Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
paris hilton's vagina
are we inside a goatse?
manbearpig is there
Stalagtite's missin a finger
wtf is up with people and fingers?! On basically every image some dumbass says, "Oh, look, it's missing a finger."
on the right... theres a rockman laying with a boner. (head over the CK)
On the right hand side there are two rocks what make a 'U' shape in between them, there is a face inbetween these rocks! (=
middle right looks like a bears face... with the mouth open.
Ok, where's the black guy?
Welcome to hell
Killer wale
Look Above where it says ShitBricks there is a face in the gap between the rock.
trying to find the nigger...
Your Moms Vagina?
white cockkkk
teh big fucking white cock in teh middle of the picture
its guy wearing a hat with two bowling balls
OMG the cave is missing a finger!
On the right of the picture, the rock looks like a man on his back jacking off, his head being closest to the camera
I can't see no nigger, but I fucking know it's there..
The entrance at pedobear´s cave and the shadows are the kids that grow up D:
on the top of the cave it says GULLIBLE
wow its a cave... fucking sweet
Seriously, atleast 3 boners, and some faces in the back
it's the finger witch is missing
turn your monitor down, pedobear will appear
look at all them niggas hiding in that cave :O
I see an old lady carrying a grocery bag
what the fuck is a fucken goatse plus there is a black guy masturbating by the rock
I see hitler, not a black guy /confused
women buried on bottom right head then two tits and one huge damn boner of some sort
manbearpig and pedo bear is making pedo manbearpigs in there
why the fuck r u putting chain letters on this shit u fucken piece of shit plus there not even real
on the left! have a skull
there is a horse head
a few penisis
This is Timpanogos cave, I think.
ok. i give up. where is the black guy?!
face on the right looks like Genshin
At first it looks like a guy rubbing off his dick. HE CAME INSIDE GOATSE
black guy
its a bloody yelling face on the left of the screen. look carefully and the brix will be shat
Actually the white thingin the back looks like michael myers
where's the black guy?
It is a Skul in right part of tunnel.
You guys are retarded, on the roof of the cave there is an open mouth and a nose near the upper center.
were inside hillary clintons vagina. BEHOLD THE SPACE OF EMPTINESS!!! oh yeah, also she likes to shove tiny black people into there
likes like there are lots of faces hiding at the back
Ok, i give up, where's the black guy?
it's sin from final fantsy x
what the LOL!!!
Charlie Sheen smokin' crack in the back
its called mindfuck for a reason
Black guy top right
Today i saw a squirrel in my school :)
the caves missing a finger
Where's the Niqqy? >:)
The white rock in the middle is casting a shadow that looks like a person
Goatse shit makes no sense. who's with me?
its a lost kkk member to the right of the rock
oh flarrrnnn! baby climbing down the s'tites. noooo i shyat a stalactite!!!
there is an eye on the left corner duh!
Laddd its Goats!!!!!!!
mmmmmmmmmm I think there's a black guy somewhere!!!
black guy or ninja somewhere....
its a lost kkk member to the right of the rock
I see fifty ninjas there.
that stalagtite has a boner
okay.. where is the black guy ?
Hehehe, thats kinda stupid
hell door ^
What the FUCK is a goatse U fucking idiot
dildo in the middle, above the D and F
follow the M straight up, there is an eye, ar-tards.
This site sucks.
ok i give up wheres the black dude !?!?
looks like a person is falling through the ceiling
A Shock Frozen Man OMG!! at the middle :))
zoey startled the witch!!!
it´s the face of heihachi mishima xD
Okay I give up. Where's the black guy.
went hella upclose on that.
It's a mouth in the roof
and theres a hand showng the middlefinger.
pay atention.
dont jump.....
in the right side .. chupa chupss :)
It's the result of goatse
anyone else noticing the lion faces in the back?
in the middle in the dark there is a white figure. creepy...
i see a snog at the end of the tunnel!!
It's your moms vag
If you look very closely... you'll see the batcave.
three inches up three and a half inches to the right from side is a skull
dde! its otthat har too see... theres a chick in the background...
Left side, skull
black people.. wow sooo funny
There's about 70 black guys in there.
in the top left theres a spooky face
on the top of the cave it says GULLIBLE
You missing finger fucks arnt funny its stupid just like you if your gonna post shit make it funny
You are all so stupid!!!!!!! theres a woman standing in the middle!!!! the white thing!!! pretty shit one though!!!!
dude thats alot of black people in the background
damn. the black guy is hard to find in this one
look to the right of the big white rock. looks like there's a woman there! weird...
there is a kind of a dinosaur on the right side ..
looks like a bear is having a massive orgasm
thats an odd place to put a piano
It's a killer whale... sheesh.
It's an entire crowd of black people.
dumbasses and there fingers. by the way do you finger your mom with that?
manbearpig and pedo bear is making pedo manbearpigs in there
its my teachers vag
fuck the fucking philippines, they can fill up my goatse!
damn kkk their aint no black people out there
Manbearpig is in there you guys im being totaly cereal!
top middle on the roof is a screaming face
things that start to annoy on time... fingers!!!, goatse!!!!(dont know what the fuck it is), seeing vaginas and boners everywhere!!!!, and stupid mindfucks that are not fun like finding barely visible faces!!!!
On the left there's a big redish alien type face superposed on the picture of the cave. And also lots of faces in the background.
The mountain thingy above the 'MIND'. if you tilt your screen and look from the bottom, there's a face at the top.
black dude in the cave
inside paris hilton's vag?
oh look another fucking missing finger. oh yeah. theres not even a fucking hand in the picture to put fingers on.
Top of the tall lit up white looking rock just to the left is a face in that rock...freaky
Its Martha Stewart's vagina.
the cave is missing a finger X3
Tha cafe is missing a finger
paris hilton's vagina