with the candlejack bullsh
Come on you guys, enough of this retarded Candlejack shit. It's getting ridicu
people with gamma vision.... (or latops tilt your screen) naked chick left bottle :D
the middle bottel is inside of another bottel dumbasses
Can anyone say Alma?
"when you see it you'll shi"< no T at the end of shit
I don't get it, if it has to do with the right bottle's label sounding like Candle Jack that's absolutely retar
the grudge
I heard that candlejack guy is pre
HO GOD THE GUY IS FLAPING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the neck to the middle bottle on the right side is a creepy face
Well that was st
Mr. T's mohawk in the bottle of Kendall-Jackson. I pity the fools that didn't see that.
When you see it... you would have wasted 5 minutes of your time on a load of shit!
XD Omg Kendall Jackson almost sounds like CandleJack!!! I love th
"when you see it,you'll shi " :>
when you see it, you'll shi
Why the fuck does everyone suddenly disappear when they talk about Candlejack, I don't und
-.- -.- -.--.- -.- -.- -.- -.- DIC
the caption says when you see it youll shi
theres no T on the shit. o.o
See the center bottle? Reflection for the prize.
look in the left bottle, very very hard to see naked chick in reflection
Huh.....Kendall Jackson? what does that remin
The pedobear use these bottle to get drunk the kids and rape them after |!!!!
You guys are idiots, on the two side bottles (not the middle one but the other 2) there is a reflection of its own bottle in it.
I don't see Candlejack in tha
there is a clown in the left bottle!
the middle bottle says `vineyardy`
theres no t on shit
middle bottle, to the right of it, just above the label. freaky face
The shit brix is not done :3
This website sucks it gave my lap top a virus
There is a ghost girl to the right of the picture taker's reflection, yhe right edge of the middle bottle.
i think that if you look closely, the rough pronounciation of kendall jackson can sound like candlejack. so im thinking that the mindfuck is that your supposed to d
take a close look at the centre bottle, on the right edge of the neck there's a hooded figure
if candlejack captured you, how is your comment pos
Look at the reflection looks like it's at a church..
its really a girl in the left bottle just look at your desktop from above and really closely
the reflection in the middle bottle, u can c the guy taking the picture XD
look at mcmanis then Kendal Jackson turns into Michael Jackson! lol
wtf? kendell-jackson is not the same as cand
there is no one capturing on the reflection of the middle bottle .
you'll shi --t brix
I have a colorful imagination, so I se a walrus in the bottle on the right, and (If you say it at the end of the sentence he won't take you..) Kendall-Jackson.
????when you see it you'll SHI????
apparently everyone just managed not to see the that it said 'shi' not 'shit'
the chalone bottle if u look close theres a image of a alien
This Candlejack crap is so stupid and who the heck is he.PS ur all noobs
the text in the frame says "when you see it you'll shi"
There is a scary face on the kendal-jackson bottle... right above the lable on the left hand side.... it looks like a pissed off indian woman
Kendall jackson is empty !
Kendall-Jackson sounds alot like Candleja
what! I dont understand! I don't know what Candlejack is ei
Wtf is candle jack? Can someone please expl
what? it's just a bott-OH FUCK!
Candlejack? It's just a bottle of chardo
omg theres SCREAM on the middle bottle brb gotta finish my chiminey
Kendall jackson----candle jack candle jack is a villain from the best show on earth, 'freakazoid' who abducts anyone who says his name, hence the unfinished caption
When you tilt your screen down, theres a reflection of a hand holding the left bottle?
I see pedo-bear. :3
holy shit candlejack is trying to ca
Kendall-Jackson doesn't sound like candlejack at a
the middle bottle starts with MC, the 1st with Chal and the 3th ends with jackson MC+Chal+jackson= Michael Jackson???
holy fuck its alma from F.E.A.R!!!!!!!!!
Oh, shut up with the damned Candlejack jokes already, they're fu
grudge to the right of the middle bottle
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Hey! ist candlejack the on wh
its fucking tits, they are reflecting off the left and right bottle.
theres a hand shape on the left bottle..
Oh, I get it! Kendall-Jackso
the ''scary looking person'' is obviously the other wine bottle... the same reflection is on the other side from the other wine bottle, but there is less of a light reflection on it, so theres no white part to look like a face...
theres a person in the bottle the right!!
Oh shit it took me forever to find it and when I saw it I shit brix
that inthe middle there is writhen family vine LOL!
theres a ghost in the middle bottle
in the bottle at the middle i see a girl and she looks like that of the movie th.......rgggghhh*
holy shit!! its missing a finger
This Candlejack this is ge
Wow... that creepy chick reminds me of Alma from FEAR o_o;
Hey, that bottle on the right says Kendall-Jackson... That sounds a lot like Candlejack, doesn'
Okay, in the middle bottle (laptops tilt screen) there is a girl who somewhat resembles the grudge, Chalone, McManis and Jackson are all famous peoples' last names, and lastly, Kendall-Jackson sounds like Candlejack. That's all I can fi
Look at the reflection on the middle bottle of the person taking the photo. Now look just to the right.
"--manis --alone -endall" That is all.
it says mc manis like penis
shit theres no T
Oh! I see! The last bottle has candlejack in the ti
what if its that fact that the middle one is a family wine and wine is for adaults
the middle bottle has different light reflections than the other two do
Candlejack has hobbies too, people. Maybe he was sick and fucking tired of people saying he name, so he made his wine sound...kind of similar so he'd still get credit but not have to capture everyone who is an enthusiast. He has a wife and kids to support too you kn
on the bottle in the middle u cann see a reflaction of a Jigsaw-Doll
does anybody see an energy swoed from halo???
i have to tell you i dont see it. but what makes me shat bricks is how funny adn mean you guys are to each other and you dont even know each other.
look at the reflection in the 2nd bottle
Please tell me it's not that he didn't fucking finish typing the border caption.
the third bottle have been taken!!
OMG they are empty :(
he is missing a finger
this is stupid
its not even in the picture, it's the part that says "when you see it you'll shi"
who the hell is this candlejack gu
Wtf, come on people, it's just Kendall-Jackson... I'm sure it's just a clever play by the people who made it, I don't think they really meant it to sound like Candleja
the kendall-jackson bottle is not full.
mc-chal jackson
O_O kendall jackson xD
Kendall-Jackson????? OMG I JUST SHI-
You guuuuyyys, it's the Kendall Jackson bottle, it's obviously a reference to Candleja
^^ Yes, the Kendall-Jackson label is white. Just like Candlejack's clothes. Tards indeed OH SHI
middle bottle look at the reflection eew scary:/
I dont see anyth- OMFG HOLY SHIT KILL IT KILL IT! KILL IT! Check out the middle bottle, then above the "S" of macmanis. When you see it right, you'll see Samara Morgan of The Ring. You will die in seven days now
OMFG it's candleja
looks like to me that the middle bottle has a shit stain from being balls deep in a women
Yes, this really made me "SHI" bricks
i dont get i
Black ninja na garrafa D:
omg ! is that a ghost?
This will get alot of thumbs up
Donut in the far right bottle?
Skull to the left of the dude in the middle. Reflection of the chick in the left bottle is hardly naked. She looks like shes wearing a real low cut top with major cleavage.
Kendall Jackson is missing a fi
You can see an ass on the right bottle -.-
doughnut inside of the kendall jackson bottle
A LONE MAN JACKS (Take off the first/last few letters of the wine names)
pedo bear in the middle... ? :(
In the middle bottle, you can see someone trying to attack the person taking the picture.
Name of the middle bottle: McManise -> Mc my anus, i hope so for your bastards!
the t thats not there has gas
I see an open pussy in the upper part of the middle bottle :D
2 people in the left bottle.....one in the middle......none in the right?
i see 2 ppl in the middle bottle and 1 person in the left bottle
the only wine thats drunk is the white... they left the black alone
theres the grudge in the middle bottle on the right
Whait woot? When you see it, you'll shi.. what?
chalone mcmanis kendell-jackson...good lord, now i know what my next child's name is going to be
ahhhh scary =..=
Its right above the "F" in mindfuck. Its an upside down face.
The left bottle has 1 finger missing!!
Oopss...I get it know never mi
Family Vineyard??
middle bottle is in a bottle
i like cookes