Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
No Brix Were Shat During The Viewing Of This Photo.
no you retards. It's "House library" and "Wilson library"
watch more House md
Silent Hill map
I GOT IT!! The Phillips building is a sewing machine!
south = north?
It the Phillips building. It looks like a Phillips sewing machine get it?
-'s a map
it says cok near the bottom left
it's labeled Pit because it's an area named The Pit ...who ever posted this picture is a moron
The Pit
ok so this is completely random i have NO idea where i got this idea but maybe JUST maybe, it's all of your ideas??????
Retards the south building and south roads are fcking opposites
At the top left, I see PEABODY, but I tend to read PEDOBEAR...
its mirrors reverse u dumb shits!!!!
Venable building is a factory! and Dey is a helicopter landing!
Lil' bricks everywhere lol.
This is a map of UNC!!! Go Heels! I don't know what the shit brix is about because everything on here is labeled correctly, I'd know I'm here every day! South building is where it is because this only shows part of the campus, that building is on the southern part of the oldest (original) part of campus; thus it was called the south building. And then south road wasn't made until later when the campus extended further south.
if you look very close you can see chuck norris missing a finger!
Carrol building looks like a check engine light
campus - y = campussy i dunno
playmaker, where all the nice playmates cum from
dude theirs a building that says pee body duh!!!!!!!!!!
above e it says cock :p
..... *facepalm* It says "THE PIT"
COCK..upper right-hand corner
the pit from fallout 3
I like it when you Polk my Place.
south replaces north
what about the "cHELL" down there ? left down
It has "Wilson" and "House" next to each other.
All these things say they'll make me shit bricks, but the most I'm doing is farting.
all the neyms of the building are the names of all GOLF players! you iDIOTS! xD
Extreme Tetris :D
pea body upper left!
It can't be the fact that South ans South are opposites cause it's likely that there is a road and building north of both of them called "North building" and "North Road". It's something else for sure...
the north building says south
..... *facepalm* It says "THE PIT"
at the bottom of the screen nec=xt to wilson the building says "cok" Wow...
3 things, the House and Wilson Libraries (House-TV show), Emmerson Drive (musical group), and the Phillips building looks like a sewing machine. (Phillips brand sewing machine)
loooooook at the bottom around the middle it says cock...
SOUTH in north.. look the south road.. now go to north and look the south house..
Phillips sewing machine
steele is just a vertical brown brick... a brown c-3po steele?
the south is in the north
OMG I just watched house! hahah, thats awsome
davis library looks a bit like a train
it says cok on the bottom left.
Lol bottom left says cok
The pit haha.
Above the E, says cok O_o
Its the secret to inception
It says Cok at the bottom
South is wrgon
there's a place called the pit in the bottom right corner
you are all fucking retarded you're telling me you dont see a cock wilson library is the head polk place is the haft balls on top jesus....
SOUTH roud on the bottom. south buildinh at the top...
it's a pacemaker the inside to be exact
The pit damn never going there
it says south on the north of the map
it says south on the bottom but it says south building on top.... dumbfucks. lol.
yall r f-in stupid theres a building on the top left named pea body, yall need some f-in help
its says pea body in the movie duplex it has mr pea body in it lol
If you morons existed a few centuries ago, your worthless lives would've ended before your balls dropped.
it says cok in the left bottom corner lmfao! ~Mr.Cock
Guys I found it, The south building is at the north and instead of being at the south. -Slenderman
Not worth a mindfuck border.
wilson libray is the vagina of the body outlined between the buildings, also there is a blak ninja inside of it.
"no you retards. It's "House library" and "Wilson library" watch more House md " THANK YOU!!! I thought i was the only one who watched some good tv and saw this
this is retarded -.- i wouldn't shit brix if i see this pic wheres the creepy bald black dude hiding in a corner staring at the camera when u need him
no at the top of the map it says sout and at the bottom it says south road
Playmakers, Carr Bynum Saunders Manning
does no one else see that it says south on the top middle building and then on the bottomm it says south road
Emmerson Drive is a band. Not really shit worthy. Idk
says peabody and chell *people from portal 2*
There's a label for Polk Place but there is no Polk Place..
its the female reproductive system
"Campus Y" slow ass people
HELL in da left bottom corner
Wilson clearly is more of a man than House.
its the south road at the bottom then a building named south at the top
Big game of Tetris.
DAMN!!! Thats THe Solution
Hey, It's "The Pit". Hells yeah.
I got it!!! theres a building named "Hanes" like the underwear brand, and it's part of the "Polk Place" or (poke place) so it's sooo obvious that your supposed to poke the guy's junk
looks like a puzzle :o
I like how the "David Library" edge looks like the edge of a paper when you rip it outta a notebook. XD
the names are the roster of a football team, cant remember who atm
the memorial hall is a trash can
One of the places are called "Peabody". WTF!!!!!!!
When you add all the buildings together it makes a killer robot
my skool is called hamilton :O
Lol. Look up, and see the house called: "SOUTH". Then look down at the end of the picture x)
Strange. It also happens to say 'cok' at the bottom leftish corner.
all i see are company names: Phillip, Hanes, Gardner, Carrol, Wilson, Saunders, etc.
idiots! it sez polk place in the middle. poke place? get it??
No Guys the south shop is in north..
idk bout you guys but im gonna go get laid at the playmakers
Emerson Drive?
theres a penis in the middle
I think its cok at the bottom
Polk place?? :)
Damn no one can see it, it says peabody at the top left corner
Wow. If you squint the buildings for the outline of pedobear.
i see a sewing machine, telescope and a train
lol it says polk place and there's no building!
Where is Pac Man?
they are all names of football players duh!!!!!!!!!
are you fucking retards? is an electric circuit.
Oh shit... famous people names!!!
On the top it says south :P
IT'S A MAP! (star wars reference)
There's a pit right over the Student store.
umm...."the pit"? and wilson and
sitterson kinda like shitterson maybe, top left.
philips library is a cho-cho train
mr. peabody
i see nothing.
Wilson Library has a vagina
- one saw that South is on the top of the map, and South Road is at the bottom? jeeze, u guys are idiots, mapmakers and commenters
The building at the top says South and the road at the bottom is South Road.
OK.....I give up....where's the nigger?
its all bout football and football players!!!
it says peebody,ruffin and play makers
I shat brix when I saw my name on that map
shit, theres a pit i wouldnt want to end up there!
Memorial Hall looks like a trash can....YO!
pedobear's face has missed a finger in the window
circuit board mo brixs shat here
Drawings is missing a finger.
players. i see Bynum.. hahaha
at the bottom it says cok beside it it says south
This is UNC Chapel Hill. South Building used to be the southern most building on campus before it extended south. The Original campus from 1795 is located north of Cameron Avenue. This is an old map because Venable is no longer there...torn down about a year ago.
Advanced Tetris!! =D
The bottom left if says "Cok"
Football players. Gerrard, Phillips, Carr, Murphy, Carroll, etc.
south road...and a building completely opposite(on the top of the map) is also south?..
Simply shows a lot of shat brix
Maybe it's because the giant hole in the middle says Polk Place! It's a perverted reference!
Peabody (G) + Phillips (O) + Memorial hall (T) Playmakers and steele (I) + Caldwell (T) GOT IT?
hello??? THE PIT!
I came here just to thumbs down...True.
Why is there a place called The Pit?
South building is in the north of the map. Also, phillips building looks like a sewing machine.
if you lend atttention, there is a block called "peabody" reference to a movie named duplex in which this was the nickname of the male protagonist's sexual organ
HOUSE Library, WILSON Library, CAMERON A...
House and Wilson at the bottom right corner Cameron at the up right corner. HOUSE MD PAWA.
there is definitely a pedobear in the Davis Library (which has little caterpillar feet) (the library, not the bear)
It's a jellow submarine
i see trash can the memorial hall
what about peabody u know that one guy
Guys look, its (P-Body) peabody, and chell on the bottom left. Portal 2 reference?
at the bottom of the photo a word is cut off only showing cok
theres too many libraries
If you look closely there's a map.
look at the top of campus y it's amissing finger..
Cameron Ave, House Library, and Wilson Library. I love House!
haha- house and wilson. i love those guys.
The Pit...hmm, ominous?
the buildings make an outline of a cross in the middle
pea body? top left corner
polk place
just l0ok ab0ce the pic.. it says south.. and then beneath.. there's a South road..:S
"the pit"
cmon now guys... it says play makers then a buncha sportplayers name... manning=peyton manning bynum=and bynum (i think thats his name) gerrard=(i think david gerrard) dumthin lxk tht
Davis Library kinda looks like a piece of torn out notebook paper. But other than that I don't see anything.
woot ROTC glad me
lets walk over here next to the giant pit of death.........
it is missing a finger dur
it looks like a micro chip
Guys, it's names of people off of House MD when he was looking for new people to hire (from three years ago).
top left : peabody Bottum left : coc top : south Bottum : South street
shit, theres a pit i wouldnt want to end up there!
The thite outline looks like R.O.B. from Brawl.
all footballers names u mongs
Hehe Peabody
peabody, sitterson and phillips makes a figurer like some one shoting drugs into there arm
hey look its tetris
The Pit
thers a word :"SHIT"
they are all football players names duh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is there south at the top?
black guy
I honestly do not see anything in this picture that would make me shit brix. The only odd thing I can find is the south building at the very top of the map and the south road at the very bottom. Contrast.
It's not a shitbrix for anyone who's ever played Silent Hill ;)
south road on bottom. building called south on top
Notic that a "south building" is on top of the map, and south road is at the bottom...
the pit... some say its the only way out
"Silent Hill map"
damn, beat me to it -
WIlson and House lol not good enough
THE PIT!!!!!!!!!!
Top Left Peabody...
what's the pit for...?
theres a building at the top that says peabody...
pacman or bomberman...
south is on the top ?
you can't get enuf of house!!
stop playing TETRIS!
You can read "chell" in the bottom left. Portal reference ;)
the top right.. peabody? isnt it from portal?
I was thinking it was the part where it says the pit... but I guess not.
Why the fuck do the buildings outline a cross-shaped empty space?
it says The Pit ..
They kept all the missing fingers at Davis Library
campus y is spelled camPUSY when all words are put together
idiots look at the very bottem you will see cok
All the locations are named after people from Team England in soccer/football..........
i got it... the murphey buliding is brown.. should be black....
im just curious why are there 3 librarys in like a row shouldnt they be dispursed amungst the campus?
i see trash can memorial hall
Near the bottom right there is some space between stores called "The Pit". I'm assuming the pit of death.
you guys are all wrong. its a motherboard or something
The center area looks like a vagina, and the name of it is polk place, or Poke Place
on the top it says south... then on da bottom its south road
ROTC=roll on the... cock?
south is up north dipshits!!!!
it says the pit
"Peabody" building looks like a silhouette of a food processor "Philipps" building looks like a ... sewing machine?
Rotc isnt a building im a slut if u want to have hot nude sex call 512-981-8648
The pit is where the naughty ones go..
Well, the building names “South” is at the north side of the campus area. It’s not a location its a f’king name, you morons! Where’s the mindfuck?
its a map from the movie "300"
Football field planning
For fucks sake. it says polk place in the middle
or like the map says in the middle on the top "playmakers"
The Davis Library building looks a bit like a library index card.
3 libraries
...the building that says library, is shaped like an index card.
This is UNC chapel hill, nothing is wrong he... OMG, KILL IT WITH FIRE!!! no, but seriously, I go to classes in these buildings, the only brix being shit here are the ones you get from eating at the cafeteria (Lenior).
GUYS!!! Upper left building says 'peabody' on it, like from Portal 2.
what the fuck is "The Pit"?
Says south on the top
South Road is on the bottom but South Building is on the top
It resembles a circuit board of some sort???
It says South Road, and on the opposite side it says south on the brown house
THANK YOU! who ever pointed out emerson drive. you are the only non-moron besides me who goes on this website
Alaska is too close to Russia.
theres no other way to gardner polk place!
people on the lower left hand corner it sez hell!!
One word: TETRIS
the building that says "south" on the northern part of the map...idiot!!
I thought it was that the negative space in the middle looks like a vagina and is labeled Polk Place (aka: Poke, like sex) But the house/wilson thing is cool too.
South Road is at the bottom, but the South building is at the top
Davis library is clearly a train...
say polk face outloud it sounds like poke face
ARE YOU GUYS BLIND? Turn your head to the left, the bottem of the map is a face!
Phillips is written with 1 L not 2
there friking footballers
umm "The Pit" sounds pretty unsual unless this is the map of sparta
The only "brick" is the Philips building's shape...
No Brix Were Shat During The Viewing Of This Photo.