Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
The Mindfuck is not the face.... The real Mindfuck is the very black coffee bean which is discriminated of the otherz...
theres a face between the n and the y
Thierry Henry!!
there is a head over the N
the face on the bottom kinda left hand side
I see eleventy-seven vaginas.
i see the fucking head! so just shut up! look a little bit left from the middle!! DOWN!!
is that Karl Pilkington?
Vegeta what does the scouter say about coffee inventory? IT'S OVER 9000!!!
vin diesel :L
guys any1 notice a dick head at the top of the T
The picture is copied over severval times, hence the identical nuts. and there is a spy among them.
racist coffee bean!!!
Before I even look at this picture I say "ok, where's the black guy"
gentlemen.. We gave a spy in our coffee beans...
illegal coffee beans what!?
Holy schidzoo! It's Phil Collins, there above the space between "when" and "you"
The Mindfuck is not the face.... The real Mindfuck is the very black coffee bean which is discriminated of the otherz...
aww hez a lonly loner
Vin Diesle As THE COFFEE BEAN!!!
the real mindfuck is that someone has a so fucked up mind that they actually takes a picture of their coffe beans!
karl pilkington's perfectly spherical head
tiny vaginas
There's a piece of rabbit/guinea pig poo in there.
i see a dude like bottom-middlish section
He was dead, but got better
The 3 shit coloured bean pairs r the same
Agent 47
its vin diesl !
Where's the creepy black guy? :< all i'm seeing is a coffee been diving white one
Black guy got lost.
Guy which's head looks like a PINGAS on left side down
LOL i was staring at this for ages and i just realised where it is XD
vin diesel >The elephant in the room
The persons head in the botom left corn
holy shit its jesus!!!!
It'sa mya caca
Я смеюсь над моим ишаком LAMO
Follow the left side of the "U" until it's in the middle of the picture... IT'S ALIEN!!!!
What is it supposed to be?
isi that mr. bean?
its a head!!! right above the space between the n and the y!! omg!! so cool!!
Where's the black man?
its missing a finger
its look like a shell lols, the human head was shrink
Ohh i see the head. Above the "N".
Landon Donovan!!
i found the black bean.
EPICER=RECIPE just had to share that revelation. btw, i eat coffee beans and my piss is white. just had to share that.
I always did like head with my coffee.
I see the Nazi sign.... O____________O
I saw this in an ad once...
i left my dad in the coffee too long sorry
ahh goning to get my coffee beanz HOLY SHIT THEIRS A MAN IN THEM!!!! LOOK PEOPLE ONTHE BOTTOM!!! dumbs asses
dear shit.
Vin Diesel
a mans head is as big as a coffee bean
Its Mexico's president!!!
bricks have been shat
Lol the MindFuck Is Face lol
So many nuts, and only one fag to lick them all.
Karma guy is always watching.
james gandolfini in the cocksucking coffeebeans
I say that those are beetles. I don't care what you say, they're beetles. :D
Dude these look rotton im not drinking starbucks anymore
I see phil collins
head above n
one is black..
he was dead , but got better
I did it in my school :D
Bald guy under...
FUCK! I left my baby in the beans again! SHIT!
All i see is bunny poop :)
He was dead, but got better
there are lots of vaginas...
Hey everybody its Mr.Bean
Yet another undercover brother! XD
that black bean... its deer shit... and that face at the bottom... trying to find it to nibble on it like a needle in a haystack.
At first I thought it was some cockroaches between the cocoa beans, but then I saw the face.
It's a white guy this time! :D
Vin Deisel!!??!!
theres a face...hahahahahahah too funny!!!!!!!!!!
turns out the guys is allergic too beans x]
It's head shot Dan!
a black dud in the middle of an asian crowd..
if u look real hard, so very hard, you may spot an anus somewhere in all that browness.
Is a bald taylor lautner! :O
ouch i think that was a cinder block
miniman's on the move!!
Where did he get coffee beans that big?
A Box full of Pussys :D
coffee bean is missing a finger
Ho Shit!!!
there is a vagina
That's the premierminister of sweden!
Dude, I see this every day in german call-in Quiz show, it isn't fucking funny anymore!!!!
lol a nigger bean
It would have been funnier if that was the face of Mr. Bean
oh shit! haha
we were looking for no white guy but a black guy
They all look like vaggies
O MI GAWD ITS A FUCKIN FACE!!!! and a rly black coffie bean
There used to be a commercial like this on tv but then they all looked up and it was just dozens of bald niggers packed tightly.
i found waldo!
Obvious Photoshop job... See the bean in the middle above the first E? And then to the right above the U, and then the one above the last E. All teh same bean!!!
Where'd Jerry go!?
when you see it you'll shit coffee beans
Harhar. this is RTL QuizBreak :D
Daily life of a Ninja :D
Theres 1 unopened bean?
IF you look close you can sea a coffe bean
Coffee beaner!!!!!!
add me on fb my email:delacruzdaeniel16@yahoo.com
Its A Beaner!
Who saw the puppies face 'bout four beans above "OU" in you in addition to the man face?
that scared the shit outa me! i was looking up close to find it and POP fucking dude in the stuff.
one of the beans is missing a finger
He was dead, but got better
noob not the black bean!! look at the below bottom!! theres a brown guy with no hair!!
"I'll take one bag of African Blue Mountain Blend." *Person at coffee shop counter hands over the bag.* "Ahhh it tastes so refres- HOLY SHIT!!!"
This time it is not the face of a black man
Oh Dear. I Shit A Little That Time. B.E
a lot of vaginas
i farted a little. im srs
the face scared the fuck outta me -.- my face was up close, i thought it was in the black and i glance up and hes like ILL RAPE YOU!
The Mindfuck is not the face.... The real Mindfuck is the very black coffee bean which is discriminated of the otherz...