Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
There is a thief hiding under the door. Explanation: I can't see anything weird, except for the fan facing the drawers. But then probably it was switched off while it was on the swing. Though I have no idea why would anyone put it on swing is that room. Logically it should have been facing the bed. So I deduce that someone was taking a long time going through the drawers so he pointed the fan towards the drawers. Now, if it had been the owner, he would have known where he put things, but since this guy was there for long enough to need the fan, I deduce he was thief looking for valuables. The window is sealed with some king of net (to keep mosquitoes out I guess (which tells us that this room is in a dirty locality)) so, the thief must have come through the door. But the thief has not stolen what is on top the drawer cabinet. That tells us that he was disturbed in the middle of his work. That means someone walked through the door which was his only escape route. So what does a trapped thief do when his only escape route is blocked? He hides. There is only one place to hide here that is under the bed. So we have conclusively proved that there is a thief hiding under that bed. Now, you can shit bricks.
PEOPLE! COME ON! It's not a window! It's a PROJECTION ON A SCREEN!!!!
okay, where's the black guy?
Too easy, a head at the window ;)
"An Invisible man... sleeping in your bed... Who you gonna call ?"
I SEE...nothing =[ fuck ]
Its a projector
its how fritzl made his victims feel at home in the rape dungeon
Look outside.. there is weed.. he's growing it
the fatherest pic down looks like someone naked to me
i can't believe it? there's a tiwts poster on the wall!!! wait a minute whta the hell is twits??
theres a face on the left window in the middle bottow...
It's a window. It just has an oversized bamboo shade on it.
Twits poster on the wall
thers nothing but a dilldo
Silly people. Face in the corner of the bed. Closest to the camera. Psshh :p
this honestly didnt make me shit bricks at all... i get the point but its a lil lame to be on this site with everything else here.
omg no effin way! a teenage boy's room is actually CLEAN!!!!! omg! stop the presses!!!!! lmao
its a projector not a real window
there's no porn
uhmm. i think the mind fuck here is weed outside the window x)
a finger is missing
haushuashusahhsu lol it's not a window
Look at the posters..
Alien in pattern on bedspread at bottom of picture.
In the right, bottom corner there is a tiger or sumthing
I don't see any black hidden guy, creepy baby face or dinosaur hidden in the clouds... Are you sure we're on Shitbrix ?
Theres a GIANT frog in bottom left of window
A bed can't have a finger!
is that weed in the window? lmao
There is a thief hiding under the door. Explanation: I can't see anything weird, except for the fan facing the drawers. But then probably it was switched off while it was on the swing. Though I have no idea why would anyone put it on swing is that room. Logically it should have been facing the bed. So I deduce that someone was taking a long time going through the drawers so he pointed the fan towards the drawers. Now, if it had been the owner, he would have known where he put things, but since this guy was there for long enough to need the fan, I deduce he was thief looking for valuables. The window is sealed with some king of net (to keep mosquitoes out I guess (which tells us that this room is in a dirty locality)) so, the thief must have come through the door. But the thief has not stolen what is on top the drawer cabinet. That tells us that he was disturbed in the middle of his work. That means someone walked through the door which was his only escape route. So what does a trapped thief do when his only escape route is blocked? He hides. There is only one place to hide here that is under the bed. So we have conclusively proved that there is a thief hiding under that bed. Now, you can shit bricks.
Ok, wheres the black guy??
Dude, that guy is like freaking Sherlock Holmes
its like there is an alien ligth something outside
theres a koffin outside the window
ELMO IS OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOP RIGHT WINDOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Simple the blinds are a projection screeen........
Pornography posters on the wall!!!
1) the window is real - just look at the light on the corner of the room 2) the lowest picture - pron (man-girl-man), but i think it's not SO strange 3) i think realy strange is a smth looks like skeleton on the right botom corner of the left window frame
Alright fuck this! my pareidolia is broken now.
marajuana growing outside?
what the hell is so brick-shittable about this pic?
is that an alien outside the window or just a deformed person?
the window is missing a finger :O
He lives inside of K-Mart, and they're having a special.
wheres the fuckin black guy!!
black guy stol the tv!
the bed is missing a finger!
there´s a black guy who missing fingers under the bed
dude, theres hella porn pictures on the wall...how does no one see that
Lovin the weed.
tahahah!!!!! theres a black man under the bed thats fucking me out!!!
... Oh how great must it be to wake up, open your window, and get a nice smell of some home grown marijuana to start the day off!!
if you look at the fans cord where it raps into a circle it appears to be a face :p
its a projection, the window is smaller at the top than the bottom.
There is a thief hiding under the door. Explanation: I can't see anything weird, except for the fan facing the drawers. But then probably it was switched off while it was on the swing. Though I have no idea why would anyone put it on swing is that room. Logically it should have been facing the bed. So I deduce that someone was taking a long time going through the drawers so he pointed the fan towards the drawers. Now, if it had been the owner, he would have known where he put things, but since this guy was there for long enough to need the fan, I deduce he was thief looking for valuables. The window is sealed with some king of net (to keep mosquitoes out I guess (which tells us that this room is in a dirty locality)) so, the thief must have come through the door. But the thief has not stolen what is on top the drawer cabinet. That tells us that he was disturbed in the middle of his work. That means someone walked through the door which was his only escape route. So what does a trapped thief do when his only escape route is blocked? He hides. There is only one place to hide here that is under the bed. So we have conclusively proved that there is a thief hiding under that bed. Now, you can shit bricks.-signed evil
fake projection with Freddy
Shh quiet down the ninjas are sleeping
Its a projector not a window.... easy mindfuck!!!!!!!!!!!!
ELMO IS OUTSIDE in the top right window. I FOUND IT!
the windows a projector..
Kool-aid man outside!!!
a face at lower part of the wall near the fan, -beng tan cardona rizal
On a poster it says TWITS
it actually is a window with a net curtain, and if you look at the top right of the window there is a reflection of a face
o ventilador ta virado pro armario
The bed is missing a finger
you guys are freaking retarded, there is a person under the blanket
Simon from Alvin and the chickmunks is out the window
TL;DR ^^
thers a dilldo in the kids ass
pic of naked ppl duhhh! :P
There is some nice ass marijuana plants out side the window.
I think that there is someone under the sheet. You can notice some kind of humaniod volume under it.
theres a black guy under the bed !!!!! he has dildo
theres a pile of butt shit in fron of the bed.
Its the Kool Aid man outside the window!
its not a real window dudes... its a fucking projector.
the handle of the drawer, look the three handle is into left but the one handle below into right..
look at the picture above the bed!!!!!1 looks like 3 people wer acting nautey
"hump" is written on the window
are you all retarded? the window is covered by blinds, its not a projection
There is actually 4 ninjas in this picture.
kermit on the bottom (right of the left windows)
I don't see anything. Did the monster tear my eyes out?
Ganja-Plant outside?
i think that's weed growing outside!
wow are you guys retarded ? There is blinds and we can see outside like if there wasnt ! Invisible blinds much !
Pot plant being grown in the window. Your all reatarded
furry art on the wall?
It's obviously Windows for dummies
your all retarded theres a grudge face at the window look closely P.S its not apop up im being for real
One Word... TWITS
there is an image of three men on the wall D:
kool-aid man outside!!! oh yeah!!!
Justin Bieber poster.
its called blinds you fucking idiots
it's a projection window for gods sake, it isnt real.
I think tis is a troll.
If you look really close you can make out a coffin in the window
The window is a lie
there's a man peeing in the far background..hard to see
hey ever tryed reading the posters you twits? >:)
There is a little girl in a dress out the window if you look closely.
is that a fucking casket outside the window, jesus christ? guess someone didnt want to die be far from home when they died
there is a 3 man picture on the wall full of pics :D
the window isnt real, its a projected image
there is a face at the bottom right corner of the bed dumbasses
You can see a slight outline of a guys face on the very left of the window! Come onf guys, really?
Good job Sherlock Holmes ... You deduce the MINDFUCK...
niggas projecting a window in his room!!!!
Since nobody else seems to see this, I'll just tell you guys. On the bottom right poster, it says "Twits." There, now you guys know. Give this a lot of thumbs up so everyone can see the answer.
theres a face in the window at the top of the right side pane
lol looks like there is a little mary jane out side the window.....either that or some dirty pics on the wall lol - Darian Owen BMS 8th grade XD
ok im guessing this is a teenage girls room and theres a picture of 2 shirtless girls on the wall.... just a guess. O.O
The window is real looked to mean fake cuz well do you not see the POT PLANTS!
Oh shit. It's a fan. RUN CHILDREN, RUN!
Well Look who is thinking with both sides of their brain XD
looks like weed plants behind the window ? haha
the beds made lol
the bottom pic on the wall looks like a gay orgie
oh wow, everyones so stupid. i'm tired of looking at pictures with nothing in them, or just tired of looking? theres a coffin outside the window, nubs.
omg fake window!
its a fucking projection screen you fuckin idiots. well, most of you atleast. lol
You see on the lowest picture 3 girls and the middle is naked.
In the top right of the left window there's a guy
if you look super close you can see a room with a bed!! OMG
There is a vibrator on the fan...
See the ghost dog on floor between fan and bed...
A projection on the window screen?!?
Is it marijuana outside?
there is a coffin outside the window
weed. the lights are ultra violet so they can grow the weed!
its a fucking pot plant
The Pan from Pan's Labyrinth on the window, or projection screen, or whatever
is it a windows or a slideshow?
There's a face in the window..
it's a head on the floor, close to the fan!
there is a coffin behind the window...
Black man.
You know there has got to be at least 10 ninjas in this picture,
In the right, bottom corner there is a tiger or sumthing
wtf is in the fuck picture the is Gage bull fuck shit
Look at the window to the right. KKK is watering the lawn just over/above the fence. See it?
OK shitsnorters, 1/2 way between the bed and the fan along the baseboard there's a black dot. That's the nose of a faint white minotaur skull, and you can even kind of see its torso lower down on the carpet.
Someone INVISIBLE laying in the bed? geez...
MARY-J leaves out side and gay porn on the wal!!!
Hmmm, please, im not a idiot, but i see a " 0.0 " Sonic, on the window.
there is an undead! and he is everywhere!!!
what a crap room
Homer simpsom behind the window
And we are supposed to know it's a projection how ?
picture on the wall, very bottom one, two topless chicks and a creepy guy in a hawiian shirtt
@Top, very tall comment: No shit, sherlock!
homer simpson is on the bottom right side of the left "window" ?
there's no porn
I SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS A PICTURE!!!!!!!! WHAT DO I WIN?
the bed has a human imprint
Unnatural glowing windows. I see nothing else.
A PROJECTOR, damn guys ;D
the window is projected on! dumb dudes..
The hemp garden in the window
ok ninjas if your escape plan is jumping outta the window then i have some bad news for you
The bed is missing 48 fingers.
The window is non-existent.
OMG!!! His BED is not fully MADE!!!
There are black men under the bed ! RATE !
theres a picture of a ladys v------ and to people fucking her. .x
Guyz!!!its a hologram!!!that make words or picts.b bigger!!!!!
There is no black man.
If you look at the bottom right corner of the picture, on the right oif the fan. there is a partial face. Sneaky =)
Guess who it is ........... ghost nappa
someone is in the bed, under the quilt
I saw shiryu's dragon behind the left window
There's just a creepy cat-eyed thing in the window. It's eyes are like, huge! Look very closely.
It's a prison cell
it says hemp in the window if you look closely
mother fucker i don't see
the fan on the floor is pointed against the d- OH SHIT IS THAT NEONBLUE DRAPES?
lol i see it!!!!!!!!! one 0f the picture is 3 naked people WTF
nice picture it looks real window!!!
a face at the lower part of the wall, near the e.fan -beng cardona, rizal
hey its over there no not there! no NO NOOOOO!
To the left of the fan is a ghostly Pedo Bear
There is no window... it's on a screen...
If it was a projection screen there would be a shadow behind the fan and you would see it on the bed dumbasses
Marijuna and coffins. The day in the life of a vampire. Or well... me if i was one anyways.
is it the twits poster lol jk its a elmo aka projection screen
there is a snake in a window
here is the boogyman on the wall
theres a fuckin coffen in the back. fuck open your eyes
People-- Er, idiots. The window isn't real, it's being projected onto a screen on the wall.
thats not eyes you idiot thats the pattern of the duvet. just someone is under there thats all !!
on the left window theres something black around it while on the other side nothing...:)
Face in the right bottom corner of the window.... it really is a window... dumb ass
the window has a red shape in it, it looks like a face
I'm guessing it's a fake window. It's a projection.. Not sure. And maybe its porn on the wall?? So the fat ass man whore can jerk off to it?? Again, I'm guessing.
Holy shit! Someone else went to the Ninja Battle rock band featuring Mach Pelican and 50 Kaitenz in Adelaide. Theres was only, like 30 of those posters. Sweet. I totally have one too.
umm, guys, in the left window it says sex. is this really so hard?
the "Twits" thing on the wall looks like two bunnies hasing ANUL.
If light is coming in through the window, the fan's shadow should have been on the floor. But it isn't. Instead it's on the wall, indicating the light is coming from within.
Theres a coffin outside
there are two people under the covers, one on either side of the bed.
The poster on the wall says "twit".
It's not a projection fuckwits, it's a window with a thin curtain on it. If you had curtains that were the same color, that would happen when you put them up on a sunny day.
A clean room for once?
You guys are real dumbasses. The "windows" is not real!, its a freaking projector!
look, is your mom
the window is a lie
There is a thief hiding under the door. Explanation: I can't see anything weird, except for the fan facing the drawers. But then probably it was switched off while it was on the swing. Though I have no idea why would anyone put it on swing is that room. Logically it should have been facing the bed. So I deduce that someone was taking a long time going through the drawers so he pointed the fan towards the drawers. Now, if it had been the owner, he would have known where he put things, but since this guy was there for long enough to need the fan, I deduce he was thief looking for valuables. The window is sealed with some king of net (to keep mosquitoes out I guess (which tells us that this room is in a dirty locality)) so, the thief must have come through the door. But the thief has not stolen what is on top the drawer cabinet. That tells us that he was disturbed in the middle of his work. That means someone walked through the door which was his only escape route. So what does a trapped thief do when his only escape route is blocked? He hides. There is only one place to hide here that is under the bed. So we have conclusively proved that there is a thief hiding under that bed. Now, you can shit bricks.