Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
wheres the rope coming from???
am I the only one who noticed that the sandbox is empty and sitting on an entire area full of sand?
You stupid fucks saying the rope isnt attached to anything when IT IS dumb fucks there is a long piece of wood going straight up from the house as you can see it is under the roof
Morse code in the fense spells TIT.
Get the fuck over it. -
ok if you are just goin to curse everyone out cause they may not see, see something, or u just think this site is stupid then how bout u leave cuase i like this site. some of them are funny an if you want to be pissy then dont type anything.
dinosaur between the toy trucks (2)
A helicopter comes to take him away back home... He just has time to say: "Mission Accomplished"
a snake--'
There is a body underneath the toy car, damnit!
there is a snake near the pink and blue ball
the shitbricks for this is that you can see on the fence theres 4 lines with spaces that in morse code spells TIT
its hudini hahaha :D
The dad who built the shack was too cheap to buy windows...?
look at the left garden, there's a ghost farmer looking at the boy under the tree branch.
look at the rope.... where is it coming from?
Theres an asian jesus coming from the sky!!!!! And hes missing a finger!!!!!!
Are yous that dumb? There's wood going off the picture and the rope is connected to it.
the fence to the left is different colors O.o
oh so nobody sees the unicorn at the neighbor's house?
wow are you guys really stupid look at the sides of the playplace the wood it is impossible
where goes rope.ropes missing a finger
It's the Indian rope trick!
Wats the rope hanging from?
WTF???? were does the rope go??
The whole thing is being supported by the ladder sitting ontop of the table
The the goes nowhere
i see a dead body in the rocks to the right where the lawn chair is. its the left of that chair
the thing is jesus' penis
the rope the boy is hangin on isnt connected to anything
The snake is coiled up by the pink ball.
if you use your eyes, you can see that the rope is not coming out of nowhere.. lol
If you look closely, you can see a face on that kid! WOW
he is hanging on a rope ... but where's the rope hanging on???
I love how the rope is attatched to NOTHING!
Hitler on the left by the first tree, behind what looks like three yellow tulips or something.
theres a mangled up corpse next to the white chair!
Where is the rope coming from? YOUR MUM!
If you look in the lower left corner of the picture you can see a creepy face and what looks like a creepy hand peeking out from between the deck pickets.
This is too easy.. What is the rope attatched to? ..Nothing..
How about the fact that somebody tied a rope THAT HIGH. If the kid does get to the top, he'll prob fall and before he would be able to come down.
rope coming out of nowhere
THE ROPE. its hanging from nowhere
Thumbs up if you were like WTF?!?
there's a rotten body on the lower right of the picture behind the white chair xD
snake by the pink ball
someone needs to help that kid
there is something wrong with that rope...
This IS the new spider-man in a non-urban setting. A mysterious rope, swinging men, all around.... I BLAME CRISS ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the green pot is empty
the kid is missing a finger in his foot
there is a dead kid under the toy car on the left bottom of the sandbox
she's missing a finger :O
look to the left there is like a monkey or somit
it kinda looks like a snake ready to attack (to the right of the ball) and the kid is holding onto the rope in an attempt to stay away from it
lawlz a snake xD
Its Spiderman:)
Okay, well in my opinion, there are freaky people behind that fence. And they're really freaking the shit out of me.
wheres the rope coming from???
Also, if you look at the top of the white chair, you can see that black dude that can make his eyes bulge out.
ok wheres the black kid?
Heeey it's the real life version of the first Spiderman Games on the Playstation!
The border of the playground forms an M.C. Escher-style inifinite staircase.
i got it, pedobear is missing! D:
hes climbing up the rope even thought theres a ladder right next to him
There's a snake next to the pink ball!
the rope is missing a finger
omg its spider mans kid
OH MY GOD, It's a mexican.
omg ...look at where the rope is...its hanging off nothing
rope doesn't connect to anything
the mind fuck is.......... where is it rope attached to??
that kid is spoiled
der that rope leads to pedobear god!
a rope to heaven ! yessss
Behind the wooden house there is another house, of lighter color. Look at the metal stairs of that house. CAPTCHA: failohan them,
if you guys look really close you'll see my playground
look at the fuckin outline of the sandbox, its one of those fucked up thingys lol
Jesus is fishing jewish kids!!!!!!
ghost on top of the big red and yellow car
The rope :D
neighbor's yard, tree in back, pedobear!
"i gotta get my little sister the golden egg!" hold on giant im coming!!
that motha fucka robbed my house i knew that sercurity cam would come in handy
ok wtf is the rope hanging from?
what the fuck is the rope attatched to, and how did that little girl get up so high?
yep. sure am shitting bricks.
where is the rope comeing from, hm well when you watch carefully the topest corner of the roof then u see that there is comeing out one beam, and that is where the rope is comeing from. MK
ok...let me explain this to you slowly............the play house is in a big sandbox......did anyone notice the smaller sandbox UNDER the play house with sand.... this one is stupid
there is a man behind the tree on the left
Goatses' Cousin André!!!!
TIT on the fence
Look at the chair!! Its HUGE!!!
wow, is it just me or is this website retarded? it pisses me off when i can't find shit then when I do it's not even cool or funny .-
guys there a snpier about to snipe the kid in the other yard. He is by the tree, and i think he is black.
The rope is missing a finger
in the far left theres a man standing there its a pedo!!
that's a sword
Little Mexican boy trying to get over the fence with the rope.
the kid is really really small compared to the plastic chair
theres a pole, you just cant see it.
oh em jee, NINJA IN DAH CHAIR!
were the fukk is dhe rope coming from
Don't think that's a snake. Probably just a cable supplying electricty to the house appearing from below the sand.
Theres obviously a black guy with binoculars perving at the kid under the left side of the tree..
hey all justin bieber here want to have sex come to this address (beverly hills 8th street 2nd house )
the robe isnt connected to anything
there's like... some dead / drunk guy behind the chair to the right.
You're supposed to wonder why hes climbing up a rope when there's a ladder
then person that tool the pic must have been stupid they didnt even help the boy
the guy are escaping from the police
God sent him a rope xD HAHA
Woah minus the rope i dont see anything... how long do u take staring at these pics and say u see something just so people stop and look? Dinasaur my @ss >.> its a hand
Kids a fag.And the windows and the door are the same color..
Kid:when im gonna climb this rope i will find candy and sweeeeeeetneeeessss uuupppppp :D...DONT TOUCH MY ROPE!!!! IMAH FIRRIN MAH LAZZOOORRRSSS!!!!!!
Hitler on the left by the first tree, behind what looks like three yellow tulips or something.
hes secret agent :O
The kid has a bulge
I see the invisible man! Youtube.com Johnnyzompie!
looks like there is a guy in the other yard, behind the yellow flowers.
where is the rope goinggg ???
the kids rope doesn't go any where!
the border of the sandbox is an impossible shape
There's a toy horse on the fence
the ropes coming out my moms ass :D
Dead baby hanging from the rope
"Oh just in time for the tea partee"
The budget for abduction is running a little low?
the rope comes from the bar which is on the treehouse
I really think i have it! That rope the kid is hanging from isnt tied to anything
there's some weird blue figure in the picture on the far left side... it's weird. dunno what it is. looks see through and blue... it's right above the playskool car that you drive in.
The busboy doesn't have a greencard
the rope it too far from the house thingy for the kid to get to it!
i am going with the snake!! and the kid is on that rope tryin to get away!!
oh s h i t its a chair everyone get in the car
idk it looks like one of the perception mindfucks where it's just a flat picture in 3d world, I noticed because the kid is not in proportion with the chair
XD suicide rope
it could be 'coming from' a tree.
whats missing is the pissed off nabor sneering over the fence cuz these pinche red necks built there guest house on stilts just like they did back home in swamp county mississippi
are you serious you guys the rope isnt connected to anything!
face in the window
agreed. snake
I totally found the mind fuck?! HE ISN'T MOWING MY LAWN O____O
Dude, Anyone notice that the rope isnt attatched to anything?! Dumbasses.
WOW. I see. They're using Spiderman's method
the kids missing a foot
a corda está presa à lugar nenhum D:
look pot lol stoners rule!!! if u dont get it u have genital warts
MW2 co-op, save burger town when starting on foot, aka the kid is a Russian Terrorist
the rope is coming from the sky also the treehouse is missing a finger
Where the hell is the rope holdingo to?
Am I the only one thinkin theres a corpse behind that chair!?
Haunted Treehouse?
Where is the rope hanging from?
One of his legs are amputated at the knee so he has to use the rope to get up cause he can't use the stairs
where is the rope coming from?
neighbor's yard, tree in back, pedobear!
It is not the rope, it is attached to a post from underneath the A frame of the roof, it is simply cut off, by a small amount.
fucking idiots, the rope isnt tied to anything
The rope is coming from a plank out of the roof OMG .
Let me try. How many legs does the playhouse have?
there is a fucking demon behind the chair
This will get your tension relaxed from all that thinking. What the hell is the rope tied to?!? there you go.
LOL! it's not about the rope thing. the child wants to go to the house so that he used rope rather than using the ladder. he's retarded lol!
the treehouse isn't in a tree.
where the rope goin ?
The rope?! lol And i was lookind for pedobear or something xD
Not easy apparently. The rope comes from nowhere
you can see the extended beam coming out from below the roof which is obviously what the rope is tied from.. Most of these pics are reaching and are killing the shit virx meme
looks like there's a dead body at the back of the white chair
the kid is swinging precariously above a buried cat turd
go tohell
the chair has only 3 supports
there is a wetback, hangin from a rope...
Theres guts and shit on teh right! :O By the white chair
Hitler on the left by the first tree, behind what looks like three yellow tulips or something.
what is the rope attached to? >:
think theres a snake next to the pink ball. idk but thatd get me on the rope no prob
There's a snake in my boot.. er, sandbox.
its the rope
... TIT on the fence, sand is on ground not in box, rope obviously attached to the piece of wood coming from the house and the kid... OH GOD! He's missing a finger!
Look at the sandbox border.....its always going up.
can't you see it? the stupid girl is climbin up by the rope, and there is a ladder right beside her...
well there may be a long piece of wood where some of you think the rope is attached but there is also a ladder so why would he use the rope when it would be harder to get to the house?
there are 4 chicken chicks above the fence
I SEE A SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! left of the bench....... thing
the rope isnt tied to anything
its a monkey climbing in a rope whats so fun with that ? except taht the monkey is wearing clothes?
why'd ya leave a child alone in such a house with a dangerous ladder..?
The rope isn't coming from "no where". God. There is a beam that is connected to the roof of the cubby house!
The kid is fucking spolied.
is that a snake in the sand box next to the ball
rope doesn't connect to the house.
ohhh..... thats no rope
Kid only has one foot, hurr durr
okay where is pedobear when u need him
the fence spells out die in morse code... oh where does the rope go ?
Maybe the freak neighbor in the other yard? T.T
dude were is the rope that hes swinging on attached to?
Number 3 is an idiot
well lets see. there is a snake.. and where the hell is the rope coming from
and there goes tarzan. tsk2
its tarzan in the making
TOY's Story 1......... you've been a bad boy!!!!!
a rope from heaven?
the sky you dumbass
if you look by the white chair on the right, it looks like a decaying body
Pedobear rides the helicopter, whats dragging the rope.
i think theres an asain kid hanging from the a rope in the middle
what is the rope connected to?
Where does the rope lead to? lmao
OMD its pedo bear in the far left tree lol
i see a gorilla O.o
i know! she is using the rope when there is a ladder, idiot
THE ROPE IS FALLING! See the way its bending? HAPPY FALLING KID! :)
wow cant someone just say what it is not something dum like theres a ghost somewhere
sand box under play house has no sand... just saying
I'd fuck that kid :D
Wheres the rope tied to???
I second the comment that the odd thing about this picture is the sandbox is sitting on top of loads of sand, but has no sand inside of it.
There is a snake in the sand box right next to the pink ball to the left... the boy is climbing the rope inorder to avoid the snake....
the child is planning 2 scape
were the fucks that rope going to??
Where does that rope lead to?
Hey that kid has a better house then me...
rope isnt connected to anything
It's coming from your moms fucking tampon bitch
what is the rope attatched to?
Theres a unicorn above the kids head sort of , in the next yard xD
you people are dumb......WHERE THE FUCK IS THE ROPE COMING FROM!?!?!?!?
there is a ghost sitting on the chair,duh. It's right not there!
the kid is missing a finger in his foot
why use a rope when theres a ladder? because you cant kill yourself with a ladder. but lucky boy doesnt know how to knot!4
the rope is actually coming out of a piece of wood that is coming from the top of the tree house but i noticed that the tree hose is super high off the ground adn the sandbox is empty when the rest of the ground isnt!
Does Any Body else notices tht the rope doesnt end???CAPTCHA: ployes jody
obviously the rope is coming from the wood sticking out from the top of the roof. it's just cute out of the photo. dumbasses
OMGOSH it's James Bond from when he was a little !!!!!!!1111
hahahaha baby spider man
Wheres teh rope comin from?
there is a snake in the sandbox
if u look REALLY closely the boy has an extra finger....not on his hand
I see no tonka truck :(
The rope comes from nowhere
HOLY SHIT there is pedo behind the fense and he is missing a finger! ROFL goatse top left corner and THE ROPE IS GOING TO HEAVEN ROFL! LOL
.....guys, its a mexican in training for the U.S. border.......man they start young.
Prison break!!!
It's bad that a majority of these pictures have led me to constantly look for a black guy in the shadows.
there is a ghost sitting on chair,duh
A Mexican Could Afford A House.
a rope to heaven o.O
stupid immature little fucks.. you guys posts non sensical comments all the time like what the fuck.
There's a small bit of wood you can see which looks like a plank coming from the top of the stilt house. That is probably holding the rope.
there's a kid under the yellow-red car
OBVIOUSLY, there's a rapist in lincon park. they're climbing in your window, snatching your people up, trynna rape um so you better hide ya kids hide ya wifes and hide ya husbands cause they raping errbody .
im pretty sure thats manbearpig on the rope
dead guy by the white chair tht was obvious
i think its tht ghost farmer like tht other person said
I see a spoiled kid.
HOPEFULLY, that is a toy snake!!!
like, a big ass snake.
there is a dick coming out his pants
The house has an erection and the chair is missing a finger.
if you look closely just below where you cant see that the rope is connected to the piece of wood hanging out of the top of the play-house... theres a kid hanging from the rope... and hes missing a leg
its the rope dumb asses
He's Climbing In Your Tree Houses, He's Snatching Yo' People Up!
He's got GIRL toys! : P
am i the only one who sees the ninja in the trees...?
the yellow-red car crashed in the sandbox, the girl flew out, and lost her leg while she swings on an endless rope.
gigantic chair??? have you ever seen any kids?? -
HOLY SHIT whats the rope attached too
"Look, Mommey!! I see a giant over there!"
or its the fact that the rope that the girl is hanging on leads to nowhere
PedoBear is holding the rope.....
the rope is in helicopter
no the rope is connected to NOTHING
u all are fucking dumasses theres no conection to the rope u shit heads
It's the rope trick performed by Hadji from the old Jonny Quest cartoon! "Sim, sim, sala, bim!"
OMG! a child is trying to hang himself!
The rope is coming from nowhere!
Yo that kid stole my fuckin car!!!!! On the left. I lost it bout 10 years ago >:( damn kids
Ahaha its cumin from a ufo :D x
Pedobear's fishing rod..
rope from heaven?
looks like he's pulling off that one "Arabian Rope Trick" thing....you know, where they make the rope straighten up to climb on? Like what they used to do a lot in the old shows...
The ropes missing a finger!
the rope comes from the sky 0_o
There is a fucking snake in the sandbox...
did anyone notice nothing connected to the rope
where is the rope coming from
The kid is missing a finger
at the sky
Oh lawd...is dat sum chicken?!
if your so smart how come you cant spell fence dumbass
Theres a lot of stupid people on this website ive noticed, The rope is attached to board in the middle of the roof you stupid fucks, you just cant see because its out oft he picture
The only thing I can guess would be that the top beam of the playhouse roof is jutting out of the picture with the rope attached.
The kid is missing a finger. Duh.
There's a monkey looking thing in one of the trees somewhere on the left side. O:
His Dad isn't beating him.
where did the ceiling go?
Climb to Heaven Bobby, go be free! haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
omg that guy is so stupid who said weres the rope comming from u can c the beam that goes out a little further then the house stupid thats were its comming from
Does that rope ascend to the Heavens?
the perimiter sandbox or "play area" is an imitation of the never ending staircase. honestly people, you make this a lot harder than it needs to be
the rope is simply attached to the roof of the play house. what appears to be ongoing rope is an antenna on the house behind the play house. if you don't believe this then check the slopes.
Rope's coming from thin air.
Kid ran over his sister an ran tryinq to qet away, now he is stuck, and qoes to juvyy -sirens-
learn to spell, dumb ass. it's fence.
just above the big toy car, the grim reaper starring at the kid...
the baby tarzan..
Thats the fucking mothership that is
that litle kid's a marine
May i point out the rope is going nowhere???
Its baby Tarzan xD
well, there's a BEAR underneath the tree in the other yard, or what appears to be one. and, it looks like the rope leads to now where. lol, its got some brick-shitting potential, that's for sure.
ok so ur kids playing in his lil play place and u c a snake and u run and take a pic of it WTF is rong with them?
Sandbox inception! – Snyarhedir
See this is what happens when you don't supervise your kids! They get snatched away by the pervert in the sky.
You are all retarded, the rope is coming from nowhere, nothing about tits.
There is a snake in the sand by the pink ball :O
there is a snake in the sand... why do you else think she hangs in the rope... -.-
Look closer. Arron Rogers is clearly hiding in the bushes flipping everybody off.
lower left part, there's a person in bikini LoL
THere is no buried girl, that's the wheel of the car. But there is a snake to the right of the ball!
Bigfoot mid right side
the guy rising to the sky...where the rope are tied??? thats a simple trick for a indian guy
oh i remember now thats the tree house your mom and me met in last night and did it
there is a face by the shopping cart
The rope he's hanging off of is coming from...no where
hello?!?! the rope is attached to nothing dmbasses
lol look at the rope he is swinging on nothing it is not tierd to a tree the rope is just floating r use all really tht fukin dumb
did no one notice the fucking boobs in the fence? o_o
uhm, wtf is the rope atached to?
Well, the fact that the little play house is fenced in, like a normal house might suggest that he lives in that little playhouse all alone.
The rope he's hanging off of is coming from no where..
Look at the rope, it goes nowhere.
if i may add, the kid needed to use a plastic picnic table to get up the rope when there was a ladderright infront of his face
Yeah PIE!!!!! ______
I can see a snake............i think its a snake..................Above the letter "N".
It is a black snake in the sand?
a mexican with a house? i just shat myself
Does nobody notice that the rope the kid is holding is tied to NOTHING?
I lol'd
you're all stupid!
The kid has way too many toys! -
he's hanging on a rope ... but wher's the rope hanging on?
does anybody notice the snake in between the ball and the toy truck???
The boarder of the sandbox looks like the never ending staircase illusion
its spiderbaby 0.o
did any1 notice the ghost at the fence ride above the Yellow roofed car
little girl under the red n yellow car
No The Rope is attached to Pedobear.... or that creepy black guy
nobody else sees the pedobear?
WTF!??! HES HERE!!!!!!!! -
i think its that the kid uses a table thing to climb to the ladder
For all you people saying, "OMG the rope leads to nowhere!!!" you're wrong there's a piece of wood coming off the house that the photo taker left out to try and add the brickshitting effect and failed.
you people are stupid for not seeing that the rope is not connected to anything
o.o omg! I see it! look! ..theres a picnic table! :D ahahar I so smart. XD Honestly the only thing I noticed is that theres this thing that looks like a snake undererneath the white thing by the ball.
Training camp. uh-oh
tree on the right appears to be the head of a lion (left profile view)
Has anyone noticed that demon looking thing by the white chair? It's where the bricks are lined up.
Spoilt Brat Got all those Fancy Toys Back in My Day you would be in the Army My dear boy
Hes Mexican....and theres a fencee.....
LOL! his shirt
I think they are preparing for Katrina's next visit. .....what in the hell is the rope attatched too....
if you squint carefully you see a house
On the other side of the fence, it looks like there is a gorilla in the tree!!!
I'm just thinkin'... where does the rope end? o.o
where is the rope coming from?
really? no one else sees the unicorn! shun the non believer!!! shuuunnn!!!
above the red and yellow car is the grim reaper
Uhhhh... anyone notice how big that lawn chair is??? Its almost as big as the tree house! seriously.. compare the size of the kid to that chair.
the chair has only three legs... is that normal?
or the snake in the ground
it loos like a freakin snake at the bottom little gray thing o.0
Theres no rope and shes missing a finger
ninja baby's thier everywhere
Here comes the special force
there is a snake on the ground im only 9 come on peoplez
your all actually wrong...the kid only has one leg..its really hard to see but its true
He's coming from the sky. lol'd
the rope goes up in the sky
Ok were the FUCK is the rope coming from?
there is a ladder...im just saying
The rope she's on isn't tied to any visible object...
weres the rope coming fromm
ok, for those of you who look too hard at the obvious things, if you look at the top of the house there IS a piece of wood coming out to hold the rope, nothing is buried and there are no spirit people. look at the boys legs, see anything missing?
the playground is missing a finger!!!
wheres the rope coming from???