Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Guy half naked. Nothing more.
- Nurech -
But those girls are adorable!!
I'm just a girl with a thing for asian girls. >< -
Normal Day in Japan
In his mind, he's saying "It's go time!"
I don't blame him, I would drop my pants for them, too.
My camera brings all the japs to the yard, and they're like Konnichiwa
He's so proud standing there! XD LOL
oh! i see! mind fuck is tubby on the right
wanna fuck the girl 2nd from right! YEA BABY! MORE!! ((((((:
Mmmmmm.... Japanese schoolgirls. Knee socks, skirts, no panties, bushy beavers.
he wants to rape them xD
She's missing a finger!
that fat girl isn't giving me head
That guy in the back is going commando!
Coming into port... Droping anchor
he had no time to take off all his clothes
guy half naked
4th one is hot O_O oh and guy stripping
Hmm... look for clues, kids
It's photoshopped! The pants-down guy is a Korean guy who tore off his clothes in response to a call in a football game. He was so displeased, he pretty much stripped.
The fourth one is pointing a gun to her head
Guy stripped down to his underwear in an girl only school, how he get there.
lol the plastic bag has a vagina
Well no problem here..
I don't care what anyone says, those girls are so damn adorable!
They're not studying.
No japanese girl is gonna hit u,manbitch
the fat asian is missing a finger
Dude... what's with her hand? O.o
omg ewwwww thats disgusting........a fat chick.........
haha naked half pervert shes makein a 'L' oser sighn for all u creeps
Well, orgy's don't start themselves
Lmfao wtf.. XD He is about to get rugby tackled by the headmaster as you can see if you look at the top 8D.
y do asians always throw up a peace sign in pictures?? lol
photo bomb.
it's go time.
The "Babel" japanese girl!
Finally, something obvious. I feel less stupid, which is not saying much.
Although there is a half naked man in the back, the real issue is all of the fucking gooks. Let's fucking bomb them, they literally won't see it coming. BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH BWONG
NUMBER ONE: half naked dude in the background NUMBER TWO: the girl on the far right is fat :D
Another normal day in Japan.
Meanwhile in Japan...
if you look closely, you will see that they are all squinting
more like "asian students in pubic park"! hee hee! so naughty XD
the girl second to the right has 2 thumbs
he forgot his spiderman costume
trust me or not, my captcha says "gonna die" weird! dont u think?
# 135, I'm with you, there's nothing better!!!!!! Thanks for your input; any more???
hey retards the girl at far left is missing aleg. wen she crosses them theres suposed to be one underneath thother. and thers not. DUH
And no one noticed the fucked up hand on the girl second from the right?
4th is Nevada-tan
full of fucking fails!!!!!!!!!!
ha man in his underwear
Her hand.
Right... I noticed a) this is an all girl school, B) there is a man about to flash himself in the background,, In conclusion: GOATSE! its missing a finger! AAAAH KEEL IT!!
Photoshop. The guy was originally in a Korean protest news shot.
theres some loser fucktard thats just writing down the URL thinkin hes cool
one on the far right is trying to hide a boner
oh it's just a half nak- OMG ITS A FAT CHICK KILL IT KILL IT!!!!!!!
i was just like, ooh just a bunch of girls, they're kinda pretty to- OMFG WUT THA HECK IS THAT
that guy made my day ! xD
i actually didnt see this one, it took me forever because i was lookin at the girls thinkin it was them. i was like seriously, this one sucks. then i looked at the comments and then i saw it.........
oh, ninjas!
4 girls sitting front of an half-naked asian man. nothing to worry.
guys u got the half naked fucker in the back but look at the girls hand on the right beside the fat one...TAKE MY STRONG HAND....ur welcome.
JAPANESE girls doing the ENGLISH peace sign?
i dont see... wait a minute........ WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
probally me when iom 60 xD
the one chicks hand is weird and theres a guy with no pants in the back
They all have V For Vendetta Masks on.
Hes taking his cloths of cause.. It super hot outside. O:
He has more tits than the girls.
he just tans
whats with the peace / victory hand sign with these japanese girls?? what lacking is their tongue in between the fingers.. XD
is the guys behind em half naked and have boobies??? o.O
hado gay! HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
The 4th girl ur looking at is my gf ^^,
Theres 2 things... Man goin nude, and then there all extremely adorable except for the last one
omg, am i the only 1 who have seen scary movie 2??, the hand is from the houseowner -.-
naked guy is missing a finger
Omg its Dennis Ferguson!
Jackie Chan in the background
its the first thing i looked at :) -
Indecent exposure?!.....lol!
All girls got same color on their socks! omfg WTF LOL AMAZING SHIT i was ABIt unsure but SERIOUSLY HOW CAN THAT HAPPEN
they all in peace sign .
the girl at the far left looks kinda like a man
i saw a camel
She really IS missing a finger!
ohh i see it its chubaka on the far right
some one used a Photo Bomb tool!
ugly fat chik right cornner
whats so weird about 5 little boys giving the peace sign?
wait, did he die?
They all are saying how many buffet parties the fat one went to that day.
funny LOL
Jap: Its go time ladies!!! Jap girls:Yay!!! Chubby Jap girl:(cries) Finally!.. I can no longer be a virgin!!! Jap:(looks at her and looses his erection and sweats) She's not coming, right?
trust me or not, my captcha says "gonna die" weird! dont u think?
FAP-FAP-FAP-FAP-FA OMFG MAN THE HARPOONS WE GOTS US A WHALE...wait, don't worry, the japanese beat us to it.
it's a bird! it's a plane! NO IT'S GAY MAN!!!! ta ta ta ta!!!!!
lol its so asian
middle girl is cute for some reason i love that hairstyle too bad theres a PEDO GETTING NAKED IN THE BACKROUND!!!
None of them are in the kitchen!
ok pervert in the back..!! SHOOT HIM..!!
What? All's I see is a bunch of asian girls ( Some of which look like Michael Jackson and the other one looks like that little girl from grudge who doesn't know how to moan right. Poor horny girl) and a half naked asian man. Whats so special ?
Photo bombin'!
meanwhile, in Japan..
oh i was looking at the ugly chick to the right i thought it was a guy, i never even noticed that man in the back
There' no way not to shit a brick, isn't it?
The guy has an extra finger!!!
this is like heaven, is a japanese girls campus, the one next to the fatty is the most adorable, i would do the same as the guy if a could be there.. :D *Mariutoo
he got balls to get half naked in all girls school
meanwhile in japan
Is there something wrong with me cause I saw the half-nude guy before the girls?
there's my grandad, and he's not taken his medication again - oh-boy!!
meanwhile, in japan
the girl second from the right isn't doing a peace sign she's doing the L / loser sign osht
Smash their yellow faces, kick their fuckin bum When they plee for mercy, we will show none Skinhead, skinhead, 'til the job is done
theres an ugly asian far right
I want to fuck an Assian
Jap Girls: V for Victory! Jap guy in background: wahaha take a picture of my underwear too
I don't see it.
only in japan
It ain't gonna suck itself.
The one on the far left is actually Indian!
four hot chicks and one Grenade
it's just a bunch of sexy girls fapfapfapfapfa- WTF A FAT GIRL
so the men in japan have bigger tits then the women?
^nooo... mind fuck is the fact these silly asians think that by getting a diploma they will avoid working in a cheap, disgusting factory making nike trainers and shit.
[TOM] -
loud and proud!!
OMG it is another wrinkled white guy he stands out from all the chinese
Has to happen. Lookin like a fool with ya pants on the ground.
there are only thee letters to descride this W T F
This picture is lacking in Gingers.
the guy has tits. bigger ones than the girls, no doubt.
Stupid Asians.
two elephants: one at the top and one at the right.
Iz go Tym!
Guy: who wants SECKS?!?!?111!!
omg it's a chunky asian chick....ok i kno it's the naked guy in the bk but what is up the chick sitting next to the fat one's hand...and the one on the far left looks like she scared of something probably the old naked pervert
That girl (second to right) with the fucked up hand looks like she's from the grudge.
Oh look it's Mr. Chao from 'the hangover" ;P
obviously Photoshopped
Photo Bomber strikes again
fatty in undies and the top right tree is like a fucking demon eye
One of them is FAT!
I love japan
is it a private school and for girls only..? holy shit.. man what are u doing in a girl schooL ^_^
Okay so in every single on someone says "*something* is missing a finger", then when that's actually the case... THEY SAY THERE IS A FAT MAN!?
damn dude put some fucking clothes on but damn he musta stripped fast lmao
go lord vader! do not hesitate, or show no mercy!
loli rape is a perfectly normal activity when you live in Japan :D
they would all loose if someone else chose rock instead of scissors. o.O
hahaha.. ^^ wooow !
there is a fat girl
the mans pedo bear in discis x3
The fourth one is so adorable.
the chick on the right is been fucked just now
hey retards the girl at far left is missing aleg. wen she crosses them theres suposed to be one underneath thother. and thers not. DUH
the girl is fat. XD
Aaaaand just like that, I'm a lesbian. o_O
EWWWW and ugly fat asian!! (no, the girl on the far right.) -SeanNolan5
he's transforming into superman!
The one on the left also isn't a Girl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERzTfsFpSaY&feature=related
wots that man doin
WTF is that shit at the girl on the background right above the leftmost cutie on the foreground? is THAT realy a bag?
...The "Asian" chick to the very right look's like a Mexican 0o.
Holy shit the girl second from the right is soooo hot
ya know it's sad that the dude has the biggest titties in the pic!!!
her bag says galleria.
EW asians!
standing like a boss 2nd from the right, HOT!!!!
Why the fuck would Asian girls be holding up a peace sign?
OMG! fat asian girl!
This is why I want to go to Japan. XDD
OMG The 4th girl from the left is Go-Go From Kill Bill!! RUN RUN!!!
the nude guy is missing a black guy's face?
oh i thought the girl from the far right was the photobomb...........silly me
a true man of vision. when he saw that girl draw the camera, he saw an opportunity. my personal hero.
The bitch on the left looks like she's pissed. Like she wants a smoke but she wants the cock head with the camera to fuck off b4 she does
I can't see anything wro... OH SHIT THERE'S A FAT ONE!
He killed something when he dropped his pants...
"What is w/ asain people and the piece sighn???" It's not just Asians, dude, it's everyone. My 13-yr-old cousin (American) is always flashing it.I have pics of at least 5 different friends (all American) in my Facebook flashing a peace sign. Kinda dorky, if you ask me. Almost as dorky and overused as the universal rock-and-roll headbanger hand sign.
how can a guy b there in girls school
1st girl adorable 2nd girl beautyfull 3rd girl mybe a slut 4th girl wanna fuck her 5th girl...HAAAAAAAAAAA KILL IT KILL IT..KILL IT WITH FIRE
half-naked fag in the back... and the fourth girl to the over.. whats wrong with her hand oh and my captcha is seasonal pleasure lol
ok, 3 photo bombers 1-half naked man 2-fat chick at right 3-Asian Michael Jackson to the left
Missing fingers. Duh.
manboobage ftw
white men are dissgusting filth that shall not be allowed breathing air.
OMG 2 of those girls (middle and one to her right) are from sailor moon live action!!!!!! EEEEEEE^_^
asian girls <3
look at the 2nd girl from right (the really cute one :-)) ... isn't there something wrong with her hand??
The fat one photo bombed....
pedo bear detect XD
The second one from the right looks like the actress that played Gogo in Kill Bill. I think that was her name.
nude guy in the back ground fourth girl from the left has exorcist face and only one hand. second girl from left has a bag that says GALERIA. thats spanish for market (but direct translation is gallery). if shes asian, what is she doing at a spanish market?
they're all tv traffic reporters now but i want the middle one!
Okay 1) naked pride 2) both of those girls hands need help 3) the girl on the far right looks like she is just popping her head in and shes not supposed to be there and OMFXZXBBG!!!!That girls bag is in english!! lmao
Gary Glitter
HOORAY for ofensive hand signals!
rofl epic photobomb
Thats all not right the one girl is doing the loser sign instead of the peace sign. But that guy is also really messed up!
the fat asian on the far right is trying to fit in????
Its supermans day off!!!
Girl Secong from the right reminds me of that Creepy guy of Scary Movie 2....TAKE MA STRONG HAND!!
oh my fuck! its the return of the grudge!
The body of man, the mind of pedo bear.
Ok, stripping man... but hey, Japanese school uniforms are so cute ><
Guy half naked. Nothing more.
A fat girl jumped in with the cool girls?
I would do the second, third and fourth one.
That's TOTALLY something I would do. I love to fuck about in the background of people's pictures.
Like hell do they know what that means ;)
they all have two fingers
one of dose bitches is a fucking nigga!
thats a weird hand holy sh**
Just another normal Japaneses park.
"Dammit, Mr. Kimura! Not again!"
Where's pedobear?
Ahh i see, the fat lass at the end.
Except for uggo on the right, ugh
ok remember just rape the 2 girls over there the 2 girls the others are ugly as shit
Extreme photobombing
pants ont he ground pants ont he ground lookin liek a fool with your pants ont he ground
No. .. Is in the left corner of the image
leave the guy in the back alone, if you had to shit a brick you wouldnt care were you were at when it came out
The thing wrong is the girl on the far-lefts face. Dang, that ugly motherf**ker is BUTT-UGLY!
the last one is a sumo fighter
He's got man boobs!!! LOL
Half-naked guy was photoshopped in from a Korean demonstration against importing US Beef. The original has him standing in the middle of an empty street. There are enough read Brix pictures without having to make poor Photoshop substitutes.
Pedo Bear disguised as an Asian dude in the background!!!!!
duh those girls arent on there knees with mouths full of cum gosh!
they're missing a finger
the one on the far left is a man.
XD!! I don't b;ame him, i would drop my oants for them too o_o
omg it's a chunky asian chick....ok i kno it's the naked guy in the bk but what is up the chick sitting next to the fat one's hand...and the one on the far left looks like she scared of something probably the old naked pervert
OMG its MJ wat? to soon?
Thats just not right. What a perv.
They're not in the kitchen.
the guy start shiting
pikachu is missing a finger.
looking like a fool with your pants on the ground, dude .
Apparently Asia wants peace... Fuck it, I'm nuking them for the hell of it.
I see it! All of the girls are hot except the far right one who looks like a fucking goose on it's period.
Omg, it's PSY there!
Well, this is my last day in school, better do something to be remembered for...
NomNomNom... Asians Taste Delicious... And Make Nice Food... Or Is That Indian? These Are The Questions That Haunt Me... From Beth... All My Beloved Love.. ^_^
she missing a finger!
This one is pretty damn funny, being half naked is one thing, but it's just the pose that makes it hillarious. Lol.
That chick is missing a finger! Where's the black guy?
talk about an epic photo bomb
the girl on the far right is fat
epic photo bomber
That's not a half naked guy...
Guy half naked. Nothing more.
- Nurech