Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
look michael jackson again pic on right
I.... I shit... The world trade centers... *shits more* Ok... Update... I... Just shit... an entire city in Minecraft...
If You Guys Are Wondering, lagrimas234 is the most awesome person ever it makes loads of awesome videos and stuff, such as art and clay stuff and a lot of cool stuff you wanna have his stuff because stuff is cool search upp lagrimas234 and be humiliated
kill it with fire
guys, chillax and dont spam with laglag. he's my baby boy (: first of all, we still call him lagrimas234 but he changed his user and everything his user now is: lagrimas23enero lagfive
lol u suh dummbassess, if u dnt knw wht it iz, y u keeep comentign? ffs, guys im disguisdted bout ur felicness lagrimas234
HA zombie thing says "tastes like chicken"
here's lagri's sis talkin again, yes thars my mom
LETS SPAM WITH LAGRIMAS234 <33333333333333 lagfive
there's my mom in the pic. ohhbyy
what is up with all this "lagrimas" shit? who the fuck is he and why the fuck would you spam him here, on shitbrix/com or on this pic it makes me feel stupid that i live on earth
lagfive (:
It's Paul McCartney's dead decapitated head on the right, with his lips torn off and stuff like that. And on the left it's a pic of him before he died.
waw, sumbdy knws bout lagrimas234, im so hppy, cmere *lagfive* ;ddddddd
look michael jackson again pic on right