Comments From Those Who Have Shat Brix
Boo Radley lives here.
stop making fun of my house assholes.
if you star closely at the center of the pictures, you can see a large black house with broken windows and christmas lights
it is a man standing in front of the door :-p
I suck in english .. im from norway (H) :-DD hhehe -
Actually there are a bunch of college kids in the old house having an orgy and Jason with a machetti in his hand, hiding in the closet about to spring out to butcher a bunch of fresh meat.
Is it the Christmas lights?
ghost on porch next to pillar
i can see my science teacher in the porch
the house is missing a finger
holy crap how'd they get a picture of my house?
that HAS to be in detroit
the front door i missing a finger.
A little left of the door. There is a person. You gotta look closely. But you can see the orange-ish person.
there is a face at the left of the door
Has a face there ... I'm pretty sure...
ahhh , the house my grandparents bought me (:
quit doggin on me having my christmas lights up in the summer. ass holes.
Some body had a wiiiilllddddd christmas party
I dont see slendy ):
black dude.
22 pakistani families live here
you people over think all this, there is a figure of a head in front of the door.
It's a midget ninja army in the background
Idiots, if you look closely at the lower section of the door you'll see a figure standing there.
Hey Baby, look at my new house!
2nd level, window on the right looks like it´s stoned like hell
now i knew why mom.keeps reminding me about christmas."dont over use it".IT DID burn our house.
xmas lights lol =)
yes, yes. Because ALL dilapidated old houses have Christmas Lights! C'mon! Get with the times!
ok guys second story. second window from the right. theres a shadow of a child!!!!!
Were the missing window is if you look to the right there is a white mark on the window like a person but it is only on the top right part
monster house.
Black guy in window.
lolololol its june and there xmas lights r up
theres a guy on the porch
Theres some fat cunt at the door
The house looks abandoned, broken windows and whatnot, yet there's Christmas decorations on it???
The house is in Brattleboro Vermont and was said to be haunted before they fixed it up. My friends went inside and found paperwork from around the 50's and some of the pictures they took had floating orbs. One friend refused to go back in.
what is the link to the you tube video... i live 15 minutes from that house, its in brattleboro Vermont!!!
mtv cribs
tang 1na
OMG KKK in middle window and a black guy runing from him run balck guy run
if you stare about 1 min und look really closely you maybe see a house xD
I know this place. It's in Brattleboro, VT. It's been abandoned for years and years
Girl in the window
a man near the door. kinda translucent man
i wish they told u what im supposed to be shitting brix for!!
at the window =)) ( l ) ahaha
person in the window
wheres the nigger?
This is just outside of Brattleboro VT. I went there on vacation over the weekend and nearly crashed my car when I saw this house. "IT'S FROM SHITBRIX!" I just saw it last week when flipping through pages on the site. Right on rt5 or rt7 I think. The head is a posted/condemned type sign.
Le 15-18 plante son drapeau
fatass ghost
Just proves that nothing will melt them icicles.
where?! i dont see ANYTHING!!!!!!!!
its just a hou...kill it! kill it with fire!
is it a ghost u can barely see on the door
OMG....christmas decorations are still up, lazy sods
I'm also from NORGEEEE!!!
Omg it looks haunted!! Needs a paint job and new windows.. and theres a person standing on the porch!
what is it i dont see a thing
OMFG! The lazy asses left up their Christmas Lights.
HEY its almost christmas!
I see dead people
its a baboons face in the white section between the trees
again "where is the black guy" everytime the same creepy house or pictue and a hidden black guy !but! alsway funny.
michael myers lives there and now i do so every halloween i get raped lol jk
NO one else sees the huge skull in the 2nd window on 2nd floor?
hahaha, the glass window 2nd level to the far right is yawning
middle window - there is a face
these people are clearly jewish so they don't celebrate christmas.
Pete Doherty's house
theres a face in the middle section of windows 2 goin to the right
It's a guy on the left of the door
its not christmas?
*touches house* I'm sorry Boo Radley, please don't eat me!!!!
Hilton or brothel
can u say amitty ville horror
OMG!! look at the third window at the left!!!
Its ya mumm
Elephant DONG!
On the first floor, on the right side where there are 2 windows, look at the left window. ther is a shirtless man there. you can see his arm and head. ALSO, On the second floor, look at the second window starting from the left side. It looks like a ggirl(or person w.e.) creeping through the window.
there is a sperm crawling towards the top left window
So does anyone else see the cat in the top window? ITS FLOATING!
its not a ghost on the porch its Dora!!!
theres a women back in the right window on the top
it's that someone actually LIVES there.
wtf its a dude
what about the obvious - christmas lights on an abandoned house
Yes, It's abandoned. It's just that the ghosts are into Christmas.
Face peeking out broken middle floor right side window
The christmas lights is broken :(
I give up, where is the black guy?
chuck norris at the roof top!
Window Has A Boner.
Dude This is my house be nice!!!!
its missing fingers
damn christmas lights are up in the fall
who the hell's Allen Shore????
the ghost on the window?
Christmas lights on an abandoned house? Wow, I didn't shit a brick, I shat the whole house!
I didn't see anything in the picture, but an ad that said "Congratulations, you won" definitely scared the crap out of me...
I dont see nothing in this old house just some broken windows and a- OH MY FUCKING HELL GOD KILL IT TOMMY, KILL ITTTT WITH FIRREEEEE
I can see the number 4
AHHHH!!! Poopy Penis
I was just about to make the Boo Radley comment....aha
Holy shit they know where I live!
A white lady in mid top of the window
Someone left the door open ?
house is missing a finger
in the left window at the top you can see a white lady?!?! HOLY SHIT RUN FOR YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!
The HOA is going to be pist about the Christmas lights.
SHIT! The windows are broken so now the hostages can get out!!
christmas lights on an abandoned house with no snow?
like this if u looked at the comments first to see where it was xD
They have crappy christmas lights
3 people having sex inside.
There is a face in the middle window.
oompa loompa doopidy dee im right by the door can you not see me? idiots oompa loompa by the door
monster house is missing a finger
That is my house!!
Boo Radley lives here.