Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
R-E-S-P-E-C-T Liu Bolin ( google him and you will see this pic too ) , awesome art , thumbs down to all ignorant idiots that call this fake...
If that is art and not photoshop , then i gotta give HUGE RESPECT to this dude, many brix deserve to be shat...
liu bolin is pro not photoshop
Have you see the Alien in the cabin?? O.O
There´s a shovel behind Liu Bolin
A camouflaged man is blending in with the surrounding area. Ironically, he is right above the word "see".
It's real... google Liu Bolin
Its not fucking photoshop. There are japanese guys and they painted their clothes.
it's real he paints himself, his name is Lie Bolin, " the invisible man"
mhhmmm WTF?
What the fuck is Liu bolin
IT ISNT PHOTOSHOPPED. I read that this guy went around dressing as his surroundings. Its epic.
ok its just a tract omg!!!!!! runn its coming and also thts what she said
nice camo suit... Can i have it?
I don't get what this is supposed to be..
I ia ninja u no see me
There's a guy infront of the wheel, how about that?
By let's paint the shoes blue so they'll blend right in with the grass
no!that is the driver. . .invisible
i actually had to google liu bolin to figure out where he was...
OMG! that guy just make me lost THE GAME D:
DAMN IT JOHN!!!! This is why no on plays hide n' seek with you.....
if you look real close you can almost see an alien in the digger
I was focusing on the "forever alone" face in the sand.
petea wat are you doing here
at first i thought that the bulldozer i like IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER
is it just me? or does it look like saw's mask is driving the wheel of the tractor?
I don't see it...WAIT A SECOND WHO IS THAT?!
its teh predator
Just gave up on the feet then?
theres a standing man on the front of the wheel :0
i see a guy
Le ghost? :D
Awesome dude!
It's not a fake, google Lui Bolin- he's a genius. Fantastic art :)
It isn't fake! This guy, Liu Bolin, is specialized on this area, search him up :) This is one of the best pictures he's taken.
looks like there is a dog in the car
Russian sniper
dammit this is to much for me a man in realy ealy good camo and a alien thing driving the truck im gonna shit to many brix... i will be back in 2 hours gotta go shit
i respect this man
Can. Not. Unsee.
OMG there is a black drive that misses a finger!!!!!! oh wait....... no, its just a transparent dude above the word see....... nothing unusual...
Is ET Driving The Fucking Bulldoser !?
wow......if its not fixed, i give credit! brix shall be shat.
thumbs up if u see wall-e on the right side of the digger
thats my last name to holly fuck.......... ( joey bolin )
Schmuggler :D
Liu Bolin is missing a finger
im shit thumps up lol
camoflaged man at the wheel
Ninjas, man. They're still out there.
all I see is a bulldozer.
Its the invisible kid painted on the front tire.
Invisible asian
Predator !!!!!!!!!
He is using *Stealth Mode* ~ lupet astig ^_^
i see a gun in that gravel omg this guy is so freaking awesome thumbs up if u agree
I see a guy camofied next to the wheel.
guy got splattered on the wheel to the right
lol first i thought that somebody is going to be crashed under the tire :(
fuking ghost shit bitch
Liu Bolin. T3H M4573R 0PH THYSGUYS!!!!!
u guys r stupid he paints himself to blend in with hes sarroundings look closely ar right tire
Let's hope someone doesn't drive
Liu Bolin. T3H M4573R 0PH THYSGUYS!!!!!
dammit this is to much for me a man in realy ealy good camo and a alien thing driving the truck im gonna shit to many brix... i will be back in 2 hours gotta go shit
Its not photoshop or real, he paints himself into the photographs
camouflauge guy
its not photoshoped you fuckin retards
Gosth's really exist.... SUICIDE
its just a picture of....where the f*** he came from?!
ET is behind the wheel of the bulldozer
what's wrong with this pic... maybe the bulldozer is isn't it the right pla... OMIGOD KILL THE FUCK OUT OF IT! *masturbating*
yes yes, but if you look at the top plate of the window on the edge of the image, you can see half of a screaming face
wow... this is fucking insane!!! niceee
holy shit it took me literally 20 minutes to see why my bricks were shat :o there is a guy camouflaging in the tire. hes a fucking genious
I took me way too long to see that guy
HOLY SHIT! aliens and ninjas D:
theyre playing halo, its active camouflage
pedobear in his natural habitat... enticing kids with candy...
there is a person in front of the right, front tyre
this is real, fuck you people saying it is fake, get out of your fucking room once and a while or read the paper, god damn virgins
he went through all that trouble of his art to blend in the with background....why the fuck did he not do his feet????
it's 7:55, crew about to start working... i don't see anything wrong here... /grin
if u look real close....infront of the front tire are feet..and a lil higher is the top of the head....+ ull hit ur head on the screan
Holy crap batman he's right there
I thought I saw/stepped on a pair of blue suede shoes
his in the tire
This is true. This man goes in various places painted to blend in with his surroundings. Google Liu Bolin.
I see pedo bear in the window on the top left corner!
what the thats the guy from the magazine i forgot his name he is the invisible man!
Hahai thought it was E.T. In the left of the bulldozer :D
The man is missing a finger!
R-E-S-P-E-C-T Liu Bolin ( google him and you will see this pic too ) , awesome art , thumbs down to all ignorant idiots that call this fake...