Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
If you saw dolphins, elephants or monkey, i have bad news for you..
Under her left hand it looks like a carved monkey face! The tree above her looks like an elephant head! The rock behind her looks like a dolphin! And my monitor looks like full of jizz from fap-fap-fap-fap-fap.... :D
fapfapfapfapfapSPLOOOOOGE...oh yeah, I see an elephant, dolphin, and monkey...now lemme go clean up.
America hasn't spilled oil there. OMFG!
Honda (Street Fighter) on top right corner
I'd fuck the woman while all the animals watch us!
seriously... no one saw the crocodile?
Sorry, can't comment. Too busy fingering the puss.
dont look at the dolphins the chick is SOOO mutch hotter
shes giving the animals a boner...
Stop Looking And START FAPPING!!!
anyone find the green guy behind the girl's leg playin tugga war and the croc
There is a kneeling man behind her bottom.
I see a guy fapping off on my monitor. Wait...
Youre all disgusting old pervs, please would you kindly piss off?
i'd cum in her mouth after her ass and telling her to suck my cock
2 monkeys, elephant, dolphin coming out from hurricane's eye, crocodile and a hot chick
Elephant, Human Woman, Crocodile, Dolphin, Tree Man/Woman, Monkey, Whirlpool.
sex her up while animals watching
Right side, near elephants tusk: Alligator head.
I see a monkey, elephant, a dolphin and an alligator... The alligator is one of the roots in the tree, just right of the elephant's face. You can see the teeth. There's also what looks like a man swinging from a vine (Tarzan, perhaps?) also to the right, behind the chick's leg... Heheh.
The elephant is smelling my maid's butt.
The right part of the tree trunk is also a crocodile and the moss by her but is a guys fishing or somthing
she's the monkey !!! haha
the grinch is behind the top off her leg
No one saw the crocodile??
Theyres a crocadile in the pic......FIND IT >:D
Theres alos a crocodiles head to the right of the elephant tree thing Its attach to the same tree es the elephant
theres a girl or something at the right of the elephant
"If you saw dolphins, elephants or monkey, i have bad news for you.." How did YOU notice?
She is wearing a headband over her junk.
i see a monkey, elephant, alligator, a monkey shooting a bow and arrow, dolphins, and an absolutely smoking girl
Omg. Did none of you see the green moss guy next to the elephant?? Or was i the only one??? o_O
it looks like the dolphin is getting sucked into the aerial view of a hurricane.
i saw boobs
OK ... So you guys found The Elephant, The Monkey, The Dolphin and The Almost Unnoticable Babe. But did anyone notice Hurricane Katrina under The Dolphin -.-'
theres a man behind her legs, he is pointing and his leg is the bent moss..and then the dolphin, monkey, and elephant
directly to the right of her ass that moss looks like a man.
A mermaid? on top right of screen? ahahha idding . MONKEY FACE :)
There is an alligator there too!!
RE:[if you saw dolphins, elephants or monkey, I have bad news for you..] you pointed them out, so you must of saw them :/
there is also an aligator at the end of the right root of the elephant tree :P
No one notice Nessy in the water?! :P
did anyone else see he man fishing?
I see an Elephant,monkey,dolphin and Anaconda
Noone saw the 2nd Girl in the Picture?
I mindfucking her ATM
Wait there's animals? I was to busy staring at her tits to realise...
pedobear is watching
There's a green monster behind the girl. Ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha.
Umm, is that an elephants head behind her?
Theres also a crocodile, right from the elefant.
i see etzio auditorie from assins creed top middle and to the right a little
There's a croc there too
lol . animals in disguise . just takin a peek >.
Can u guys not see the alligator???
there's a croc on the right of the elephant....
where is her penis????
Tarzan is also on there 0o...
I see a crocodile, elephant, and a dolphin. ... oh, and some chick.
I see a crocodile as well
There may be a freakin elephant, but im looking at THE HOT CHICK LYING ON THE TREE
MONKEY MAN rite behind her ASS!!
Cockroach leg near the left knee of the girl
You guys for got the crocodile and lion carved in the wood by her head
Does any one see the green person skiing above her left leg?
Besides the elephant, the dolhin and th monkey, I also spotted a crocodile. You can see its open jaws, it is below that trunk on top righ.
There is a crocodile there too.
OK but what about the crocodile? xD Do I still get bad news?
there's a dolph...oh fuck it FAP FAP FAP
I see an elephant, and TITTIES!
I just see tits..
Own up. Who wants rape her bumhole?
crocodile next to elephant i see a birds beak next to her face.
there is a man cathching fish on the butt of the girl
actually its 5, elephant, dolphin, monkey, crocodile under her legs, and troll above her legs.
Elephant Head + Dolphins + Monckey + CROCODILE
is saw also an crocodile ^^
SWAMP MONSTER! *Peter Griffin's voice*
What about the croc mouth in the tree roots?
there is a monkey face on the wood under the wood that the girl is layed
there's also a crocodile just to the right of the elephant/tree and a green man pulling on green vine directly below the elephant's left tusk, or beside the modles but.. and... fapfapfap...
Theres a croco too
a horny elephant in disguise a monkey staring at you from below and mossy dolphins... oops forgot to look at the model
the tree has eyes ..lol
I can't believe none of you can see my boner
a monkey, a elephant, a dolphins and a alligator
Has anyone noticed the crocodile head on the right hand side? MINDFUCK
dolphin.....JUMPING OUT OF A HURRICANE?!?!?!?!
elephant on the bark. #modz
If you see it.... you're probably gay!
tree is elephant
There's a gator a lil on the right of the elephant
i see the crocodile !
there is a face on her legs
also see the crocodile above the letters "IT"
There are 4 animals. 1. under her hand is a monkey face. 2. the tree behind her is an elephant head. 3. the rock in the water behind her is a dolphin. 4. on the right side of the elephant head, sticking out of the turnk (it is still a piece of the tree) is a crocodile or aligator head with it's jaws open.
I can see a green golfer by her thigh
there is a green guy with a golf club right behind her perfect ass
a galaxy uner the dolphin your blind in science
There is also a crocodile's head on the right coming from the "elephant" tree.
i see an aligotor!
all correct.. but she is pregnant ..
AM I the only one that sees the alligator?
I saw aligator
Nobody can see the crocodile on the right of the elephant, on the root ?
there´s a crocodile head at the right radix of the elephant, too.
theres a lochness monster the green thing!!
photoshop sucks
i can see even CROCODILE on the right of elephant head ;D
There floating, I saw to god weres the ground?
You missed the crocodile
If you look behind her ass there's a monkey, under her left hand there's a monkey face, on the tree an elephant, and way behind her dolphins if you saw these things you truely are gay
Anyone actually notice the green golfer leaning against her ass or the hurricane the dolphin jumped out of
If you look really close... you'll see a milky white fluid on the screen.
anyone realised the green, waterskiing kid behind her ass?
This made me whatch porn
Elephant Head + Dolphins + Monckey Head
there is an alligator in there as well
She hasn't got her tits out.
i see a tornado sucking up the dolphin
Anyone see Indiana Jones lassoing a crocodile?
why is no one talking about the crocodile to the right?
Am I the only one who was looking for her dick?
ally gater 2
i see two monkeys O.o
yeah, did you guys even notice the moss covered person pulling a vine attached to an alligator's mouth... to the right of the elephant. behind the goddesses left leg. too busy fap fap fapping?
Kinds of animals I see: Elephant(head),monkey(head),mokey(whole body).dolphin(whole body),crocodile(head), and a gorilla (whole body). I HAVE MAGICAL EYEZ!!!
oh shit a crocodile and guy pointing a stick are there too.
I see my hand on my pe... oh you meant in the picture?
all i see is my next wife?
i saw the crocodile
I am the only one who sees a dolphin in the water?
she also has a penis!
Dolphins over her torso, monkey next to her butt, monkey's face below her hand and the obvious elephant is above her butt.
did really anyone see the snake on the right of the elephant?
ai caramba ! :3
did any of you see the water skier by the elephant?
Sports illustrated swimsuit edition.
In addition to the dolphin, monkey, and elephant, I also found an alligator directly right of the elephant's nose and a crow's head directly under the hottie's face!
no one seen the crocodile?... no...? no one? ok then, am i screwed? or is it just u that are all fucked inside yo heads?
elephant, monkey,dolphins, crocodile, caveman
dolphin, monkey, elephant ...AND FUKKEN CROCO TO THE RIGHT
I'm a chic and all I saw was the beautiful girl… took me a while to find the monkey and the elephant… but i am pretty high right now
I am the only one who sees a dolphin in the water?
you forgot the crocodile
Virgins, virgins everywhere
elephant, monkey, dolphin, alligator, and FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP...
OMG! The elephant is MISSING A FINGER!
all i see is a retarded slut
above her left leg, theres a guy crouching playing golf or something. Fishing maybe?
Does anyone else see the man made of moss at the bottom of the tree?
does anyone notice the fucking tree is an elephant
There's a person, too, right above her thigh.
fapfapfapfap....yeah, i meant the hot tree..
The tree behind her looks like an elephant..
evryone forgot the crocodile beside the elephant
pedophant is here!!!!!!
OMG the loch ness monster is behind her in the water!!!!!
did anyone else notice the alligator coming out of the elephant tree?
Dolphins are in the top left, elephant is the tree, crocodile is a root on the right side of the tree, monkey is under the chicks legs, wood pecker under chicks head.
wtf is wrong with you people
Can u guys not see the alligator???
i can see my dick getting harder.. oh shitt im gonna cum..!!
Pedo elephant
I noticed a green man under the the left tusk of the elephant O.o
Theres also a crocodile on the right side and what looks like a dudes leg
and the Grinch upper the leg of the girl!!!!!!!!!
alligator or crocodile to the right of the elephant
If you saw the animals first, then your perfectly normal Otherwise, I have bad news for you...
best disguise ever
am i the only one that sees a moss man right beside her ass?
I've seen enough photos to says that's it might have been shopped
There's also a crocodile coming from the same tree as the elephant
there is a green monkey right behind her, and a crocodile on the right side of the tree/elephant
How come nobody saw what I did? Look just above her upper hip, kinda hiding among the tree roots, is a creature that looks like a green primate of some type. Can anyone else see it? The face is pretty clear, and you can make out the body.
There's a person hiding in the tree covered in moss. Look to the right of her legs.
Elephant tree; Monkey Face and a dolphin jumping out of a tornado. Well done
I saw a crocodile next to the elephant
theres also a birds head under hers
not america BP!!!!
There's a crocodile in there too, to the right of the elephant and down a bit
i was like this does not make me shit brix until i read the comments and noticed allthe fucking things carved in the trees
No one noticed the green person fishing? Really?
I need to stop smoking bud. These pictures are trippin me out.
Right side, near elephants tusk: Alligator head.
the elephant is missing a finger
i saw her dick first
look at the chick it looks like she has a small dick
1)Fine ass girl. 2) Dolphins. 3) Elephant tree. 4) Monkey face underneath her left hand. 5) Crocodile coming out of the elephant tree to the right. 6) Creepy looking face on the top right corner. 7) Weird ass fucking grinch/monkey type shit above her left leg holding on to the vine FUCK! KILL IT!!!
What bout the giant penis? .. . .oh yeah, only I can see that
omg she has a dick!
I see a green golf player behind her butt...
I've seen enough hentai....
anybody have been seing the croc?
green man pulling something under the tree
she's not in the kitchen
Am I the only one who saw samra at the rigth corner???
Lol nip-slip
I bet you nearly every guy didn't even notice the background
If you look closely, you will se a really hot chick in the middle..
so nobody saw the alligator on the right, next to the elephant?
There is also a alligator to the right of the elephant. It has his mouth open.
JAPANESE TENTACLE PORN. Oh wait. The elephant and the dolphins dying in the whirlpool. I got excited there for a second =/
I can see the half of a man's body holding a stick just above the girl's leg.
What if I'm a girl?
Anyone noticed the Birdies Head under her head?
Elephant Tree, Monkey by hand, dolphins in distance and a golfer on her ass.
look at the legs, FTW? and, the evolution of dolphins in the back, they are still the same
I see it... her clothes are still on.
ter is a dolphin in the water
Saw the dolphin, elephant, and alligator. Took me a minute to see the monkey xD
She is in a fuckin zoo!
I came bricks.
I see a woolly mammoth. Right above her elbow is the trunk.
LOL I can't believe none of you see the fucking hurricane. Fake picture is fake.
There is also another monkey right behind her. It's green.
I can see the Crocodile at the side of the elephant!!!!!
here are the animals: the elephant (right in the middle) , monkey ( near the lady's hand), bird (right of monkey), alligator ( right of elephant), dolphin ( top left), and eagle ( left of lady's head)
There is a person fishing in the moss
I see a dolphin, a monkey, and a elephant..... On to the next one
What About The Giant Green Grass Hopper Just Above Her Hips/Ass !!!
If u look at the elephant tree, slide down it's root to the right u will find a crocodile's head
what about that moss person fishing? no one saw that?
oh, well the first thing I saw was an elephant but I'm a girl. Now I guess I know for sure I'm straight!
Theres A Crocodile As Well!!!
There A guy Under her Leg and between the branch that her arm touching
mind less, fuck more
She's out of the kitchen
I jizzed bricks
If you saw dolphins, elephants or monkey, i have bad news for you..